
This is BibTexParser.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Copyright H. Giesen, University of Koblenz-Landau 1996

#import "BibTexParser.h"
#import "Controller.h"
#import "ErrorInspector.h"
#import "BibliographicFile.h"
#import "Preferences.h"

locType	fieldLoc;
int		lineNumber;

int		soEntry;

char	nameBuffer[128];

id		entryNameList = NULL;
id		fieldNameList = NULL;
id		configList = NULL;// content is of 'configListType' (-> Preferences.h)
id		preferences = NULL;

//	special entryNames
static	int		STRING;
static	int		PREAMBLE;
static	int		COMMENT;
static	int		NOTE;

/********** NXSeek(), NXTell() : These functions set or report the current position in the stream given as an argument.  This position determines which data will be read next or where the next data will be written since the functions for reading and writing to a stream start from the current position.

NXSeek() sets the position offset number of bytes from the place indicated by ptrName, which can be NX_FROMSTART, NX_FROMCURRENT, or NX_FROMEND.

NXTell() returns the current position of the buffer.  This information can then be used in a call to NXSeek().

#define HERE (NXTell( theStream ) - 1)

#define	isPunctuation(x)	(x=='.' || x==':' || x==';' ||\
	x==',' || x=='?' || x=='!' || x=='`' || x=='\'' || x==LPARA ||\
	x==RPARA || x=='[' || x==']' || x=='-' || x=='/' || x=='*' || x=='@')

#define isOneOfTheTen(x)	(x=='"' || x=='#' || x=='%' || x=='\''\
	 || x==LPARA || x==RPARA || x==',' || x=='=' || x==LBRACE || x==RBRACE)
#define isNameChar(x) ( !isOneOfTheTen(x) && x!=EOF && !NXIsSpace(x) )

// the following string table is adopted from next.sty

const char *NX2TeXTable[] = {	// first string is char 0x80
/*0x80*/	"{~}",		"{\\`A}",	"{\\'A}",	"{\\^A}",
/*0x84*/	"{\\~A}",	"{\\\"A}",	"{\\AA}",	"{\\c C}",

/*0x88*/	"{\\`E}",	"{\\'E}",	"{\\^E}",	"{\\\"E}",
/*0x8C*/	"{\\`I}",	"{\\'I}",	"{\\^I}",	"{\\\"I}",

/*0x90*/	"{?}",		"{\\~N}",	"{\\`O}",	"{\\'O}",
/*0x94*/	"{\\^O}",	"{\\~O}",	"{\\\"O}",	"{\\`U}",
/*0x98*/	"{\\'U}",	"{\\^U}",	"{\\\"U}",		"{\\'Y}",
/*0x9C*/	"{?}",		"{$\\mu$}",	"{$\\times$}",	"{$\\div$}",
/*0xA0*/	"{\\copyright}",	"{!`}",	"{?}",	"{{\\it\\$}}",
/*0xA4*/	"{/}",				"{?}",	"{$f$}","{\\S}",
/*0xA8*/	"{?}",		"{{\\tt'}}",	"{``}",	"{?}",	//flqq
/*0xAC*/	"{?}",	"{?}",		"{fi}",	"{fl}",	//flq, frq

/*0xB0*/	"{?}",			"{--}",			"{\\dag}",	"{\\ddag}",
/*0xB4*/	"{$\\cdot$}",	"{{\\tt|}}",	"{\\P}",	"{$\\bullet$}",

/*0xB8*/	"{,}",		"{,,}",		"{''}",			"{?}",	//frqq
/*0xBC*/	"{...}",	"{?}",		"{$\\lnot$}",	"{?`}",

/*0xC0*/	"{${}^1$}",	"{\\`{}}",	"{\\'{}}",	"{\\^{}}",
/*0xC4*/	"{\\~{}}",	"{\\={}}",	"{\\u{}}",	"{\\.{}}",

/*0xC8*/	"{\\\"{}}",	"{${}^2$}",	"{\\char23 }",	"{\\c{}}",
/*0xCC*/	"{${}^3$}",	"{\\H{}}",	"{?}",			"{\\v{}}",

/*0xD0*/	"{---}",		"{$\\pm$}",	"{$1\\over4$}",	"{$1\\over2$}",
/*0xD4*/	"{$3\\over4$}",	"{\\`a}",	"{\\'a}",		"{\\^a}",

/*0xD8*/	"{\\~a}",	"{\\\"a}",	"{\\aa}",	"{\\c c}",
/*0xDC*/	"{\\`e}",	"{\\'e}",	"{\\^e}",	"{\\\"e}",

