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deff0 {fonttbl {f0 froman Chicago;}{f1 froman Code39 Low;}{f2 froman Code 39 Low+ABC;}{f3 froman Code 39 Med;}{f4Code 39 Med+ABC;}{f5 froman Courier;}{f6 fromanGeneva;}{f7 fswiss Helvetica;}{f8 froman Monaco;}{f9 froman NewYork;}{f10 froman Palatino;}{f11 froman Symbol;}{f12 fromanTimes;}}{colortbl;red0green0blue0;red0green0blue255;red0green255blue0;red0green255blue255;red255green0blue0;red255green0blue255;red255green255blue0;red255green255blue255;}linex0margl1440 margr1296 plain fs20 f12 b pard ri2592fi144 ri2592 pard fi144 ri2592 I asked one draught ofearlier, happier sights, Ere fitly I could hope to play my part.Think first, fight afterwards'd1thc soldier's art:par li288 ri2592 One taste of the old time sets all torights.par }

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.