********************************************************************** NEXTSTEP.TXT ********************************************************************** This file describes the features and use of the Symbios Logic SDMS device driver for the NeXTSTEP 3.2 & 3.3 operating system environment. It is specific to the SYM53C8XX driver version 1.00.00. The information is organized into the following sections: Introduction Features Description Installing Your SYM53C8XX Driver Troubleshooting ******************************************************************** ************************** Introduction **************************** NeXTSTEP is the first fully object oriented operating system available commercially. It combines the productivity of reusable software objects with an easy to use native graphical interface. The integrated communications, file system, graphical interface, and object oriented architecture make this a full-featured operating system. The SYM53C8XX driver works with NeXTSTEP to drive your SCSI host adapter. This driver is provided on a diskette packaged with your host adapter. The following sections describe this driver and how to install it on your system. * Features * Provides easy installation through a standard NeXTSTEP utility Supports synchronous negotiation (including fast SCSI) Supports wide SCSI (single-ended and differential) Supports multiple host adapters Supports Disconnect/Reselect Supports scatter/gather Allows tagged command queuing Provides dynamic interrupt mapping Allows shared interrupts Allows automatic drive spin up Supports variable block-size media up to 1024 byte block sizes Supports 32 LUNs * Description * You can install your SYM53C8XX driver on a running system, or you can install the driver and the NeXTSTEP operating system at the same time on a SCSI hard disk drive. Your SYM53C8XX driver is also replaceable at some future time with an updated version. You might want to do this when you update your operating system to a newer version. The next section, titled Installing Your SYM53C8XX Driver, will explain these procedures. *************** Installing Your SYM53C8XX Driver ***************** * Installing on a Running System * 1. Log in as root. 2. Insert the diskette containing your SYM53C8XX driver. 3. Using the File Viewer, find the driver package named "SYM53C8.config" in the /usr/Devices directory on the driver diskette. 4. Double-click on the SYM53C8.config icon. This will bring up the Configure application, and will install the driver. 5. A panel will then appear with the message: The driver was successfully installed. Click the OK button on this panel. 6. To add more SCSI adapter devices to the system, follow the steps in the section titled Adding Multiple SCSI Host Adapter Devices. * Installing With the NeXTSTEP Operating System * Follow these steps if you are installing NeXTSTEP on a SCSI hard disk drive. 1. Refer to your NeXTSTEP installation instructions. Follow the boot installation procedures until you are prompted for additional device drivers. 2. To load your SYM53C8XX driver, follow the directions displayed for loading a device driver from an alternate diskette. 3. When prompted, select the adapter to which the drive you want to install on is connected. * Updating the Driver With a Newer Release * 1. Log in as root. 2. Follow steps one, two, and three under the previous section titled Installing on a Running System. 3. Double-click the SYM53C8.config icon. A panel is displayed telling you the driver is already installed. 4. Click the Update button. 5. When the installation of the new driver is complete, a panel will appear indicating a successful installation. 6. You must perform the following steps to remove the old instance of the driver: a. Click on the SCSI icon at the top of the Configure application main window. This will bring up the SCSI Device view in the main window. b. Highlight the driver by clicking on the SYM53C8XX entry in table. c. Click on the Delete icon. d. Exit the Configure application at this point. e. Restart the Configure application. Now follow the instructions in the next section titled Adding Multiple SCSI Host Adapter Devices. This will create a new instance of the driver. Please refer to the troubleshooting section titled Upgrading Problems if you still have a problem. * Adding Multiple SCSI Host Adapter Devices * The NeXTSTEP installation package is designed to deal only with the host adapter to which the start-up disk is connected. Configuring additional host adapters (up to four) is possible only after a successful installation has been completed. To display a summary of your host adapter devices, click the Summary icon on the Configure application's main window. To add a SCSI adapter device, follow these steps: 1. Click the SCSI icon at the top of the Configure application main window. This will bring up the SCSI Devices view in the main window. 2. Click the Add_ button in the SCSI Devices view. 3. Select SYM53C8XX. 4. Click the Done button in the SCSI Devices view. 5. Click the Save button in the Summary of Devices view in the main window. 6. Click the Quit menu item in the Configuration application menu. Please refer to the troubleshooting section titled Installation Problems if you still have a problem. *********************** Troubleshooting *********************** * Installation Problems * The following are some installation problems, and their suggested solutions: NeXTSTEP SAYS THE DISKETTE IS INCORRECT AND ASKS YOU AGAIN TO INSERT THE SDMS DRIVER DISKETTE. a. Eject the diskette, reinsert it, and type: return Press Enter. Repeat if necessary. NeXTSTEP TELLS YOU THAT YOU HAVE A MEMORY MAPPING CONFLICT. If you have more than one host adapter, you will need to go to the Configure application and add an additional SYM53C8XX driver instance for every host adapter present. When you do this, NeXTSTEP will tell you that you have a memory mapping conflict. To resolve this: a. Leave the memory mapping unchanged for the first instance (it should be mapped to E0000). b. Change the mapping for the additional host adapters. They can be mapped to values such as C0000 and 100000. c. Select an IRQ number that is not used from the IRQ list. There should be a table at the right hand side of the screen indicating IRQ usage. A free IRQ is indicated by a number in bold (it also has no red triangle at the lower right hand corner of the number square). Select by clicking on the appropriate table entry containing the free IRQ. d. Save and exit the Configure application. e. Reboot. * Upgrading Problems * YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH UPDATING YOUR SYM53C8XX DRIVER. Please verify that you have updated to the correct version by doing the following: a. Launch the NeXT Configure application. b. Click on the SCSI icon at the top of the Configure application main window. c. If you are using NeXTSTEP 3.2, click the Info icon and verify that the version number corresponds to the version number on the new diskette. If you are using NeXTSTEP 3.3, click on the Expert icon and verify that the version number corresponds to the version number on the new diskette. d. If the version number is incorrect, please follow the instructions under the heading Updating the Driver With a Newer Release. * For Advanced Users * To manually verify that the driver is correctly loaded, launch a terminal session and perform the following steps: a. If you are using version 3.2, switch to the /usr/Devices directory. If you are using version 3.3, switch to the /private/Drivers/i386 directory. b. Type: ls -1d S* Press Enter. This will list every driver that starts with an S. The SYM53C8XX driver should be listed, and should be a directory. c. Type: cd SYM53C8XX Press Enter. d. Verify that this directory is not empty. e. Type: ../System.config Press Enter. f. Type: more Instance0.table Press Enter. If you have a running version of the driver, the phrase SYM53C8XX should be listed in the Boot Drivers line. g. Type: exit Press Enter. h. The driver should now load properly when you reboot.