
This is EmacsText.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* EmacsText.m
 *  EmacsText is a subclass of Text which adds support for
 * keyboard bindings commonly used by the emacs editor.
 * You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
 * NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or  implied, as to its
 * fitness for any particular use.
 * Written by:  Julie Zelenski
 * Created:  Sept/91
 * supplements by: Heinrich Giesen
 * and reformatted:Jan/96

#import "EmacsText.h"

@implementation EmacsText

/** This is the charCode offset for Control keys from Encoding Vectors Tech Doc **/

#define CONTROL_OFFSET (unsigned short)0x40

#define	LBRACE '{'
#define	RBRACE '}'

#define	LPARA	'('
#define	RPARA	')'

#define	LBRACKET	'['
#define	RBRACKET	']'

/** Cursor Movement Commands **/

#define CTRL_A ('A'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_B ('B'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_E ('E'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_F ('F'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_N ('N'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_P ('P'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define ALT_LESS ((unsigned short)0xa3)
#define ALT_GREATER ((unsigned short) 0xb3)
#define ALT_B ((unsigned short) 0xe5)
#define ALT_F ((unsigned short) 0xa6)

/** Delete Commands  **/

#define CTRL_D ('D'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_K ('K'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_O ('O'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define CTRL_Y ('Y'  - CONTROL_OFFSET)
#define ALT_D ((unsigned short) 0x44)
#define ALT_H ((unsigned short) 0xe3)

typedef struct _sel
	unsigned short charCode;
	SEL selector;
	SEL positionSelector;
	char *selectorString;
	char *positionSelectorString;
} SelectorItem;

static SelectorItem emacsMetaKeys[] = {
	{ALT_B, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForWordBegin"},
	{ALT_F, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForWordEnd"},
	{ALT_LESS, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForDocumentBegin"},
	{ALT_GREATER, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForDocumentEnd"},
	{ALT_D, 0, 0, "deleteToPosition:", "positionForWordEnd"},
	{ALT_H, 0, 0, "deleteToPosition:", "positionForWordBegin"},

static SelectorItem emacsControlKeys[] = {
	{CTRL_A, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForLineBegin"},
	{CTRL_E, 0, 0, "moveToPosition:", "positionForLineEnd"},
	{CTRL_K, 0, 0, "deleteToLineEnd", 0},
	{CTRL_D, 0, 0, "deleteToPosition:", "nextPositionIfEmpty"},
	{CTRL_Y, 0, 0, "yank", 0},

unsigned short emacsFilter (unsigned short
	charCode, int flags, unsigned short charSet)
	if (flags & NX_CONTROLMASK) {
		switch(charCode) {
			case CTRL_F:	return NX_RIGHT;
			case CTRL_B:	return NX_LEFT;
			case CTRL_N:	return NX_DOWN;
			case CTRL_P:	return NX_UP;
			default: break;
	return NXEditorFilter(charCode, flags, charSet);

int GetPrevious(NXStream *s)
	int pos;
	int ch;

	pos = NXTell(s);
	if (pos <= 0) return EOF;
	NXSeek(s, --pos, NX_FROMSTART);
	ch = NXGetc(s);
	return ch;

// Complete the build of the selector tables
	SelectorItem *cur;

	for (cur = emacsMetaKeys; cur->charCode; cur++) {
		cur->selector = sel_getUid(cur->selectorString);
		cur->positionSelector = sel_getUid(cur->positionSelectorString);

	for (cur = emacsControlKeys; cur->charCode; cur++)	{
		cur->selector = sel_getUid(cur->selectorString);
		cur->positionSelector = sel_getUid(cur->positionSelectorString);
	return self;

- (int)positionForLineBeginActual
/* Not currently in use.  Looks for newline to find actual paragraph begin. */
	NXStream *s = [self stream];
	int pos;
	int ch;

	if (spN.cp < 0) return 0; // Is this the right thing to do here?

	NXSeek(s, sp0.cp, NX_FROMSTART);
	while (((ch = GetPrevious(s)) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'));
	pos = NXTell(s);
	if (ch != EOF) pos++;
	return pos;

- (int)positionForLineEndActual
/* Not currently in use.  Looks for newline to find actual paragraph end. */
	NXStream *s = [self stream];

	int pos;
	int ch;
	int max = [self textLength];

	if (spN.cp < 0) return 0; 
	if (spN.cp > max) return max;

	NXSeek(s, spN.cp, NX_FROMSTART);
	while (((ch = NXGetc(s)) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'));
	pos = NXTell(s);
	if (ch != EOF) pos--;
	return pos;

- (int)positionForLineEndVisual
/* This uses the break array to find the visual line end.  
 * However, it subtracts one from the position because of that behavior 
 * of the Text object that makes the position at the end of one line 
 * the same character position a the beginning of next line.  Seems to
 * be no way to position the insertion point at the end of the line.
 * Bummer.
	int lineLength;
	int line;

	line = (spN.line /sizeof(NXLineDesc));
	lineLength = theBreaks->breaks[line] & 0x3fff;
	lineLength--; // Notice the hack....
	return (spN.c1st + lineLength);

- (int)positionForLineBeginVisual
	return (sp0.c1st);

 * This is how to change CTRL-A, CTRL-E, CTRL-K to use paragraph ends
 * (actual newlines) instead of visual line breaks.  Have the position
 * for line end methods call to the position for actual rather than
 * visual.

