
This is eTApp.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;\f1\ftech Symbol;\f2\fmodern Ohlfs;}
\pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 //ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ\
\b0 :	
\b\i0 eTApp.h \

\b0 //
\b0 :	
\b\i0 Header for the eTApp class, the abstract application controller
\b0 \
\b0 :
\b Object:eTApp
\b0 \
\b0 :
\b None
\b0 \
\b0 :
\b None
\b0 \
\b0 :		
\b\i0 Rohit Khare
\b0 \
\b0 :	
\f1\i0 Ó
\f0\b 1993,94 California Institure of Technology, eText Project\

\b\i Description
\b0\i0 \
//		The eTApp class is the abstract application controller. It contains the\
//	core methods for managing documents and intialization. It does NOT manage\
//	any of the application's user interface, nor is it designed to be AppKit-\
//	dependent (e.g. it is not the delegate of any AppKit classes).\
//		At creation, eTApp is responsible for loading several classes and\
//	publishing global objects. During execution, it mainly issues requests\
//	to open documents from disk. When the application quits, eTApp coordinates\
//	with eTAppUI to ensure a graceful shutdown.\
\b\i History
\b0\i0 \
//	09/21/94:	
\b Revamped for eText5; cleanup.
\b0 \
//	01/24/94:	
\b Navigator support, including preloading of etfd documents
\b0 \
//	01/11/94:	
\b Revamped for the eText4 tree
\b0 \
//	09/09/93:	
\b Added support for -uniqueID. This is an App-wide service.
\b0 \
//	08/22/93:	
\b Moved "Accessor Methods" to eTDoc
\b0 \
//	08/22/93:	
\b Added - loadToolFromPath; Added "Accessor Methods"\

\b0 //	08/16/93:	
\b Created. Assumes other classes defined in eText.h
\b0 \
\b Imported Interfaces
\b0 \
	#import "
\b eTextKernel.h
\b0 "\
	#import "
\b eTAppUI.h
\b0 "\
\b Global Object Handles
\b0 \
\b id
\b0 	/*	eTApp		*/		
\b etApp
\b0 ;\
\b id
\b0 	/*	eTAppUI		*/		
\b etAppUI
\b0 ;\
\b id
\b0 	/*	Inspector	*/		
\b inspector
\b0 ;\
\b id
\b0 	/*	UserModel	*/		
\b userModel
\b0 ;\
\b id
\b0 	/*	Navigator	*/		
\b navigator
\b0 ;\

\i @interface eTApp:Object 
\i0 \{\
\b Instance Variables
\b0 \
	HashTable	*
\b docTable
\b0 ;			// Maps docIDs to open doc objects\
	HashTable	*
\b agentTable
\b0 ;		// Maps agent's name to factory classes\
	HashTable	*
\b annotationTable
\b0 ;	// ditto for annotations\
	HashTable	*
\b typesTable
\b0 ;		// registerForType:\
\b typesList
\b0 [
\fc0\cf0 ]; // backup list of typesTable.\
\b Class Management
\b0 \
\b init
\b0 ;\
\b free
\b0 ;\
\b Registration & Lookup
\b0 \
\b registerType
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b pbType\
\b0 :(id)
\b factoryClass
\b0 ;\
\b registerAgent
\b0 :(id) 
\b factoryClass
\b0  \

\b 				name
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b name
\b0 \

\b 		  menuLabel
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b label
\b0 \

\b 			menuKey
\b0 :(char) 
\b key
\b0 ;\
\b registerAnnotation
\b0 :(id) 
\b factoryClass
\b0  \
\b name
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b name
\b0 \
\b RTFDirective
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b directive
\b0 \
\b menuLabel
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b label
\b0 \
\b menuKey
\b0 :(char) 
\b key
\b0 \
\b menuIcon
\b0 :(NXImage*) 
\b icon
\b0 ;\
\b registerAccessory
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b menuLabel
\b0 \
\b key
\b0 :(char) 
\b key
\b0 \
\b name
\b0 :(NXAtom)
\b  name
\b0 \
\b target
\b0 :(id) 
\b theTarget
\b0 \
\b action
\b0 :(SEL) 
\b theAction
\b0 ;\
\b annotationByName
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b name
\b0 ;\
\b agentByName
\b0 :(NXAtom) 
\b name
\b0 ;\
\b Document Management (by docID)
\b0 \
\b openID
\b0 :(long) 
\b docID
\b0 ;\
\b closeID
\b0 : (long) 
\b docID
\b0 ;\
	- (long) 
\b createID
\b0 ;\
\b documentByID
\b0 : (long) 
\b docID
\b0 ;\
\b Global Operations
\b0 \
\b saveAll
\b0 ;\
\b shutdown
\b0 :(BOOL) 
\b cancellable
\b0 ;\
\b Private Methods (for eTAppUI only)
\b0 \
	- (NXAtom*)
\b typesList
\b0 ;\
\b annotationByPboard
\b0 :
\b thePboard
\b0 ;\
	- (BOOL) 
\b validateSaveAll
\b0 ;\
\b loadToolFromPath
\b0 :(const char*)
\b path
\b0 ;\
\b loadDocInfoFromPath
\b0 :(const char*)
\b path
\b0 ;\

\i @end

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.