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/* ******************************************************************** */ /* * GCK * */ /* * A Circuit Simulation Program * */ /* * by Tanju Cataltepe * */ /* * (c) Copyright 1989 * */ /* ******************************************************************** */ /* (c) Copyright 1989, Tanju Cataltepe */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef Macintosh #include <console.h> #include <Files.h> #else #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #include <math.h> #include <float.h> #include "gck.h" #include "gck_vars.h" #include "gck_protos.h" #include "gck_errors.h" void gaussj(nv) long nv; { /* RdH Debug */ long nsn; /* node search number */ /*Solves the equation Mx = Ny + Bs for x. M -> ? N -> (M_inv)N B -> (M_inv)B */ double *indxc; double *indxr; double *ipiv; double big, dum, pivinv; long i, icol, irow, j, k, l, ll; indxc = (double *) c_malloc(nv * sizeof(double)); indxr = (double *) c_malloc(nv * sizeof(double)); ipiv = (double *) c_malloc(nv * sizeof(double)); /* Starting Gaussj M */ for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) { indxc[j] = 0.0; /* new RdH */ indxr[j] = 0.0; /* new RdH */ ipiv[j] = 0.0; } for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { big = 0.0; for (j = 1; j <= nv; j++) { if (ipiv[j - 1] != 1) { for (k = 1; k <= nv; k++) { if (ipiv[k - 1] == 0) { if (fabs(M[j - 1][k - 1]) >= big) { big = fabs(M[j - 1][k - 1]); irow = j; icol = k; } } else if (ipiv[k - 1] > 1) errorReport(ERROR_GAUSSIAN, progName, ERR_VOID, 0); } } } ipiv[icol - 1]++; if (irow != icol) { for (l = 0; l < nv; l++) { dum = M[irow - 1][l]; M[irow - 1][l] = M[icol - 1][l]; M[icol - 1][l] = dum; dum = N[irow - 1][l]; N[irow - 1][l] = N[icol - 1][l]; N[icol - 1][l] = dum; dum = B[irow - 1][l]; B[irow - 1][l] = B[icol - 1][l]; B[icol - 1][l] = dum; } } indxr[i] = irow; indxc[i] = icol; if (M[icol - 1][icol - 1] == 0) { for (nsn = 0; nsn < ID_nindex_size; nsn++) { if (ID_nindex[nsn] == icol) errorReport(ERROR_GAUSSIAN, progName, ERR_NODE, nsn); } errorReport(ERROR_GAUSSIAN, progName, ERR_NODE, 0); } pivinv = 1 / M[icol - 1][icol - 1]; M[icol - 1][icol - 1] = 1.0; for (l = 0; l < nv; l++) { M[icol - 1][l] *= pivinv; N[icol - 1][l] *= pivinv; B[icol - 1][l] *= pivinv; } for (ll = 0; ll < nv; ll++) { if (ll + 1 != icol) { dum = M[ll][icol - 1]; M[ll][icol - 1] = 0.0; for (l = 0; l < nv; l++) { M[ll][l] -= M[icol - 1][l] * dum; N[ll][l] -= N[icol - 1][l] * dum; B[ll][l] -= B[icol - 1][l] * dum; } } } } /* End Gaussj */ free(indxc); free(indxr); free(ipiv); } void BuildSystem() { long i, j, k; long matrix_loop; systemRec *tmpSystem; branchRec *currentBranch, *controlBranch; long bn, n1, n2, nc1, nc2; double val; long FORLIM, FORLIM1, FORLIM2; FILE *fp; aWord compiled_data_filename; boolean writing_to_disk; writing_to_disk = TRUE; if (cmdline_symbols == TRUE) writing_to_disk = FALSE; strcpy(compiled_data_filename,rfile.filename); strcat(compiled_data_filename,".gck"); if ((cmdline_symbols == TRUE) && (flag_compiler == COMPILER_COMPILE_AND_QUIT)) { remove(compiled_data_filename); errorReport(ERROR_SYMBOLS_ON_CQ,0,ERR_VOID,0); } if (writing_to_disk) { fp = fopen(compiled_data_filename,"wb"); if (fp == NULL) errorReport(ERROR_COMPILER_FILE_COULDNT_OPEN,compiled_data_filename,ERR_VOID,0); fwrite(&NoOfTicks,sizeof(long),1,fp); fwrite(&NoOfVars,sizeof(long),1,fp); } #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_HIGHLIGHTS) fprintf(stderr,"*Mac-Specific Warning : The following Procedure may take a while!\n"); #endif if (PRINT_PAINFUL) fprintf(stderr,"Allocating Arrays\n"); M = (double **) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double *)); N = (double **) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double *)); B = (double **) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double *)); #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_HIGHLIGHTS) fprintf(stderr,"Allocating %ld for M\n",NoOfVars); #endif for (i = 0; i < NoOfVars; i++) { #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_PAINFUL) fprintf(stderr,"M %5ld\n",i); #endif M[i] = (double *) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double)); } #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_HIGHLIGHTS) fprintf(stderr,"Allocating %ld for N\n",NoOfVars); #endif for (i = 0; i < NoOfVars; i++) { #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_PAINFUL) fprintf(stderr,"N %5ld\n",i); #endif N[i] = (double *) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double)); } #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_HIGHLIGHTS) fprintf(stderr,"Allocating %ld for B\n",NoOfVars); #endif for (i = 0; i < NoOfVars; i++) { #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_PAINFUL) fprintf(stderr,"B %5ld\n",i); #endif B[i] = (double *) c_malloc(NoOfVars * sizeof (double)); } #ifdef Macintosh if (PRINT_HIGHLIGHTS) fprintf(stderr,"Complete.