- (int)positionForLineBegin
	return [self positionForLineBeginVisual];

- (int)positionForLineEnd
	return [self positionForLineEndVisual];

- (int)nextPositionIfEmpty
	if (sp0.cp == spN.cp) return spN.cp + 1;
	return spN.cp;

/* This is my quick decision on what characters count as a word, and which
 * don't.  The correct way to do this is to parse the ClickTable, but the
 * documentation is so incredibly sparse on this one....
#define NORMAL_CHAR(ch) (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) ||((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) || (ch == '\'')|| (ch == '_'))

- (int)positionForWordEnd
	NXStream *s = [self stream];

	int pos;
	int ch;
	int max = [self textLength];

	if (spN.cp < 0) return 0; 	// boundary conditions?  Is this right idea?
	if (spN.cp > max) return max;

	NXSeek(s, spN.cp, NX_FROMSTART);
	while ((ch = NXGetc(s)) != EOF && !NORMAL_CHAR(ch)); // skip white space
	while ((ch = NXGetc(s)) != EOF && NORMAL_CHAR(ch));	// jump normal chars
	pos = NXTell(s);
	if (ch != EOF) pos--;
	return pos;

- (int)positionForWordBegin
	NXStream *s = [self stream];

	int pos;
	int ch;
	int max = [self textLength];

	if (spN.cp < 0) return 0; 	// boundary conditions?  Is this right idea?
	if (spN.cp > max) return max;

	NXSeek(s, sp0.cp, NX_FROMSTART);
	while ((ch = GetPrevious(s)) != EOF && !NORMAL_CHAR(ch)); // skip white space
	while ((ch = GetPrevious(s)) != EOF && NORMAL_CHAR(ch)); // jump normal chars
	pos = NXTell(s);
	if (ch != EOF) pos++;
	return pos;

- (int) positionForDocumentEnd
	return [self textLength];

- (int) positionForDocumentBegin
	return 0;

- moveToPosition:(SEL)command
	int pos;

	pos = (int)[self perform:command];
	[self setSel:pos :pos];
	[self scrollSelToVisible];
	return self;

- deleteToPosition:(SEL)command
/* Entry point for delete forward/backward word */
	int pos;
	int start,end;

	pos = (int)[self perform:command];
	if (pos > spN.cp) { 	// if position extends to the right
		start = sp0.cp;
		end = pos;
	else {		// else position extends to the left
		start = pos;
		end = spN.cp;
	[self delete:start :end];
	return self;

- delete:(int)start :(int)end
/* Entry point for all deletes done for Emacs bindings.  Turns off 
 * autodisplay to avoid flicker and other unwanted drawing artifacts.
 * Calls cut and uses the Pasteboard to implement yank.  It is possible
 * to implement separate Emacs kill buffer, but it would be a bit of
 * hassle, because you need a Change object to keep both the runs and
 * the text that is yanked.  You can do it quick by storing only ASCII
 * text, which is not a good idea.  (Actually, to be correct, this is
 * all that Edit does, but who wants to use Edit for a role model?)
	if (end - start) {
		[self setAutodisplay:NO];
		[self setSel:start :end];
		[self cut:self];
		[[self setAutodisplay:YES] display];
	return self;

- deleteToLineEnd
/* Somewhat icky hack has to handle the special case for deleting at end 
 * of line.  If in middle of line, don't delete the new line.  If at the 
 * very end of the line, do delete the new line.
	int pos;
	int start,end;

	pos = [self positionForLineEnd];
	start = sp0.cp;
	end = pos;
	if (start == end) {// If already at end of line
		int line;
		int endsWithNewLine;

		line = (spN.line /sizeof(NXLineDesc));
		endsWithNewLine = theBreaks->breaks[line] & 0x4000;

		if (endsWithNewLine) end++;
		else  // Bail on case where at visual end of line, but no newline
			return self;
	[self delete:start :end];
	return self;

- yank
	[self paste:self];
	return self;