/*0xE0*/	"{\\`\\i}",	"{\\AE}",	"{\\'\\i}",	"{${}^a$}",
/*0xE4*/	"{\\^\\i}",	"{\\\"\\i}",	"{?}",	"{\\~n}",

/*0xE8*/	"{\\L}",	"{\\O}",	"{\\OE}",	"{${}^o$}",
/*0xE0*/	"{\\`o}",	"{\\'o}",	"{\\^o}",	"{\\~o}",

/*0xF0*/	"{\\\"o}",	"{\\ae}",	"{\\`u}",	"{\\'u}",
/*0xF4*/	"{\\^u}",	"{\\i}",	"{\\\"u}",	"{\\'y}",

/*0xF8*/	"{\\l}",	"{\\o}",	"{\\oe}",	"{\\ss}",
/*0xFC*/	"{?}",		"{\\\"y}",	"{?}",		"{?}"

@implementation BibTexParser

+ initParsing
	lineNumber = 1;
	return self;

+ (locType)fieldFor:(int)fieldType
	locType	loc;
	configListType	*item;

	item = ((configListType*)[configList elementAt:fieldType]);
	loc.length = item->length;
	loc.start = item->start;
	return loc;

+ (const char **)NX2TeX
	return NX2TeXTable;

- init
	[super init];
	c = ' ';
	if( preferences ) return self;

	preferences = [Preferences new];
	entryNameList = [preferences entryNameList];
	fieldNameList = [preferences fieldNameList];
	configList = [preferences configList];
	STRING = [preferences indexOfEntryname:"STRING"];
	PREAMBLE = [preferences indexOfEntryname:"PREAMBLE"];
	COMMENT = [preferences indexOfEntryname:"COMMENT"];
	NOTE = [preferences indexOfFieldname:"NOTE"];
	return self;

- callTheEditorForFile:(char *)fName inLine:(int)lineNumber
	Speaker	*editSpeaker;
	port_t	editPort;
	int		msgReturn, result;
	char	lineArg[20];
	// connect to applikation Edit
	editSpeaker = [NXApp appSpeaker];
	editPort = NXPortFromName([preferences theEditor], NULL);
	if ( editSpeaker && editPort != PORT_NULL ){
		// open the file
		[editSpeaker setSendPort:editPort];
		msgReturn = [editSpeaker openFile:fName ok: &result];

		// select the linenumber
		if (msgReturn == 0 && result) {
			sprintf(lineArg, "%d:%d", lineNumber, lineNumber);
			[editSpeaker msgSetPosition:lineArg
				andSelect:		YES
				ok:				&result];
		else {
			NXRunAlertPanel("Bibliography", 	// title
				"cannot connect to %s",// message
				"  OK ",		// 1: default button
				NULL,			// 0: alternate
				NULL,			//-1: other
				[preferences theEditor]

		port_deallocate(task_self(), editPort);
	else {
			NXRunAlertPanel("Bibliography", 	// title
				"cannot connect to %s",// message
				"  OK ",		// 1: default button
				NULL,			// 0: alternate
				NULL,			//-1: other
				[preferences theEditor]
	return self;

static char* errorText[] = {
	"error number 0",								// 0
	"entry does not start with '@'",				// 1
	"invalid entryname, I'm skipping whatever "
			"remains of this entry ",				// 2
	"refkey is empty",								// 3
	"'{' or '(' expected, I'm skipping whatever "	// ) }
			"remains of this entry ",				// 4
	"End Of File while reading key",				// 5
	"fieldname not followed by '='",				// 6
	"'=' after @STRING missing",					// 7
	"key not delimited with ','",					// 8

- (void) markError:(int)nr
	NXRunAlertPanel("Bibliography", 	// title
		"%s in %s (line %d)",// message
		"  OK ",		// 1: default button
		NULL,			// 0: alternate
		NULL,			//-1: other
		errorText[nr], [owner fullPath], lineNumber
	// lineNumber is not defined in a stream

- positionTo:(int)pos
	NXSeek( theStream, pos, NX_FROMSTART );
	return self;

///	---------------------------------

#ifdef XXX
/*  - (void) nextByte 
 *  ... positioniert auf das naechste Byte.
 *  ... soll immer verwendet werden, wenn ein Zeichen "wegzulesen" ist
- (void) nextByte	// never used
	if( c=='\n' ) lineNumber++;
	c = NXGetc( theStream );
	if( c > 127 ){
		fprintf( stderr, "illegal char %02x in line %d\n",
			(unsigned) c, lineNumber );

