This is PfindApp.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #import "PfindApp.h" #import <streams/streams.h> #import <appkit/ScrollView.h> #import <appkit/Text.h> #import <appkit/Cursor.h> #import <stdio.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import <appkit/Matrix.h> #import <appkit/Form.h> #import <appkit/OpenPanel.h> #import <sys/param.h> #import <string.h> #import <appkit/defaults.h> #import <sys/fcntl.h> #import <text/text.h> #import <libc.h> #define MAXFILES 10 #define MAXCOMMANDSIZE 1000 #define Notify(title, msg) NXRunAlertPanel(title, msg, "OK", NULL, NULL) const char *pfinddir = "/.pfind"; const char *inpfind = "/inpfind"; const char *outpfind = "/outpfind"; const char *temppfind = "/temppfind"; const char *databasesdir = "/databases"; char *homepath; char command[MAXCOMMANDSIZE]; char currentdbpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char includedfilespath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char pfindpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char inpfindpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char outpfindpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char temppfindpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char databasespath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char currentdbnamepath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; id openpanel; @implementation PfindApp char fullpaths[MAXFILES][MAXPATHLEN+1]; /* Full pathnames of included files */ int numfiles; long dbmodtime; + initialize { static NXDefaultsVector pfindDefaults = { {"CurrentDb", NULL}, { NULL} }; NXRegisterDefaults("Pfind", pfindDefaults); return self; } + new { self = [super new]; currentdb = NULL; searchdb = currentdb; homepath = getenv("HOME"); strcpy(pfindpath, homepath); strcat(pfindpath,pfinddir); strcpy(inpfindpath,pfindpath); strcat(inpfindpath, inpfind); strcpy(outpfindpath,pfindpath); strcat(outpfindpath,outpfind); strcpy(temppfindpath, pfindpath); strcat(temppfindpath, temppfind); strcpy(databasespath,pfindpath); strcat(databasespath, databasesdir); sprintf(command, "mkdirs %s %s", pfindpath, databasespath); system(command); currentdb = NXGetDefaultValue("Pfind", "CurrentDb"); freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr); return self; } - run { [self setcurrentdb:self]; [[includedfilesview docView] setEditable:NO]; [super run]; return self; } - terminate:sender { sprintf(command, "rm -f -r %s %s %s %s", inpfindpath,outpfindpath,temppfindpath, temppfindpath); strcat(command, ".ig"); system(command); NXWriteDefault("Pfind", "CurrentDb", currentdb); [super terminate:sender]; return self; } - setResultsview:anObject { resultsview = anObject; return self; } - setIncludedfilesview:anObject { includedfilesview = anObject; return self; } - setCurrentdbfield:anObject { currentdbfield = anObject; return self; } - setOpenPanelAccessory:anObject { openPanelAccessory = anObject; return self; } -setSearchdbmatrix:anObject { searchdbmatrix = anObject; return self; } - setcurrentdb:sender { FILE *fd; NXStream *s; int i, fl; char *p; /* Get db name if not already given */ if ((sender != self) || !currentdb) { openpanel = [OpenPanel new]; [openpanel allowMultipleFiles:NO]; [openpanel setAccessoryView:NULL]; if ([openpanel runModalForDirectory:databasespath file:NULL]) { if (strcmp([openpanel directory],databasespath)) { NXRunAlertPanel("Set Db", "Database must be chosen from directory %s",NULL,NULL,\ NULL, databasespath); return self; } currentdb = [openpanel filenames][0]; } } [[includedfilesview docView] setText:NULL]; [[resultsview docView] setText:NULL]; [currentdbfield setStringValue:NULL]; sprintf(command,"rm -f -r %s",temppfindpath); system(command); [searchdbmatrix selectCellAt:0:0]; if (!currentdb) return self; strcpy(currentdbpath,pfindpath); strcat(currentdbpath, "/"); strcat(currentdbpath,currentdb); if (!(fd =fopen(currentdbpath, "r"))) { currentdb = NULL; searchdb = NULL; return self; } fclose(fd); [currentdbfield setStringValue:currentdb]; searchdb = currentdbpath; strcpy(includedfilespath,currentdbpath); strcat(includedfilespath,".files"); if (!(s = NXMapFile(includedfilespath, NX_READONLY))) return self; [[includedfilesview docView] readText:s]; NXClose(s); /* Fill up fullpaths with contents of includedfiles */ fd = fopen(includedfilespath, "r"); i = 0; while (fgets(fullpaths[i], MAXPATHLEN, fd)){ p = strchr(fullpaths[i], ' '); /* Strip space and lf */ *p = '\0'; i++; } numfiles = i; fclose(fd); /* Get last modification date of currentdb name */ strcpy(currentdbnamepath, databasespath); strcat(currentdbnamepath, "/"); strcat(currentdbnamepath, currentdb); fl = open(currentdbnamepath, O_RDONLY); dbmodtime = fdWriteDate(fl); close(fl); return self; } - createdb:sender { const char * const *filenames; const char *directory; FILE *fd; int i, nfiles; openpanel = [OpenPanel new]; [openpanel allowMultipleFiles:YES]; [openpanel setAccessoryView:openPanelAccessory]; if (![openpanel runModal]) return self; currentdb = [openPanelAccessory stringValueAt:0]; if (!currentdb || !