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Announcment of Creation:
	NEXTSTEP/OpenStep User Groups International (nugi)
August 31st, 1700 hours, GMT

We are please to announce that nugi has reached critical mass and hence now officially exists.  The founding member organizations, and their representatives to the nugi Assembly, are:

nugi Assembly:  nugi-assembly@negen.twi.tudelft.nl
	NUUK, NeXT Users United Kingdom
		Malcolm Crawford <M.Crawford@dcs.shef.ac.uk>
	SCaN, Southern California area NeXTSTEP User Group
		Rohit Khare <khare@cco.caltech.edu>
	NiNE, (Netherlands)
		Dimitri Tischenko <Tischenko@twi.tudelft.nl>
	VNUS, Vancouver NeXT User Society
		Nick Jacquet <nickj@wimsey.com>

In addition, the founders have agreed to the following Executive Committee, which will lead nugi until such time as elections are held.

nugi Executive Committee (nEC):  nugi-exec@negen.twi.tudelft.nl
	Gerben Wierda <gerben@rna.nl>
		Coordinator and Chair of nEC
	Ernest Prabhakar <ernest@pundit.cithep.caltech.edu>		President
	Jackie Mackay <mackay@cognito.demon.co.uk>
		Vendor Relations
	Joe Barello  <joeba@jbc.com>
		Special Projects
	Darren Smith  < Darren_Smith@NeXT.com >
		Consultant from NeXT (non-voting)

Current Projects:
Several projects are already under way, and we are always looking for more ideas and the people to implement them.  We have no dues or budget, and no full-time staff, so we need volunteers in order to get anything done.  Current plans include:

	nugi Web Site:  Rohit Khare
	UG survery/questionnarie:  Jackie MacKay
	UG connectivity:  Darren and Joe

The membership of nugi is open to any NEXTSTEP/OpenStep User Group which has an email list with at least three members.  To join, indicate that you agree to the terms of the charter (attached), and submit the email address of a individual to represent you in the nugi Assembly.

For more information, or to join, send mail to "nugi@negen.twi.tudelft.nl"


Ernest N. Prabhakar
nugi President
Note:  This is the official announcement of nugi's existence and organization.  It supercedes all previous charters and invitations to join.  We apologize for any confusion that may have arisen during our formative process.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.