// hint: check for illegal characters (c>127)

#define NextByte {if( c=='\n' )lineNumber++; c = NXGetc( theStream );}

/*  - skipSpace  -----------------------
 *  positioniert auf das naechste signifikante Zeichen
 *  das ist jedes Zeichen != SPACE, also z.B. auch EOF
//	precondition: TRUE
- (void) skipSpace
	if( NXIsSpace(c) ){
		while( NXIsSpace(c) ) NextByte;
//	postcondition: c!= space

//	precondition: TRUE
#define SkipSpace {while( NXIsSpace(c) ) NextByte}
//	postcondition: c!= space

/*  - skipComment  ==  skip to next '@'
//	precondition: TRUE
- (void) skipComment
	while( (c!='@') && (c!=EOF) ) NextByte;
//	postcondition: c=='@' || c==EOF

- (const char *)entryNameString:(int)theType
	return (const char *)[entryNameList objectAt:theType];

/*  - (int)entryName  -----------------------
 *  Diese Methode soll reservierte Namen (entrynames)
 *  erkennen. Der Eingabecursor ist auf das erste Zeichen positioniert.
 *  Bei Rueckkehr steht der Cursor auf dem ersten von Buchstaben
 *  verschiedenen Zeichen. Bei den Namen spielt Gross-/Kleinschreibung
 *  keine Rolle. Bei erfolgreicher Suche wird der Index in der Namens-
 *  tabelle zurueckgegeben, sonst -1.
 *  der Eingabecursor steht auf dem ersten Zeichen nach dem Namen.
// returns: index in entryNameList
//		  : -1 if not found
- (int)entryName
	int i=0;	// must be < 127

	fieldLoc.start = HERE;
	while( isNameChar(c) ){
		nameBuffer[i++] = c;
	nameBuffer[i] = '\0';
	fieldLoc.length =i;
	for( i=0; i<[entryNameList count]; i++ ){
		if( ! NXOrderStrings(
				(const unsigned char *)nameBuffer,
				(const unsigned char *)[entryNameList objectAt:i],
				NO, -1, NULL )
		) return i;
	return -1;

/*  - (int)fieldName  -----------------------
 *  Diese Methode soll reservierte Namen (fieldnames)
 *  erkennen. Der Eingabecursor ist auf das erste Zeichen positioniert.
 *  Bei Rueckkehr steht der Cursor auf dem ersten von Buchstaben
 *  verschiedenen Zeichen. Bei den Namen spielt Gross-/Kleinschreibung
 *  keine Rolle. Bei erfolgreicher Suche wird der Index in der Namens-
 *  tabelle zurueckgegeben, sonst -1.
 *  der Eingabecursor steht auf dem ersten Zeichen nach dem Namen.
// returns: index in fieldNameList (== index in configList)
//		  : -1 if not found
- (int)fieldName
	int i=0;	// must be < 127

	while( isNameChar(c) ){
		nameBuffer[i++] = c;
	//	if( i==0 ) NIX GEFUNDEN
	nameBuffer[i] = '\0';

	for( i=0; i<[fieldNameList count]; i++ ){
		if( ! NXOrderStrings(
				(const unsigned char *)nameBuffer,
				(const unsigned char *)[fieldNameList objectAt:i],
				NO, -1, NULL )
			)return i;	// index in fieldNameList == index in configList
	return -1;

/*  - (int)skipFrom::  ----------------------- 
 *  Der Eingabecursor steht auf der oeffnenden Klammer '(' oder '{'
 *  Es wird die zugehoerende schliessende Klammer gesucht. Danach
 *  steht der Cursor auf dem ersten Zeichen nach der schliessenden
 *  Klammer.
- (int)skipFrom:(char)leftDel To:(char)rightDel
	int level=1;
	NextByte;	// skip the leftDel character
	while( level && c!= EOF ){
		if( c==leftDel ) level++;
		if( c==rightDel ){
			if( level==0 ) break;	// found the matching rightDel character 
	if( c==EOF ) { [self markError:5]; return HERE; }
	//NextByte;	// first char just behind ')' or '}' resp.
	return HERE;	// position of rightDel character

