
This is eTLinkUI.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	FILENAME:	eTLinkUI.m 
//	SUMMARY:	Implementation of link button inspectors
//	PROTOCOLS:	<Inspectable>
//	AUTHOR:		Rohit Khare
//	COPYRIGHT:	(c) 1994 California Institure of Technology, eText Project
//		Does its job running a nib and yelling at eTLink. Also registers its
//	view for imageable dragtypes.
//	07/03/94:	Created.

#import "eTLink.h"

@implementation eTLinkUI
- setAnnotation:newLink
	if (theLink == newLink) return self;
	[super setAnnotation:newLink];	// this is an awkward naming of the "chain" 
	theLink = newLink;
	[anchorForm setStringValue:[theLink anchorTitle]];
	[anchorForm setTitle:[theLink anchorID]];
	[docForm setStringValue:[theLink docTitle]];
	[docForm setTitle:[theLink docID]];
	return self;
+ new
	static eTLinkUI *ui = nil;
	if (!ui) {
		ui = [[eTLinkUI alloc] init];
	return ui;
- init
	char        buf[MAXPATHLEN];
	NXBundle   *bundle;

	[super init];
	bundle = [NXBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
	if ( [bundle getPath:buf forResource:"eTLinkUI" ofType:"nib"] ) {
		[NXApp loadNibFile:buf owner:self withNames:NO];
	} else {
		NXLogError("NIB not found: eTLinkUI");
	linkView = [linkPanel contentView];
	return self;
- free {return self;}
#define PROP "Link Properties"

- (const NXAtom *) types
	static NXAtom *types = NULL;
	if (!types) {
		int i;
		const NXAtom *superTypes = [super types];
		i++; // make room for terminating NULL
		i++; // make room for our type
		types = malloc(i * sizeof(NXAtom));
		types[0] = NXUniqueString(PROP);
		for(i=0;superTypes[i];i++) types[i+1] = superTypes[i];
		types[i+1] = NULL;
	return types;
- (const char *) inspectorTitle
	return NXUniqueString("Link");
- resignInspector: (View *) oldInspector ofType: (const char *) type
	if (oldInspector != linkView)
		[super resignInspector:oldInspector ofType:type];
	return self;
- activateInspector: (View *) newInspector ofType:(const char *) type
	if (newInspector != linkView)
		[super activateInspector:newInspector ofType:type];
	return self;
- inspectorForType:(const char *) type
		return linkView;
	return [super inspectorForType:type];

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