This is eTLinkWell.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;\f1\ftech Symbol;\f2\fmodern Ohlfs;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 //ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ\ // \i \b FILENAME \b0 : \b\i0 eTLinkWell.m \ \b0 // \i \b SUMMARY \b0 : \b\i0 Defines a well for drag-and-drop of .etfLink files. \b0 \ // \b\i SUPERCLASS \b0 : \i0 \b Object:Resonder:View:Control:Button:eTLinkWell \b0 \ // \b\i PROTOCOLS \b0 : \i0 \b None \b0 \ // \b\i INTERFACE \b0 : \i0 \b None. Instantiate as a customView in IB. \b0 \ // \b\i AUTHOR \b0 : \b\i0 Rohit Khare \b0 \ // \b\i COPYRIGHT \b0 : \f1\i0 Ó \f0\b 1993,94 California Institure of Technology, eText Project\ \b0 //ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ\ // \b\i Implementation Comments \b0\i0 \ // This as gross a hack as they come. There, I said it. Ok?\ // This is a true perversion of target-action... but it works.\ //ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ\ // \b\i HISTORY \b0\i0 \ // 10/04/94: \b Revamped for eText5 \b0 \ //ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ\ // \b Imported Interfaces \b0 \ //\ #import " \b eTLinkWell.h \b0 "\ \ \i @implementation eTLinkWell\ \i0 // \b\i Dragging URL-Squiggle support!// For those fine guys at OmniGroup :) \b0\i0 \ - \b initOmniWell \b0 \ \{\ [self \b registerForDraggedTypes \b0 :& \b NXAsciiPboardType \b0 count:1];\ [self setEnabled:NO];\ [self setType:NX_PUSHONPUSHOFF];\ [self setBordered:NO];\ [self \b setIcon \b0 : \b EMPTY \b0 ];\ [self \b setAltIcon \b0 : \b LIT \b0 ];\ [self \b setTitle \b0 :" \b Drag an OmniWeb URL here: \b0 "];\ [self \b setIconPosition \b0 : \b NX_ICONRIGHT \b0 ];\ \b omniMode \b0 = \b YES \b0 ;\ return self;\ \}\ - \b initLinkWell \b0 \ \{\ const char *fileType[] = \{ \b NXFilenamePboardType \b0 , \b NXFileContentsPboardType \b0 \};\ [self \b registerForDraggedTypes \b0 :fileType count:2];\ \b currentLink.docID \b0 = \b NULL \b0 ;\ [self setEnabled:NO];\ [self setIconPosition:NX_ICONONLY];\ [self setType:NX_PUSHONPUSHOFF];\ [self setBordered:NO];\ [self \b setIcon \b0 : \b EMPTY \b0 ];\ [self \b setAltIcon \b0 : \b LIT \b0 ];\ \b omniMode \b0 = \b NO \b0 ;\ return self;\ \}\ \ - \b setLink \b0 :(etfLink *) \b theLink \b0 \ \{ \ if ( \b theLink \b0 == \b NULL \b0 ) \{\ // \i clear out to the default image \i0 \ [self \b setIcon \b0 : \b EMPTY \b0 ];\ \b currentLink.docID \b0 = \b NULL \b0 ;\ \} else \{\ // \i display "occupied" image \i0 \ [self \b setIcon \b0 : \b FULL \b0 ];\ \b currentLink \b0 = * \b theLink \b0 ;\ \}\ return self;\ \}\ \ - (etfLink *) \b currentLink \b0 \{ \b return \b0 \b ¤tLink \b0 ;\}\ \ - (NXDragOperation) \b draggingEntered \b0 :sender\ \{\ NXAtom types[3];\ id thePB;\ \ if ( \b ! \b0 [[self \b target \b0 ] \b respondsTo \b0 :[self \b action \b0 ]]) return \b NX_DragOperationNone \b0 ;\ if ([sender \b draggingSource \b0 ] == \b self \b0 ) return \b NX_DragOperationNone \b0 ;\ if ( \b omniMode \b0 ) \{\ return \b NX_DragOperationGeneric \b0 ;\ \}\ thePB = [sender draggingPasteboard];\ types[0] = NXFilenamePboardType;\ types[1] = \b NXCreateFileContentsPboardType \b0 ( \b LINK_EXT \b0 );\ types[2] = NULL;\ types[2] = [thePB \b findAvailableTypeFrom \b0 :types num:2];\ if ( \b !types \b0 [2]) \{\ return \b NX_DragOperationNone \b0 ;\ \} else if (types[2] == types[0]) \{\ char *data;\ int len,i=0,j=0;\ BOOL found=NO;\ \ [thePB \b readType \b0 : \b NXFilenamePboardType \b0 data:& \b data \b0 length:&len];\ while ((j < len) && !found)\{\ i = j;\ while (data[i] && (data[i] != '\\t')) i++;\ data[i] = 0;\ if (! \b strcmp \b0 ( \b LINK_EXT \b0 , rindex( \b data \b0 +j, '.')