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(* ********************************************************** COSY_PAK package chap7.m ********************************************************** *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], Off[ General::spell ]; Off[ General::spell1 ] ] (* B E G I N P A C K A G E *) BeginPackage["COSYPAK`chap7`", "LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation`", "SignalProcessing`Analog`LaPlace`", "SignalProcessing`Analog`InvLaPlace`"] matrixpower::usage = "matrixpower[A,n] returns the result of A^n." (* Mathematica's multiplication of A^2 != A.A *) (* made function to fix this *) Controllable::usage = "Controllable[A, B] returns a logic value representing the complete state controllability of system A, B." PolePlaceGain::usage = "PolePlaceGain[A, B, poles] returns gain matirix K to place poles of system A - BK at locations specified by poles." ObsPolePlace::usage = "ObsPolePlace[A, C, newpoles] determines state observer gain matrix using Ackermann's formula." rank::usage = "rank[A] returns rank of matrix A." Observable::usage = "Observable[A, C] returns gain matrix to place observer poles." sspace::usage = "sspace[a, b] returns the state-space form of the ordinary differential equation such as y''' + a2 y'' + a3 y' + a4 y = b1 u' + b2 u with the coefficients of the y variables given by the list a and the coefficients of the u variables given by the list b. The list a must start with a 1 and the list b should be padded with leading zeroes if it is not the same length as a. The A, B, C, and D matrices of the equations x'= Ax + Bu y = Cy + Du as the global values AOUT, BOUT, COUT, and DOUT." ExpAt::usage= "ExpAt[a] returns exponential matrix of A." SysResponse::usage= "SysResponse[A, B, C, x0, input, s, {t, tmin, tmax}, gopts]: \ Graphs output of system y and returns time domain \ solutions for state x and output y. Returns graphics." OutControllable::usage= "OutControllable[A, B, C, D] returns a logic value representing the output controllability of system A, B, C, D." tpose::usage= "tpose[A] returns the transpose of the matrix A." Begin["`private`"] rank[a_]:= Block[{red,size,rnk,nz,i,j}, rnk= 0; size= Dimensions[a]; red= RowReduce[a]; Do[ nz= False; Do[ If [red[[i,j]]!= 0, nz= True], {j,size[ [2] ]} ]; If [ nz, rnk= rnk + 1], {i, size[ [1] ]} ]; rnk ]; matrixpower[matrix_,power_Integer?Positive]:= Block[ {ii,temp,size}, size= Dimensions[matrix]; temp= IdentityMatrix[ size[ [1] ] ]; Do[ temp= temp . matrix, {ii,power} ]; temp ]; Controllable[a_,b_]:=Block[{i, augm, dimena, rowa, cola, dimenb, rowb, colb}, (* Get sizes of matrices *) dimena= Dimensions[a]; dimenb= Dimensions[b]; rowa= dimena[ [1] ]; cola= dimena[ [2] ]; rowb= dimenb[ [1] ]; colb= dimenb[ [2] ]; If[rowa != cola, Print["A must be a square matrix."]]; augm= b; (* Form augmented matrix *) Do[augm= AppendRows[augm,matrixpower[a,i].b], {i,(rowa-1)}]; (* Check if controllability *) (* matrix is of full rank *) rank[augm] == rowa ]; PolePlaceGain[a_,b_,newpoles_]:= Block[{m1, s, dimnpoles, phi, i, tot, temp, j, dimena, rowa, m2}, If[ Controllable[a,b], dimnpoles= Dimensions[newpoles]; (* Ackermann's formula *) phi= Expand[ Product[ s - newpoles[ [i] ], { i,dimnpoles[ [1] ] } ] ]; tot= Coefficient[phi,s,0] IdentityMatrix [dimnpoles[ [1] ] ]; Do[tot= tot + Coefficient[phi,s,i] matrixpower[a,i], {i,1,dimnpoles[ [1] ]} ]; If[ dimnpoles[ [1] ] == 1, m1= {1}, m1= {0}; Do [AppendTo[m1,0], {i, 1, (dimnpoles[[1]]-2)} ]; AppendTo[ m1,1 ]; ]; m1= {m1}; (* controllability matrix *) dimena= Dimensions[ a ]; rowa= dimena[ [1] ]; m2= b; Do[m2= AppendRows[m2, matrixpower[a,i].b], {i,(rowa-1)} ]; (* find gain matrix K *) m1 . Inverse[ m2 ] . tot, (* Not Controllable *) Print["The system is not controllable."]] ]; ObsPolePlace[a_,c_,newpoles_]:= Block[{m1, s, dimnpoles, phi, i, tot, temp, j, dimena, rowa, m2}, (* full state observer *) If[Observable[a,c], dimnpoles= Dimensions[newpoles]; (* Ackermann's formula *) phi= Expand[ Product[ s - newpoles[ [i] ], { i,dimnpoles[ [1] ] } ] ]; tot=Coefficient[phi,s,0] IdentityMatrix [dimnpoles[ [1] ] ]; Do[tot= tot + Coefficient[phi,s,i] matrixpower[a,i], {i,1,dimnpoles[ [1] ]} ]; If[ dimnpoles[ [1] ] == 1, m1= {{1}}, m1= {{0}}; Do [ m1= AppendColumns[m1, {{0}} ], {i, 1, (dimnpoles[[1]]-2)} ]; m1= AppendColumns[ m1, {{1}} ]; ]; (* observability matrix *) dimena= Dimensions[ a ]; rowa= dimena[ [1] ]; m2= c; Do[m2= AppendColumns[m2, c . matrixpower[a,i] ], {i,(rowa-1)} ]; (* find gain matrix K *) tot . Inverse[ m2 ] . m1, (* Not Observable *) Print["The system is not observable."]] ]; tpose[a_]:= Block[{i,j,size,row,col,temp}, (* get # of rows and cols of a *) size= Dimensions[a]; row= size[[1]]; col= size[[2]]; (* initialize temp matrix *) temp= Array[1,{col,row}]; (* transpose elements *) Do[ Do[temp[[j,i]]= a[[i,j]], { j, size[[2]] }], { i, size[[1]] }]; temp ]; Observable[a_,c_]:=Block[{i,augm,dimena,rowa,cola,dimenc ,rowc,colc}, (* Get sizes of matrices *) dimena=Dimensions[a]; dimenc=Dimensions[c]; rowa=dimena[[1]]; cola=dimena[[2]]; rowc=dimenc[[1]]; colc=dimenc[[2]]; If[rowa != cola, Print["A must be a square matrix."]]; (* Begin augmented matrix *) augm= c; (* Form augmented matrix *) Do[augm= AppendColumns[augm, c . matrixpower[a,i] ], {i,(rowa-1)} ]; (* Check if observability *) (* matrix is of full rank *) rank[augm] == rowa ]; sspace[a_,b_]:= Block[{na,nb,beta,temp}, (* Convert ordinary differential *) (* equation to state space *) (* find size of input lists *) na= Dimensions[a]; na= na[[1]]; nb= Dimensions[b]; nb= nb[[1]]; (* lists must be same size *) If[nb != na,Print["Coefficient lists a and b", " must be the same size. Remember to pad", " the lists with leading zeros, if needed."] ]; beta= {b[[1]]}; Do[ temp= b[[i]]; Do[ temp= temp - a[[j]] beta[[i-j+1]], {j,2,i}]; AppendTo[ beta, temp], {i,2,nb}]; AOUT= IdentityMatrix[na-1]; Do[ Do[ If[ (j-1) == i, AOUT[[i,j]]= 1, AOUT[[i,j]]= 0], {i, na-2}]; AOUT[[na-1,j]]= -a[[na+1-j]], {j,na-1} ]; BOUT= {{beta[[2]]}}; Do[ BOUT= AppendColumns[ BOUT, {{beta[[i]]}} ], {i, 3, na}]; COUT= {{1}}; Do[ COUT=AppendRows[COUT,{{0}}], {na-2}]; DOUT= beta[[1]]; Print["The A Matrix is:"]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[AOUT]]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print["The B Matrix is:"]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[BOUT]]; Print["The C Matrix is:"]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[COUT]]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print["The D Matrix is:"]; Print[" "]; Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[DOUT]]; ]; OutControllable[a_,b_,c_,d_]:=Block[{i, augm, dimena, dimenc, rowa, cola, dimenb, rowb, colb, rowc}, (* Get sizes of matrices *) dimena= Dimensions[a]; dimenb= Dimensions[b]; dimenc= Dimensions[c]; rowa= dimena[ [1] ]; cola= dimena[ [2] ]; rowb= dimenb[ [1] ]; colb= dimenb[ [2] ]; rowc= dimenc[ [1] ]; If[rowa != cola, Print["A must be a square matrix."]]; augm= c.b; (* Form augmented matrix *) Do[augm= AppendRows[augm,c.matrixpower[a,i].b], {i,(rowa-1)}]; AppendRows[augm, d]; (* Check if controllability *) (* matrix is of full rank *) rank[augm] == rowc ]; SysResponse[a_, b_, c_, x0_, input_,s_,{t_,tmin_,tmax_}, opts___]:= Block[{tau, intexp, x, y, dimena,dimenb,rowa,cola,rowb,colb, dimenc,colc,intu,II,exps}, (* Get sizes of matrices *) dimena= Dimensions[a]; dimenb= Dimensions[b]; dimenc= Dimensions[c]; rowa= dimena[[1]]; cola= dimena[[2]]; colb= dimenb[[1]]; colc= dimenc[[1]]; If[rowa != cola, Print["expAt must be a square matrix."]; Return[{}]]; If[rowa != colb, Print["expAt and B must have an equal \ number of columns"];Return[{}]]; If[cola != colc, Print["expAt and C must have an equal \ number of rows"];Return[{}]]; II=IdentityMatrix[rowa]; exps =Together[Inverse[s II -a]]; inputs = LaPlace[input,t,s][[1]]; initpart = exps.x0; Do[initpart[[i]]= Simplify[ComplexExpand[ InvLaPlace[initpart[[i]],s,t, Apart->All]]],{ i, cola }]; forcepart = exps.b inputs; Do[forcepart[[i]]= Simplify[ComplexExpand[ InvLaPlace[forcepart[[i]],s,t, Apart->All]]],{ i, cola }]; (* integrate and add initial *) (* conditions to find x and y *) x= initpart + forcepart; y= c.x ; (* output graph and solutions *) Plot[y,{t,tmin,tmax}, FrameLabel->{"Time","Y(t)","Time Response of System "," "}, Frame->True,PlotRange -> All,GridLines->Automatic, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, Automatic,Automatic, Automatic}, opts]; Return[{x,y}] ]; ExpAt[a_]:= Block[{i,j,out,xform, II, nn}, nn = Dimensions[a][[1]]; II= IdentityMatrix[nn]; xform= Inverse[s II - a]; Do[ Do[ out[[i,j]]= Simplify[ComplexExpand[InvLaPlace[ xform[[i,j]],s]]], { j, nn}], { i, nn}]; Return[out] ]; End[] EndPackage[] (* E N D P A C K A G E *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], On[ General::spell ]; On[ General::spell1 ] ]
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