
This is the README for NeXTmods.r3.N.s.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

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From: schreier@next242.ECE.ORST.EDU (Richard Schreier)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.programmer
Subject: Re: C++
Keywords: C++
Message-ID: <1iin29INNbap@flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU>
Date: 8 Jan 93 01:57:29 GMT
Organization: College of Engineering, Oregon State University
Lines: 61

Thanks to the friendly folks at NeXT (Allen Denison),
who in turn acknowledges madler@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Mark Adler)
I have managed to get C++ to go. Here is the magic.

Create a folder, say /me/tmp.
% mkdir tmp
% cd tmp

Get libg++-1.39.0.tar.Z via anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu
from the directory pub/gnu.
% ftp prep.ai.mit.edu

Get NeXTmods-rls3.tar.Z via anonymous ftp from next242.ece.orst.edu
from the directory pub.
% ftp next242.ece.orst.edu

Unpack the gnu stuff, and cd to the newly created directory.
% zcat libg++-1.39.0.tar.Z | tar xf -
% cd libg++-1.39.0

Unpack the mods file while in the newly created libg++-1.39.0 folder.
% zcat ../NeXTmods-rls3.tar.Z | tar xf -

Create /usr/gnu, and /usr/gnu/lib (writable by whoever is doing this).
% mkdir /usr/gnu
% mkdir /usr/gnu/lib

Change Makefile line 32 to "PWD=/me/tmp/libg++-1.39.0"
				^^^^^^^ may need changing

% make src			(takes a while--ignore the warnings)
% make install-lib"		(puts libg++.a in /usr/gnu/lib)
% make install-include-files"	(this puts the include files in 
% make tests" 			(this takes rather a lot of disk space).  

There are differences from the expected output, most likely due to
finite precision effects.

Make a test program, x.cc, containing:
        #include <stream.h>
        main() {
          cout << " Hello world!\n";
Compile it.
% cc++ -I/usr/gnu/lib/g++-include -O x.cc -L/usr/gnu/lib -lg++
Run it.
% a.out
It should print
 Hello world!


Professor Richard Schreier
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Oregon State University			Tel (503)-737-2051
Corvallis, OR 97331-3211		Fax (503)-737-1300

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.