/*  - getKey  -----------------------
 *	Der Eingabecursor zeigt auf das erste Zeichen des key (oder SPACE).
 *	Lamport says (in his guide an user's manual):
 *	key = sequence of letters, digits, punctuationcharacters (without comma )
 *	bibtex didn't read the book and allows ALL characters
 *	exept comma and white_space.
 *	If the key is part of an abbreviation (@STRING) then key
 *	starts with a letter and does not contain a space or any
 *	of the ten characters (see the macro 'isOneOfTheTen()'
 *	bei return zeigt der Eingabecursor auf das erste Zeichen, das
 *	nicht mehr zu key gehoert.
- getKey
	SkipSpace;	// find the first char of key
	//	myKey is ivar of the TeXObject
	myKey.start = HERE;
	if( myType==STRING ){
		// is first character a letter ?
		while( isNameChar(c) ) NextByte;
		while( (c!=',' ) && (c!=EOF) && !NXIsSpace(c) ) NextByte;

	if( c==EOF ){ [self markError:5]; return self; }
	myKey.length = HERE - myKey.start;
	if( myKey.length==0 ){
		[self markError:3];
	return self;

- readText
	int		delim;
	int		level=0;
	BOOL	isQuoted = NO;

	switch( c ){
		case '"'	: delim = '"'; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case LBRACE : delim = RBRACE; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case ','	:{	// text is empty
						return self;
		default		: delim = outerDelimiter;	// not quoted

	if( isQuoted == YES ){
		NextByte; // skip quote-character
		while( c!= delim || level>0 ){
			if( c==LBRACE ) level++;
			if( c==RBRACE ) level--;
		NextByte; // skip delimiter
	else{   // unquoted text | abbreviation  --> convertRawText
		// unquoted text = string of digits
		// abbreviation  = string of characters without THE_TEN and space
		// (abbreviation must start with a letter)
		if( NXIsDigit(c) ){	// read digits
			while( NXIsDigit(c) )NextByte;
//			if( NXIsAlpha(c) ){	// abbreviation
//				while( isNameChar(c) ) }
			if( YES ){	// abbreviation
				while( (c!=',') && c!=EOF && !NXIsSpace(c) && c!=delim )
			else fprintf( stderr, "bloeder Text in Zeile %d\n", lineNumber );
	return self;

//	returns: index in fieldNameList (== index in configList)
//				location can be found in fieldLoc
//				location is stored in configList (Storage class)
//	returns: -1 if not found

- (int)readFieldName
	int tok, rtn;

	tok = [self fieldName];
	if( tok<0 ){
		rtn = NXRunAlertPanel("BibTeX-Parser", 	// title
				"fieldname >%s< unknown in line %d",	// message
				"  is wrong  ",			// 1: default button NX_ALERTDEFAULT
				"  is valid  ",			// 0: alternate "	 NX_ALERTALTERNATE
				NULL,					//-1: other     "	 NX_ALERTOTHER
				nameBuffer, lineNumber 
		if( rtn==NX_ALERTALTERNATE ){ // is valid
			[preferences addCustomField:nameBuffer];
			tok = [fieldNameList count] - 1;
		else return -1;
	return tok;

- (int)readFieldTextFor:(int)tok
	configListType	*item;

	if( tok<0 ) return -1;
	//	init loop over concatenated strings
	if( (c==',') || (c==EOF) ){	// empty string
		return -1;
	item = ((configListType*)[configList elementAt:tok]);
	item->start = HERE;	// index of first char of the string

	//	loop over concatenated strings
	while( YES ){
		[self readText];	
		if( c=='#' ){	// concatenation
			NextByte;	// skip '#'
		else break;
	// store location in appropriate fields
	item->length = HERE - item->start;
	fieldLoc.start = item->start;
	fieldLoc.length = item->length;

	return tok;

//	returns: index in fieldNameList (== index in configList)
//				location can be found in fieldLoc
//				location is stored in configList (Storage class)
//	returns: -1 if not found

- (int)readField
	int tok;

	tok = [self readFieldName];
	if( tok<0 ) return -1;

	if( c != '=' ){ [self markError:6]; return -1; }
	NextByte;	// skip '='

	return [self readFieldTextFor:tok];


//	returnValue = -1	skip
//	returnValue = -2	abort (stop reading)
//	returnValue >= 0	defined entrytype

- (int)defineEntryname
	id		errorInspector = [ErrorInspector new];

	//[self callTheEditorForFile:[owner fullPath] inLine:lineNumber];
	return [errorInspector
		setError:nameBuffer inLine:lineNumber for:self];

/*	- pickUpItem
 *	reads only : entrytype and key. The rest is skipped.
 *	address of first character and the length of the entry are stored
 *	in ivar range