+1)) \b found \b0 = \b YES \b0 ;\ else if (! \b strcmp \b0 ( \b ETFD_EXT \b0 , rindex( \b data \b0 +j, '.')+1)) \b found \b0 = \b YES \b0 ;\ j = i+1;\ \}\ [thePB \b deallocatePasteboardData \b0 :data length:len];\ if ( \b !found \b0 ) return \b NX_DragOperationNone \b0 ;\ \}\ [self \b setState \b0 : \b 1 \b0 ];\ return \b NX_DragOperationLink \b0 ;\ \}\ - \b draggingExited \b0 :sender \{return [self \b setState \b0 : \b 0 \b0 ];\}\ - (BOOL) \b prepareForDragOperation \b0 :sender \{return \b YES \b0 ;\}\ - (BOOL) \b performDragOperation \b0 :sender\ \{\ id theTable;\ NXAtom types[3];\ id thePB;\ BOOL found=NO;\ \ thePB = [sender draggingPasteboard];\ if ( \b omniMode \b0 ) \{\ [omniText \b setSel \b0 : \b 0 \b0 :[omniText \b textLength \b0 ]];\ [omniText \b readSelectionFromPasteboard \b0 : \b thePB \b0 ];\ [[self \b target \b0 ] \b perform \b0 :[self \b action \b0 ] \b with \b0 : \b self \b0 ];\ return \b YES \b0 ;\ \}\ types[0] = NXFilenamePboardType;\ types[1] = NXCreateFileContentsPboardType( \b LINK_EXT \b0 );\ types[2] = [thePB findAvailableTypeFrom:types num:2];\ \ if ( \b !types \b0 [2]) return \b NO \b0 ;\ else if (types[2] == types[0]) \{\ char *data;\ int len,i=0,j=0;\ \ [thePB \b readType \b0 : \b NXFilenamePboardType \b0 data:& \b data \b0 length:&len];\ while ((j < len) && !found)\{\ i = j;\ while (data[i] && (data[i] != '\\t')) i++;\ data[i] = 0;\ theTable = nil;\ if (! \b strcmp \b0 ( \b LINK_EXT \b0 , rindex( \b data \b0 +j, '.')+1))\{\ // \i read this file in and issue the accept...: \i0 \ \b theTable \b0 = [[ \b NXStringTable \b0 alloc] \b init \b0 ];\ [theTable \b readFromFile \b0 :data+j];\ \} else if (! \b strcmp \b0 ( \b ETFD_EXT \b0 , rindex( \b data \b0 +j, '.')+1)) \{\ // \i find a docID for this file, stash it away\ \i0 \b theTable \b0 =[[[ \b eTDocInfo \b0 alloc] \b init \b0 ] \b readComponentFromPath \b0 :data+j];\ \}\ if ( \b theTable \b0 ) \{\ currentLink. \b docID \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b DOCID \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b anchorID \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b ANCHORID \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b docTitle \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b DOCTITLE \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 =\ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b ANCHORTITLE \b0 ]);\ if (currentLink. \b anchorID \b0 == \b NULL \b0 )\ currentLink.anchorID = NXUniqueString(" \b 0 \b0 ");\ if (currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 == \b NULL \b0 )\ currentLink.anchorTitle = NXUniqueString(" \b Untitled \b0 ");\ [[self \b target \b0 ] \b perform \b0 :[self \b action \b0 ] \b with \b0 : \b self \b0 ];\ found = \b YES \b0 ;\ if (! \b strcmp \b0 ( \b LINK_EXT \b0 , \b rindex \b0 (data+j, '.')+1))\{\ theTable = [[ \b theTable \b0 \b empty \b0 ] \b free \b0 ];\ if (! \b strncmp \b0 ( \b data \b0 +j, " \b /tmp \b0 ", \b 4 \b0 ) \b && \b0 \ (( \b rindex \b0 ( \b data \b0 +j, ' \b / \b0 ')-( \b data \b0 +j)) == \b 5 \b0 )) \ \b unlink \b0 ( \b data \b0 +j);\ \}\ \}\ j = i+1;\ \}\ [thePB \b deallocatePasteboardData \b0 :data length:len];\ \} else if (types[2] == types[1]) \{\ sprintf(path, " \b /tmp/%d.etfLink \b0 ", [NXApp \b uniqueID \b0 ]);\ free([thePB \b readFileContentsType \b0 :\ NXCreateFileContentsPboardType( \b LINK_EXT \b0 ) \b toFile \b0 : \b path \b0 ]);\ // \i "... returns an allocated string..."