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From qb.rhein-main.de!vhs@odb.rhein-main.de Wed Jul  6 05:17 CDT 1994
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Date: Wed, 6 Jul 94 11:45 GMT+0100
From: vhs@qb.rhein-main.de (Volker Herminghaus-Shirai)
To: longsg01@slowhand.nmb.com (Gary Longsine)
Subject: Re: ATI Mach32 PCI driver???
Reply-To: vhs@qb.rhein-main.de
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In comp.sys.next.misc article <2vc3l1$2kk@slowhand.nmb.com> you wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can get the alleged 

> beta driver for the ATI Mach 32 PCI video?
> Please respond via email...
> Thanks!
> Gary Longsine
> longsg01@slowhand.nmb.com  (ascii mail only)

Try [info|drivers]@talus.com. I know they released one end April, but also  
heard it's hard to get unless you buy a bundle of drivers from them. If you  
hear of any alternatives, please let me know. I've been struggling with  
mine for a while now, and getting tired.

BTW I have a Zenith 500 with mach32 and an STG1700 RAMDAC. There is a patch  
that someone posted a while ago to make ATI/PCI running, but it probably  
only works if you have one of the NeXT-supported RAMDACs (mine isn't  
supported, of course :-(. You need the development system, though. Good  

--------- Cut here -------

>From: keiblin@cs.tu-berlin.de (Alexander Keiblinger)
>Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.hardware
>Subject: Re: ATI GUP on PCI WORKS!!! ,any interest ?
>Date: 28 Jan 1994 13:21:20 GMT
>Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany
>Here the howto for the ATI GUP PCI card:
>-You need the Developer Package to use it. I am not able to give you self
> configuring binaries, because I do not have documentation for different
> flavours of ATI PCI card registers. It should work with different  
> Mostly the ones you find in the NeXT Code.
> Use this only if you understand the code and/or are sure that your card  
> in at 1GB and has a Video Port Adress of 0x2e0-0x2ef.
> I use this pseudo-diff, to let you do some work in the interesting area  
of the
> code, so you can understand what you are doing. You will see the places  
> you have to change values to get it working for your own card.    

>What to do:
>1) be sure you know, that you can reboot cleanly with  
>   and then pressing "r" blind. This is for the case your window server  
>   up with a wrong aperature address. Then you can reboot with  
>   and fix it in VGA mode.
>2) Change 

>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/Default.table	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/Default.table
>* "Memory Maps" = "0x7e00000-0x7ffffff 0xa0000-0xbffff 0xc0000-0xcffff";
>! "I/O Ports" = "0x100-0x105 0x2e8-0x2ef 0x3b0-0x3e0 0x6e8-0x6ef  
0xae8-0xaef 0xee8-0xeef 0x12e8-0x12ef 0x16e8-0x42ef 0x46ee-0x46ef  
0x4ae8-0x4aef 0x52ee-0xfeef";
>! "Memory Maps" = "0x40000000-0x401fffff 0xa0000-0xbffff 0xc0000-0xcffff";
>! "I/O Ports" = "0x2e0-0x2ef";
>to get new values as Default in Configure.app. The second and third values  
>Memory Maps should stay the way they are.
>3) Change
>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATIModes.h	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATIModes.h
>* #define	INTEL_CORSAIR_FB_ADDR		0x7a000000
>! #define	INTEL_CORSAIR_FB_ADDR		0x40000000

>to burn in my Memory Aperature Address
>4) Add
>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m
>*** 119,126 ****
>  {
>  	unsigned char *ip;
>  	unsigned int location;	/* Base address in Mbytes */
>  	/*
>  	 * The PC BIOS is broken into 2 Kb slices. On startup, the ATI BIOS
>  	 * stashes away which 2 Kb slice it live in in scratch reg 0.
>--- 119,133 ----
>  {
>  	unsigned char *ip;
>  	unsigned int location;	/* Base address in Mbytes */
>! #if DEBUG
>! 	IOLog("MemoryAperatureBaseAddress() == 0x%x\n",  
>! #endif
>! 	return(INTEL_CORSAIR_FB_ADDR); /* Return phys address in bytes, not  
Mb */
>  	/*
>  	 * The PC BIOS is broken into 2 Kb slices. On startup, the ATI BIOS
>to get burned in configured Aperature Adress and nothing else!
>5) Add
>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m
>*** 160,166 ****
>--- 167,180 ----
>  {
>  	unsigned char *ip;
>  	unsigned int location;
>+ 	/*
>+ 	 * It's never safe to reprogram Corsair Style Bios, as we don't  
>+ 	 * how to set the off-chip decoding logic.
>+ 	 */
>+ 	 return NO;
>  #if DEBUG
>  	IOLog("SetMemoryAperatureBaseAddress(0x%x)\n", newLocation );
>  #endif
>6) Add
>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m
>*** 510,516 ****
>--- 524,534 ----
>  	 * DriverKit which prevents setting addresses in the high 2 Gb of
>  	 * address space.
>  	 */
>+ 	break;
>+ 	/* We dont want the following */

>  	if (range->start != physLoc || range->size < length) {
>  	    IOLog("%s: FB addr decodes as 0x%x, overriding configured "
>  		  "addr 0x%x.\n", [self name], physLoc, range->start);
>to come around bus logic tests.
>7) Add
>*** /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/ATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m	
>--- /NextDeveloper/Examples/DriverKit/MyATI/ATI_reloc.tproj/ATI.m
>*** 619,625 ****
>--- 637,649 ----
>  {
>      int slot;
>      unsigned int product_id;
>+     /* This is what we want */
>+     IOLog("%s: Assuming a PCI bus ATI card.\n", [self name]);
>+     ati_flavor = ATICorsair;
>+     return TRUE;

>      /* First, scan for a board in an EISA slot. */
>      if ([self isEISAPresent] == TRUE) {
>for card id.
>Now you can build the project. Build DEBUG recommended.
>That were the changes in the Driver Kit ATI code to get it going. Now you  
>to as root:
>-mv /usr/Devices/ATI.config to /usr/Devices/ATI.config.original
>-double click on your new  
> this will install the new Driver. You can choose the resolution and  
> With colors I get about 0.89 NXBench-marks, monochrome 1.3 NXBench-marks.
>-Reboot and press Return on the boot prompt to get around the grafic boot  
> to see all that happens. Mostly the debugging output.
>-Be happy or remember point 1) (that one about dirty shutdown).
> That was it ...  Good luck ... Bye
>  "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" 


Volker Herminghaus-Shirai (vhs@qb.rhein-main.de)

Cogito ergo NeXT	-	Save the Whales -- Harpoon a Honda

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