- (BOOL) emacsEvent:(NXEvent *)event
	SelectorItem *cur;
	unsigned charCode = event->data.key.charCode;

	if(event->flags & NX_CONTROLMASK) {
		cur = emacsControlKeys;
		while (cur->charCode && (cur->charCode != charCode)) cur++;
		if (cur->charCode) {
			[self perform:cur->selector 
				withSel:(cur->positionSelector? cur->positionSelector : 0)];
			return YES;
	if(event->flags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK) {
		cur = emacsMetaKeys;
		while (cur->charCode && (cur->charCode != charCode)) cur++;
		if (cur->charCode) {
			[self perform:cur->selector 
				withSel:(cur->positionSelector? cur->positionSelector : 0)];
			return YES;
	if( (charCode==RBRACE) || (charCode==RBRACKET) || (charCode==RPARA) ){
		[super keyDown:event];
		[self findMatching:charCode andLit:1];
		return YES;

	return NO;

- keyDown:(NXEvent *)event
	if ([self emacsEvent:event]) return self;
	return [super keyDown:event];

- (int)perform:(SEL)selector withSel:(SEL)helper 
	int   (*func)(id,SEL,SEL); 

	func = (int (*)(id,SEL,SEL))[self methodFor:selector];
	return (* func)(self, selector, helper);

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)fRect
	NXRect r = *fRect;
	[super initFrame:fRect];
	[self setMonoFont:NO];
	[self setBackgroundGray:NX_WHITE];
	[self setOpaque:YES];
	[self setCharFilter:(NXCharFilterFunc)emacsFilter];
	[self notifyAncestorWhenFrameChanged: YES];
	[self setVertResizable:YES];
	[self setMinSize:&r.size];
	r.size.height = 1.0e30;
	[self setMaxSize:&r.size];
	return self;

//=============== Giesen  ==========================

- (void) findBackward:(char)xChar andLit:(int)lit
	int brackets = 1;
	int	charPos = -1;
	char	cc;
	char	closing;
	NXStream *stream = [self stream];
	int	origStart, origEnd;

	switch( xChar ){
		case LBRACE		: closing = RBRACE; break;
		case LBRACKET	: closing = RBRACKET; break;
		case LPARA		: closing = RPARA; break;
		default : return;

	if( sp0.cp<=0 ){

	origStart = sp0.cp;
	origEnd = spN.cp;
	charPos = sp0.cp;
	if( origStart==origEnd ) charPos--;	// it's the cursor
	NXSeek(stream, charPos, NX_FROMSTART );
	while( brackets && (charPos != -1) ) {
		if (spN.cp > 1) {
			cc = GetPrevious(stream);
			if( cc == xChar ) brackets--;
			if( cc == closing ) brackets++;
		else charPos = -1;

	if (charPos != -1) {
		if( lit==0 ){	// do nothing
		if( lit==1 ){	// show short
			[self setSel:charPos :charPos+1];
			usleep( 500000 );
			[self setSel:origStart :origEnd];

		if( lit==2 ){	// show all
			[self setSel:charPos :origEnd];
	else {

- (void) findForward:(char)xChar andLit:(int)lit
	int brackets = 1;
	int	charPos = -1;
	char	cc;
	char	opening;
	NXStream *stream = [self stream];
	NXSelPt	origStart, origEnd;

	switch( xChar ){
		case RBRACE		: opening = LBRACE; break;
		case RBRACKET	: opening = LBRACKET; break;
		case RPARA		: opening = LPARA; break;
		default : return;
	[self getSel: &origStart :&origEnd];
	charPos = origStart.cp;
	cc = xChar;
	while(brackets != 0 && cc != EOF) {
		cc = NXGetc(stream);
		if (cc == opening) brackets++;
		if (cc == xChar) brackets--;
	if ( (charPos > origStart.cp) && (cc != EOF) ) {
		if( lit==0 ){	// do nothing
		if( lit==1 ){	// show short
		if( lit==2 ){
			[self setSel:origStart.cp :charPos+1];
	else {

- (void) findMatching:(char)xChar andLit:(int)lit
	switch (xChar) {
		case LBRACKET:
			[self findForward:RBRACKET andLit:lit];

		case LBRACE:
			[self findForward:RBRACE andLit:lit];

		case LPARA:
			[self findForward:RPARA andLit:lit];

		case RBRACKET:
			[self findBackward:LBRACKET andLit:lit];

		case RBRACE:
			[self findBackward:LBRACE andLit:lit];

		case RPARA:
			[self findBackward:LPARA andLit:lit];

- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent
	NXSelPt	origStart, origEnd;
	NXStream *stream = [self stream];
	int charPos = -1;

	[super mouseDown:theEvent];
	if( theEvent->data.mouse.click!=2 ) return self;

	// it is a double click													
	[self getSel: &origStart :&origEnd];
	charPos = origStart.cp;
	if(stream && (charPos >=0)) {
		NXSeek(stream, charPos, NX_FROMSTART);
		[self findMatching:NXGetc(stream) andLit:2];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.