(*currentdb)) { if (NX_ALERTALTERNATE == NXRunAlertPanel("Createdb", \ "Database name field must be filled in", "OK", "Cancel", NULL)) return self; else return [self createdb:self]; } [NXWait push]; directory = [openpanel directory]; filenames = [openpanel filenames]; /* Make full path names */ i = 0; while (filenames && *filenames) { strcpy(fullpaths[i], directory); strcat (fullpaths[i],"/"); strcat (fullpaths[i],*filenames); filenames++; i++; } nfiles= i; strcpy(currentdbpath,pfindpath); strcat(currentdbpath, "/"); strcat(currentdbpath,currentdb); /* Make currentdb be a link to first file */ sprintf(command, "ln -s %s %s", fullpaths[0],currentdbpath); system(command); /* Create index */ sprintf(command, "cd %s; indxbib %s",pfindpath, currentdb); if (nfiles > 1) for (i = 1; i <nfiles; i++) { strcat(command, " "); strcat(command, fullpaths[i]); } if( system(command)) { Notify("Create", "Can't execute indxbib, check protection"); } /* Store included files */ strcpy(includedfilespath,currentdbpath); strcat(includedfilespath,".files"); fd = fopen(includedfilespath, "w"); for (i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%s \n", fullpaths[i]); } fclose(fd); /* Place currentdb name in databases subdirectory */ sprintf(command, "cd %s; touch %s", databasespath, currentdb); system(command); /* Make new db be current one */ [self setcurrentdb:self]; [NXWait pop]; return self; } - deletedb:sender { if (!currentdb) return self; if (NX_ALERTALTERNATE == NXRunAlertPanel("Delete", "Do you really want to delete %s?",\ "Yes", "No", NULL, currentdb)) return self; sprintf(command, "rm -f -r %s %s", currentdbpath, currentdbpath); strcat(command,".ia "); strcat(command,currentdbpath); strcat(command,".ib "); strcat(command, currentdbpath); strcat(command,".ic "); strcat(command,currentdbpath); strcat(command,".files "); strcat(command,databasespath); strcat(command,"/"); strcat(command,currentdb); system(command); currentdb = NULL; searchdb=NULL; [currentdbfield setStringValue:NULL]; [[includedfilesview docView] setText:NULL]; [[resultsview docView] setText:NULL]; return self; } - savelastsearch:sender { NXStream *s; FILE *fd; id savepanel; const char *filename; if (!searchdb) return self; savepanel = [SavePanel new]; if (![savepanel runModal]) return self; filename = [savepanel filename]; if (!(fd = fopen(filename, "w"))) return self; fclose(fd); sprintf(command, "touch %s", filename); system(command); if (!(s = NXMapFile(filename, NX_WRITEONLY))) return self; [[resultsview docView] writeText:s]; NXSaveToFile(s, filename); NXCloseMemory(s,NX_FREEBUFFER); return self; } - setsearchdb:sender { FILE *fd; if (!currentdb) return self; switch ([sender selectedRow]) { case 0: searchdb = currentdbpath; break; case 1: if(!(fd = fopen(temppfindpath, "r"))) [sender selectCellAt:0:0]; else { fclose(fd); searchdb = temppfindpath; } break; default: break; } return self; } - findparagraphs:sender { NXStream *s; FILE *fd; const char *str; char filename[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int i, fl; BOOL updated; long mod; if (!searchdb) return self; /* Save results view to results file in case it has been edited */ if (!(fd = fopen(temppfindpath, "w"))) return self; fclose(fd); sprintf(command, "touch %s", temppfindpath); system(command); if (!(s = NXMapFile(temppfindpath, NX_WRITEONLY))) return self; [[resultsview docView] writeText:s]; NXSaveToFile(s, temppfindpath); NXCloseMemory(s,NX_FREEBUFFER); /* Make sure included files have not been updated. If so, re-index */ updated = NO; for (i = 0; i <numfiles; i++) { strcpy(filename, fullpaths[i]); fl = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fl == -1) { NXRunAlertPanel("Pfind", "%s cannot be opened", NULL, NULL, \ NULL, filename); return self; } mod = fdWriteDate(fl); if (mod > dbmodtime) updated = YES; close(fl); } if (updated) { [NXWait push]; sprintf(command, "cd %s; indxbib %s", pfindpath, currentdb); if (numfiles > 1) for (i=1; i < numfiles; i++) { strcat(command, " "); strcat(command, fullpaths[i]); } system(command); sprintf(command, "touch %s", currentdbnamepath); system(command); [NXWait pop]; } /* Setup input file */ str= [sender stringValueAt:0]; if(!(fd = fopen(searchdb, "r"))) return self; fclose(fd); if(!(fd = fopen(inpfindpath, "w"))) return self; fprintf(fd, "%s \n",str); fclose(fd); /* Search using lookbib */ sprintf(command,"lookbib -n %s <%s >%s \n", searchdb, inpfindpath, outpfindpath); if (system(command)) Notify("Find", "Can't access lookbib, check protection"); sprintf(command,"mv %s %s \n", outpfindpath, temppfindpath); system(command); /* Read results into results view */ if (!(s = NXMapFile(temppfindpath, NX_READONLY))) return self; [[resultsview docView] readText:s]; NXClose(s); return self; } @end
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