\ \i0 // \i read this file in and issue the accept...: \i0 \ \b theTable \b0 = [[ \b NXStringTable \b0 alloc] \b init \b0 ];\ if ([theTable \b readFromFile \b0 : \b path \b0 ]) \{\ currentLink. \b docID \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b DOCID \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b anchorID \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b ANCHORID \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b docTitle \b0 = \ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b DOCTITLE \b0 ]);\ currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 =\ NXUniqueString([theTable valueForStringKey: \b ANCHORTITLE \b0 ]);\ if (currentLink. \b anchorID \b0 == \b NULL \b0 )\ currentLink.anchorID = NXUniqueString(" \b 0 \b0 ");\ if (currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 == \b NULL \b0 )\ currentLink.anchorTitle = NXUniqueString(" \b Untitled \b0 ");\ [[self \b target \b0 ] \b perform \b0 :[self \b action \b0 ] \b with \b0 : \b self \b0 ];\ found = \b YES \b0 ;\ \}\ theTable = [[ \b theTable \b0 \b empty \b0 ] \b free \b0 ];\ \b unlink \b0 ( \b path \b0 );\ \}\ [self \b setState \b0 : \b 0 \b0 ];\ return found;\ \}\ \ - (NXDragOperation) \b draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal \b0 :(BOOL) \b isLocal \b0 \ \{\ return ( \b isLocal \b0 ? \b NX_DragOperationLink \b0 : \b NX_DragOperationAll \b0 );\ \}\ - (BOOL) \b acceptsFirstMouse \b0 \{return \b YES \b0 ;\}\ - (BOOL) \b shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent \b0 :(NXEvent *) \b e \b0 \ \{\ return ( \b currentLink.docID \b0 ? YES : NO);\ \}\ - \b mouseDown \b0 :(NXEvent *) \b e \b0 \ \{\ id theTable;\ NXPoint org;\ NXPoint offset;\ id dragPasteboard;\ NXAtom types[3];\ \ if ( \b currentLink.docID \b0 == \b NULL \b0 ) \b return \b0 self;\ \b theTable \b0 = [[ \b NXStringTable \b0 alloc] \b init \b0 ];\ [theTable \b insertKey \b0 : \b DOCID \b0 value:NXCopyStringBuffer(currentLink. \b docID \b0 )];\ [theTable insertKey: \b ANCHORID \b0 value:NXCopyStringBuffer(currentLink. \b anchorID \b0 )];\ [theTable insertKey: \b DOCTITLE \b0 value:NXCopyStringBuffer(currentLink. \b docTitle \b0 )];\ [theTable insertKey: \b ANCHORTITLE \b0 value: NXCopyStringBuffer(currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 )];\ sprintf( \b path \b0 , " \b /tmp/%s.etfLink \b0 ", currentLink. \b anchorTitle \b0 );\ [theTable \b writeToFile \b0 : \b path \b0 ];\ theTable = [[ \b theTable empty \b0 ] \b free \b0 ];\ \ \b dragPasteboard \b0 = [Pasteboard newName: \b NXDragPboard \b0 ];\ types[0] = NXFilenamePboardType;\ types[1] = NXFileContentsPboardType;\ types[2] = NULL;\ [dragPasteboard \b declareTypes \b0 :types num:2 owner:nil];\ [dragPasteboard \b writeType \b0 :types[0] data: \b path \b0 length:strlen(path)+1];\ [dragPasteboard \b writeFileContents \b0 : \b path \b0 ];\ \ org = e->location;\ [self \b convertPoint \b0 :& \b org \b0 \b fromView \b0 : \b nil \b0 ];\ org.x -= 5.0; org.y += 5.0;\ offset.x = offset.y = 0.0;\ [self \b dragImage \b0 :[NXImage findImageNamed:" \b NXLinkButton \b0 "]\ \b at \b0 :&org \b offset \b0 :&offset\ \b event \b0 :e \b pasteboard \b0 :dragPasteboard\ \b source \b0 :self \b slideBack \b0 : YES]; \ return self;\ \}\ \ - \b draggedImage \b0 :(NXImage *)image \b endedAt \b0 :(NXPoint *)screenPoint \b deposited \b0 :(BOOL)didDeposit\ \{\ // \i FIX THIS -- It litters /tmp with junk.\ \i0 // \i unlink(path);\ \i0 return self;\ \}\ @end }
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