- pickUpItem
	int		eoEntry;
	char	delimiter;
	locType	range;
	int		here = HERE;
	while( YES ){
		[self skipComment];
		if( (c==EOF) || (c==0) ) return nil;
		range.start = soEntry = HERE;
		firstLine = lineNumber;
		NextByte;	// skip '@'
		if( (myType=[self entryName]) <0 ){
			if( (myType = [self defineEntryname]) <0 ){
				[self markError:2];
				[owner parsingReport:myType];	// abort or skip
			[owner parsingReport:-1];		// myType was changed
		locInput.start = soEntry;
		switch( c ){
			case LBRACE	:	delimiter = RBRACE; break;
			case LPARA	:	delimiter = RPARA; break;
			default		:	[self markError:4];
		break;	// normal end of 'while'
	// c is  left delimiter
	here = HERE;
	NextByte;	// skip delimiter 
	if( (myType==PREAMBLE) || (myType==COMMENT) ){	// they have no key
		myKey.start = fieldLoc.start-1;	// should start with '@'
		myKey.length = fieldLoc.length+1;
		//	"@PREAMBLE", "@COMMENT" is the key (better than nothing)
	else [self getKey];

	// ... and now skip the rest
	[self positionTo:here]; // reposition
	// c is  again left delimiter
	eoEntry = [self skipFrom:c To:delimiter];
	range.length = eoEntry - soEntry + 1;
	locInput.length = range.length;
	return self;

- defineType:(int)theType
	myType = theType;
	return self;

//	entryType is stored in myType
//	all fieldEntries (location and length) are stored in configList
- parseSelf
	int	tok;
	int	i;
	int	delimPos;
	configListType	*item;
	BOOL 	isNew;

	lineNumber = firstLine;
	c = ' ';	// dummy

	// clear location entries in configList 
	for( i=0; i<[configList count]; i++ ){	// clear location
		item = ((configListType*)[configList elementAt:i]);
		item->start = 0;
		item->length = 0;

	isNew = NO;		//locInput.start==0;
	if( isNew ){
		if( [self pickUpItem]==nil ) return nil;
	else [self positionTo:locInput.start];

	if( c!='@' ){ [self markError:1]; return nil; }
	soEntry = HERE;
	NextByte;	// skip '@
	[self entryName];	// use the type already set in pickUpItem
	tok = myType;		// or is redefined in defineType:

	switch( c ){
		case LBRACE	: outerDelimiter = RBRACE; break;
		case LPARA	: outerDelimiter = RPARA; break;
		default		: [self markError:4];
					  [self skipComment];
					  return nil;
	// c is delimiter
	delimPos = HERE;	// position of the delimitercharacter
	NextByte;	// skip delimiter 

	if( (tok==PREAMBLE) ){	// preamble has no key
		myKey.start = fieldLoc.start-1;	// should start with '@' !!!!!!
		myKey.length = fieldLoc.length+1;
		[self readFieldTextFor:NOTE];
		return self;

	if( (tok==COMMENT) ){	// COMMENT has no key
		myKey.start = fieldLoc.start-1;	// should start with '@' !!!!!!
		myKey.length = fieldLoc.length+1;
		item = ((configListType*)[configList elementAt:NOTE]);
		item->start = delimPos + 1;
		item->length = [self skipFrom:c To:outerDelimiter] - delimPos - 1;
		//	length without the delimiter characters
		return self;

	[self getKey];

	if( tok==STRING ){	// abbreviation == key (see: getKey)
		if( c=='=' )NextByte
		else [self markError:7];	// und dann ???
		[self readFieldTextFor:NOTE];
		return self;

	if( c==',' )NextByte
		[self markError:8];
		while( (c!=',') && (c!=EOF) && (c!=outerDelimiter) )NextByte;
		if( c==',' )NextByte;
	// read all fields
	while( c!=outerDelimiter ){
		int fType = [self readField];
		if( fType<0 ) return self;
		// must now be ',' or outerDelimiter
		if( !( (c==',') || (c==outerDelimiter) ) ){
			NXRunAlertPanel("Bibliography", 	// title
				" error in line %d\n"
				"I was expecting a',' or '%c', I'm skipping whatever "
				"remains of this entry ",
				"  OK ",		// 1: default button
				NULL,			// 0: alternate
				NULL,			//-1: other
				lineNumber, outerDelimiter
			// ... and now skip the rest
			[self positionTo:locInput.start]; // reposition
			[self pickUpItem];	// skip
			return self;
		if( c==',' )NextByte;

	return self;

- (int)delimiter
	return outerDelimiter;

