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#ifdef Macintosh #define GCK_VERSION_RELEASE "2.0.1,(Mac) May 28, 1992" #else #define GCK_VERSION_RELEASE "2.0.1,(UNIX) May 28, 1992" #endif /* changes to 2.0.1 ... fixed number of stages computation for FFT */ /* RdH May 8, 1992 */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE (boolean) 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE (boolean) 0 #endif /* NeXT / BSD --ism */ #ifndef CLOCKS_PER_SEC #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC CLK_TCK #endif /* gck.h */ #define PI 3.141592653589793239 #define TWOPI (2.0 * 3.141592653589793239) /* error types, used for errorReport */ #define ERR_VOID 0 #define ERR_NODE 1 #define DYNAMIC_INITIAL_SIZE 100 #define DYNAMIC_INCREMENTAL_SIZE 100 #define NAME_LEN 16 #define NAME_HAF 8 #define WORD_LEN 64 #define BINARY_LEN 15 #define NULL_CHAR '\0' #define SPACE_CHAR ' ' #define TAB_CHAR '\t' #define boolean unsigned char #define unsigned_char_8 unsigned char #define unsigned_int_16 unsigned int #define unsigned_int_32 unsigned long typedef char card[128]; typedef char aWord[WORD_LEN]; #include "gck_card.h" typedef long iArray[100]; typedef double rArray[100]; typedef char cArray[256]; typedef struct { boolean is_symbol; long delay; /* used just for delay symbols */ char sName[WORD_LEN]; } symbol_value; typedef struct flex { long dim; symbol_value *sv; union { char *c; long *n; double *x; char *w; } UU; } flex; typedef char nameString[NAME_LEN]; typedef enum { resistor, capacitor, inductor, switch_, vs, cs, coupledInductor, vcsw, vcvs, vccs, ccvs, cccs, opamp, comparator, quantizer, subckt, delay, adder, multiplier, l_general } componentType; typedef flex valuePtr; typedef flex IDPtr; typedef struct branchRec { struct branchRec *next; nameString name, cname; componentType element; flex ID; /*1st = branch id 2nd = + node 3rd = - node The rest is controlling nodes or branches */ flex value; /*Interpreted for each element*/ long depth; /* RdH */ char cktname[32]; /* RdH */ } branchRec; /*to be used as a LIFO stack during reading*/ typedef struct statusRec { struct statusRec *next; long NVar; long *n_index; /* new ... RdH */ long indexRecLength; branchRec *base; } statusRec; typedef struct subcktRec { struct subcktRec *next; nameString name; long NVar; /*number of variables in the subcircuit*/ long NConn; /*number of external connection nodes*/ /*external connection nodes by convention numbered 1, 2,... NConn*/ branchRec *base; /*internal branches*/ } subcktRec; typedef struct nodeRec { struct nodeRec *next; double *me; long ID; /*node number*/ boolean flo, fhi, fsr; double lo, hi, sr, oldme; /*saturation levels and slew rate*/ } nodeRec; /* Added fromFile below for v0.2.0 RdH */ typedef enum { sinusoid, dc, rndm, pulse, impulse, comb, fromStdin, fromFile } wave; typedef struct sourceRec { struct sourceRec *next; double *value; branchRec *branch; wave signal; union { double A; double L; struct { double amp, freq, dly; } U0; struct { double amp0, freq0, deltaF; long noFreq; } U5; struct { double pls, unpls, mr, mf, td, tr, tp, tf, T; } U3; struct { FILE *FilePtr; } U7; } VV; } sourceRec; typedef struct nonlinRec { struct nonlinRec *next; double *src, *in1, *in2, *out1, *out2, xdata1, xdata2; /*to be used in slewrate etc calculations*/ branchRec *branch; } nonlinRec; typedef struct digitalRec { struct digitalRec *next; double *src, *in1, *in2, *out1, *out2; long ndata1, ndata2; double xdata1, xdata2; /*to be used in slewrate etc calculations*/ branchRec *branch; } digitalRec; typedef struct tableRec { struct tableRec *next; nameString name; flex data; } tableRec; typedef struct logicRec { struct logicRec *next; double *out; /*output*/ boolean default_out; flex truthTable; branchRec *branch; } logicRec; typedef struct modelRec { struct modelRec *next; nameString name; flex value; } modelRec; typedef struct clockRec { struct clockRec *next; nameString name; /*serves as the clock name*/ flex value; /*clock value at each tick, 1 or 0*/ } clockRec; typedef enum { branchVoltage, branchCurrent } printVar; typedef struct fftClist { struct fftClist *next; long depth; gck_complex x[FFT_ARRAY_SIZE]; } fftClist; typedef struct fftMRec { struct fftMRec *next; double *vo1; double *vo2; long fft_length; gck_complex *result; fftClist *base; fftClist *current; } fftMRec; typedef struct fftRec { struct fftRec *next; printVar outType; nameString name; long n1; long n2; double *vo1; double *vo2; unsigned char fptype; fftMRec *data; } fftRec; typedef struct printRec { struct printRec *next; printVar outType; nameString name; long n1, n2; double *vo1, *vo2; } printRec; typedef struct systemRec { struct systemRec *next; double **N; /* former system matrix sysMatrix */ double **B; /* same here ... RdH 1 Mar 92 */ } systemRec; /*x[k] = Nx[k-1]+Bs[k]*/
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