\n"); #endif FORLIM = NoOfTicks; for (i = 1; i <= FORLIM; i++) { GetFromSystem(&tmpSystem, i); FORLIM1 = NoOfVars; for (k = 0; k < FORLIM1; k++) { FORLIM2 = NoOfVars; for (j = 0; j < FORLIM2; j++) { M[k][j] = 0.0; N[k][j] = 0.0; B[k][j] = 0.0; } } currentBranch = baseOfBranch; while (currentBranch != NULL) { if (currentBranch->element != subckt) { /*Connectivity description*/ /* RdH */ /* bn : branch number */ /* n1 : node 1 (from) */ /* n2 : node 2 (to) */ bn = GetID(currentBranch->ID, 1L); n1 = GetID(currentBranch->ID, 2L); n2 = GetID(currentBranch->ID, 3L); if (n1 != 0) M[n1 - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[n2 - 1][bn - 1] = -1.0; /*branch characteristics*/ if (((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & fourTerminal) != 0) { nc1 = GetID(currentBranch->ID, 4L); nc2 = GetID(currentBranch->ID, 5L); } if (((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & ((1L << ((long)ccvs)) | (1L << ((long)cccs)))) != 0) { GetBranchByName(&controlBranch, currentBranch->cname); nc1 = GetID(controlBranch->ID, 1L); } if (((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & ((1L << ((long)quantizer)) | (1L << ((long)vs)) | (1L << ((long)cs)))) != 0) val = 1.0; else if (((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & (1L << ((long)switch_))) != 0) val = GetValue(currentBranch->value, i); else if (((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & digitals) == 0 && ((1L << ((long)currentBranch->element)) & logicals) == 0) val = GetValue(currentBranch->value, 1L); switch (currentBranch->element) { case resistor: M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = -val; if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; break; case capacitor: val /= deltaT; M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = -1.0; if (n1 != 0) { M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = val; N[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = val; } if (n2 != 0) { M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -val; N[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -val; } break; case inductor: val /= deltaT; M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = -val; N[bn - 1][bn - 1] = -val; if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; break; case vcvs: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; if (nc1 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = -val; if (nc2 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc2 - 1] = val; break; case vccs: M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; if (nc1 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = -val; if (nc2 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc2 - 1] = val; break; case ccvs: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = -val; break; case cccs: M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = -val; break; case switch_: if (val == 0) M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; else { if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; } break; case delay: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case adder: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = -1.0; if (nc1 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = GetValue(currentBranch->value, 1L); if (nc2 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc2 - 1] = GetValue(currentBranch->value, 2L); break; case multiplier: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case opamp: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; if (nc1 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc1 - 1] = -val; if (nc2 != 0) M[bn - 1][nc2 - 1] = val; break; case quantizer: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case vs: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case cs: M[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case l_general: if (n1 != 0) M[bn - 1][n1 - 1] = 1.0; if (n2 != 0) M[bn - 1][n2 - 1] = -1.0; B[bn - 1][bn - 1] = 1.0; break; case subckt: /* blank case */ break; default: errorReport(ERROR_GAUSSIAN_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT, currentBranch->name, ERR_VOID, 0); break; } } currentBranch = currentBranch->next; } /*Do Gaussian elimination on Mx=Ny+Bs simultaneously*/ if (runDiag) Diagnostic(); /* No longer pass parameters...arrays are global */ gaussj(NoOfVars); /* Initialize new tmpSystem records */ FORLIM1 = NoOfVars; for (k = 0; k < FORLIM1; k++) { FORLIM2 = NoOfVars; for (j = 0; j < FORLIM2; j++) { tmpSystem->N[k][j] = N[k][j]; tmpSystem->B[k][j] = B[k][j]; } if (writing_to_disk) { fwrite((tmpSystem->N[k]),sizeof(double),(NoOfVars),fp); fwrite((tmpSystem->B[k]),sizeof(double),(NoOfVars),fp); } } if (PRINT_PAINFUL) fprintf(stderr,"Finished Writing Circuit Phase %8ld to Disk.\n",i); } /* free memory for M, N, B */ if (writing_to_disk) fclose(fp); if (cmdline_symbols == TRUE) remove(compiled_data_filename); for (i = 0; i < NoOfVars; i++) { free(M[i]); free(N[i]); free(B[i]); } free(M); free(N); free(B); } void BuildQuickSystem() { long i, j, k; long NqTicks, NqVars; systemRec *tmpSystem; FILE *fp; aWord compiled_data_filename; strcpy(compiled_data_filename,rfile.filename); strcat(compiled_data_filename,".gck"); fp = fopen(compiled_data_filename,"rb"); if (fp == NULL) errorReport(ERROR_COMPILER_FILE_NOT_FOUND,compiled_data_filename,ERR_VOID,0); fread(&NqTicks,sizeof(long),1,fp); fread(&NqVars,sizeof(long),1,fp); if (NqTicks != NoOfTicks) errorReport(ERROR_COMPILER_TICKS_INCONSISTENT,0,ERR_VOID,0); if (NqVars != NoOfVars) errorReport(ERROR_COMPILER_VARS_INCONSISTENT,0,ERR_VOID,0); for (i = 1; i <= NoOfTicks; i++) { GetFromSystem(&tmpSystem, i); for (k = 0; k < NoOfVars; k++) { fread((tmpSystem->N[k]),sizeof(double),(NoOfVars),fp); fread((tmpSystem->B[k]),sizeof(double),(NoOfVars),fp); } } fclose(fp); }
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