/**********	conversion methods	**************/

static	char	*inBuffer;
static	int		inIndex;
static	char	*outBuffer;
static	int		outIndex;
static	int		lastChar;

#define	skipRawBlank	{while(NXIsSpace(c)){c=inBuffer[inIndex++];}}
#define	fnct_skipRawBlank	\

- convertRawText
	int		delim;
	int		level=0;
	BOOL	isQuoted = NO;

	switch( c ){
		case '"'	: delim = '"'; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case LBRACE : delim = RBRACE; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case ','	:	// text is empty
						return self;
		default		: delim = outerDelimiter;	// not quoted

	if( isQuoted == YES ){
		c=inBuffer[inIndex++]; // skip quote-character
		while( c!= delim || level>0 ){
			if( c==LBRACE ) level++;
			if( c==RBRACE ) level--;
			outBuffer[outIndex++] = c;
		c=inBuffer[inIndex++]; // skip delimiter
	else{   // unquoted text | abbreviation 
			// unquoted text = string of digits
			// abbreviation  = string of characters without ',' and space
// --> NO	// abbreviation  = string of characters without THE_TEN and space
// --> NO	// (abbreviation must start with a letter)
		if( NXIsDigit(c) ){	// read digits
			while( NXIsDigit(c) ){
				outBuffer[outIndex++] = c;
			if( YES || NXIsAlpha(c) ){	// abbreviation
				outBuffer[outIndex++] = '@';
				while( isNameChar(c) ){
					outBuffer[outIndex++] = c;
			else fprintf( stderr,"unmoeglicher Text\n%s\n", inBuffer );
	return self;

void fnct_convertRawText()
	int		delim = 0;
	int		level=0;
	BOOL	isQuoted = NO;

	switch( lastChar ){
		case '"'	: delim = '"'; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case LBRACE : delim = RBRACE; isQuoted = YES; break;
		case ','	:	// text is empty
		default		: delim = EOF; //outerDelimiter

	if( isQuoted == YES ){
		lastChar=inBuffer[inIndex++]; // skip quote-character
		while( lastChar!= delim || level>0 ){
			if( lastChar==LBRACE ) level++;
			if( lastChar==RBRACE ) level--;
			outBuffer[outIndex++] = lastChar;
		lastChar=inBuffer[inIndex++]; // skip delimiter
	else{   // unquoted text | abbreviation 
			// unquoted text = string of digits
			// abbreviation  = string of characters without ',' and space
// --> NO	// abbreviation  = string of characters without THE_TEN and space
// --> NO	// (abbreviation must start with a letter)
		if( NXIsDigit(lastChar) ){	// read digits
			while( NXIsDigit(lastChar) ){
				outBuffer[outIndex++] = lastChar;
			if( YES || NXIsAlpha(lastChar) ){	// abbreviation
				outBuffer[outIndex++] = '@';
				while( isNameChar(lastChar) ){
					outBuffer[outIndex++] = lastChar;
			else fprintf( stderr,"unmoeglicher Text\n%s\n", inBuffer );

- convertRawField:(locType)loc to:(char *)buf
	int		fLength, fMaxLength;
	char	origChar;

	if( loc.length==0 ){
		buf[0] = '\0';
		return self;

	[self positionTo:loc.start];
	NXGetMemoryBuffer( theStream, &inBuffer, &fLength, &fMaxLength );
	inIndex = loc.start;
	origChar = inBuffer[loc.start+loc.length];
	inBuffer[loc.start+loc.length] = '\0';
	outBuffer = buf;
	outIndex = 0;
	c = ' ';

	//	loop over concatenated strings
	while( YES ){
		[self convertRawText];
		if( c=='#' ){	// concatenation
			c=inBuffer[inIndex++];	// skip '#'
			outBuffer[outIndex++] = ' ';
		else break;
	inBuffer[loc.start+loc.length] = origChar;	// restore
	outBuffer[outIndex] = '\0';
	return self;

//	converts null-terminated string
//	only used to copy a macro text
void fnct_convertRawString( char *str, char *buf )
	if( str[0] == '\0' ){ buf[0] = '\0'; return; }

	inIndex = 0;	// index of first character
	inBuffer = str;
	outIndex = 0;
	outBuffer = buf;
	lastChar = ' ';

	//	loop over concatenated strings
	while( YES ){
		if( lastChar=='#' ){	// concatenation
			lastChar=inBuffer[inIndex++];	// skip '#'
		else break;
	outBuffer[outIndex] = '\0';


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.