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(* ********************************************************** COSY_PAK package chap6.m ********************************************************** *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], Off[ General::spell ]; Off[ General::spell1 ] ] (* B E G I N P A C K A G E *) BeginPackage["COSYPAK`chap6`","Algebra`ReIm`", "Graphics`Graphics`"] MagPlot::usage = "MagPlot[Transf, s, {w,wmin,wmax}, gopts]: Plots the magnitude part of Bode plot of transfer function Transf(s) in decibel(dB), from frequency w=wmin to w=wmax, both > 0 and in radians per second. Returns graphics."; PhasePlot::usage = "PhasePlot[Transf, s, {w,wmin,wmax}, gopts]: Plots the phase part of Bode plot of transfer function Transf(s) in degree, from frequency w=wmin to w=wmax; w is in radian per second.Returns graphics."; LinearLogPlot::usage = "LinearLogPlot[f, {x, xmin, xmax}] generates a plot of f as a function of x \ in log scale."; NyquistPlot::usage = "NyquistPlot[Transf, s, {w,wmin,wmax}, gopts]: Plots the Nyquist plot of the transfer function Transf(s). The plot is composed of three parts. The first part corresponds to s=jw with w=-wmin to w=-wmax. The second part corresponds to s=jw, w varying from w=+wmin to w=+wmax. Encirclement information of (-1+j0) is provided by the third part which corresponds to s with theta=-pi/2 to pi/2. wmin and wmax should be > 0 and radians per second. Returns graphics."; Polar::usage = "Polar[Transf, s, {w,wmin,wmax}, gopts]: Plots the polar plot of the transfer function Transf(s) with s=jw , w varying from w=wmin to w=wmax, both > 0 and in radians per second. Returns graphics."; MagvsPhase::usage = "MagvsPhase[Transf, s, {w,wmin,wmax}, gopts]: Plots the magnitude vs. phase plot of transfer function Transf(s) with s=jw. The frequency w varies from w=wmin to w=wmax both > 0 and in radians per second. Returns graphics."; Modify::usage= "Modify[x] returns a proper value for phase angle"; Begin["`Private`"] (* Magnitude plot of Bode plot *) SetAttributes[MagPlot, HoldAll] MagPlot[Transf_,s_,{w_,wmin_,wmax_},opts___] := Module[{freqresp = Transf/. s->I w}, LinearLogPlot[20*Log[10,Abs[freqresp]],{w,wmin,wmax},Frame->True, GridLines->{LogGridMinor,Automatic}, FrameLabel->{"Frequency (rad/sec)","20 log|G(s)| (dB)", "Magnitude Plot"," "},opts] ]/; wmin < wmax (* Modify angle of transfer function *) Modify/:Modify[x_]:= x /; x < 0 Modify/:Modify[x_]:= -360 + x /; x > 0 (* Phase plot of Bode plot *) SetAttributes[PhasePlot, HoldAll] PhasePlot[Transf_,s_,{w_,wmin_,wmax_},opts___] := Module[{freqresp = Transf/. s->I w}, LinearLogPlot[Modify[180*Arg[freqresp]/Pi],{w,wmin,wmax}, Frame->True,GridLines->{LogGridMinor,Automatic}, FrameLabel->{"Frequency (rad/sec)","Degree of |G(s)|", "Phase Plot"," "},opts] ]/; wmin < wmax (* dB vs. Phase Plot *) MagvsPhase[Transf_,s_,{w_,wmin_,wmax_},opts___] := Module[{freqresp = Transf/. s->I w}, ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{Modify[180*Arg[freqresp]/Pi], 20*Log[10,Abs[freqresp]]}], {w, wmin, wmax},Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic}, Frame->True,GridLines->{Automatic,Automatic}, FrameTicks->{Automatic,Automatic,Automatic,Automatic}, FrameLabel->{"Degree of |G(s)|","20 log|G(s)| (dB)", "dB vs. Phase Plot"," "},opts] ]/; wmin < wmax (* Linear vs. Log plot *) SetAttributes[LinearLogPlot, HoldAll] LinearLogPlot[f_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, opts___] := Module[{}, ParametricPlot[{Log[10,x], f}, {x, xmin, xmax}, Ticks->{LogScale, Automatic}, FrameTicks -> {LogScale, Automatic, LogScale, Automatic}, PlotRange -> All, opts] ] (* Nyquist Plot *) NyquistPlot[Transf_,s_,{w_,wmin_,wmax_},opts___] := Module[{const,mag,phase,trans,npoint=40,gtable,theta,rad,theta1, ang1,fac,wwmin,centerx,angle,firstpt,finalpt,p1,p2, rad1,rad2,arg1,arg2,t,tmin,tmax,dfirst,dfinal, gp,g,g1,gminus,glist,freqresp,num,den,nn,x,radius}, (* The frequency response *) freqresp = Expand[Transf/. s->I w] ; mag = Abs[freqresp]; phase = Arg[freqresp]; (* Plot the (-1,0) point *) gp = Graphics[{PointSize[0.02],Point[{-1,0}]}]; glist={gp}; (* Manipulate the transfer function to standard form *) trans = Together[ExpandAll[Transf]]; num = Numerator[trans]; den = Denominator[trans]; (* If there exists poles at zero *) If[ Limit[den,s->0]==0, (* Reduce the poles at s=0 *) For[nn=0, Limit[den,s->0]==0, nn++, den=Simplify[den/s]]; wwmin = wmin; const = (num/den/.s->0); centerx = 0; (* The type 1 problem *) If[nn ==1 , firstpt = {mag Cos[phase] ,mag Sin[phase]}/.w->-wwmin; finalpt = {mag Cos[phase],mag Sin[phase]}/.w->wwmin; rad = Max[Abs[mag Cos[phase]],Abs[mag Sin[phase]]]/.w->-wwmin; fac=1; If[const<0, centerx = mag Cos[phase]/.w->-wwmin; angle[x_]:= - Pi - x , angle[x_]:= - x]; theta[x_]:=-Pi/2 + Pi/npoint x; gtable=Table[ ang1=angle[theta[i]]; {rad*Cos[ang1]+centerx, rad*Sin[ang1]},{i,0,npoint}]; gtable = Prepend[gtable,firstpt]; gtable = Append[gtable,finalpt]; (* Plot the graph from -0 to +0 theta from -90 to +90 *) g1 = ListPlot[gtable, DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotJoined->True, PlotStyle->{Dashing[{0.02,0.02}]}]; ]; (* The type 2 & above problem *) If[nn >= 2, (* Factor to reduce the wwnin (to increase rad2) *) fac = 0.95; firstpt = {mag Cos[phase] ,mag Sin[phase]}/.w->-wwmin; finalpt = {mag Cos[phase],mag Sin[phase]}/.w->wwmin*fac; p1 = firstpt[[1]]+I firstpt[[2]]; p2 = finalpt[[1]]+I finalpt[[2]]; rad1 = Abs[ p1 ]; (* Initial radius *) rad2 = Abs[ p2 ]; (* Final radius *) (* Normalized initial angle *) arg1=N[Mod[ Arg[ p1 ] ,Pi/2]]; (* Normalized final angle into 0<= arg <= Pi/2 *) arg2=N[Mod[ Arg[ p2 ] ,Pi/2]]; If[arg1 < N[Pi/4], dfirst = arg1, dfirst = -Pi/2 + arg1]; If[arg2 < N[Pi/4], dfinal = -arg2, dfinal = Pi/2 - arg2]; If[const<0, tmin= -Pi - nn(-Pi/2)+dfirst; tmax=-Pi - nn(Pi/2)-dfinal , tmin= - nn(-Pi/2)+dfirst; tmax= - nn(Pi/2)-dfinal]; radius[x_]:= rad1 + (x-tmin)/(tmax-tmin) (rad2 - rad1); (* Plot the graph from -0 to +0 theta from -90 to +90 *) g1 = PolarPlot[radius[t], {t,tmin,tmax}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotStyle->{Dashing[{0.02,0.02}]}] ]; glist = {gp,g1} , wwmin = 0 (* If there is no pole at zero, set wwmin = 0 *) ]; (* Plot the polar plot for w from -0 -> -inifinity and 0 ->+inifinity *) g = ParametricPlot[{mag Cos[phase], mag Sin[phase]}, {w, wwmin*fac, wmax}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts]; gminus = ParametricPlot[{mag Cos[phase], mag Sin[phase]}, {w, -wwmin , -wmax},DisplayFunction -> Identity]; glist = Join[glist,{g,gminus}]; Show[glist, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic},Frame->True, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, Automatic,Automatic, Automatic}, FrameLabel->{"Re(G(jw))","Im(G(jw))","Nyquist Plot"," "}, GridLines->{Automatic,Automatic}, PlotRange -> All,opts ] ]/; wmin < wmax (* Polar Plot *) Polar[Transf_,s_,{w_,wmin_,wmax_},opts___] := Module[{mag,phase,gp,g,glist,freqresp}, (* The frequency response *) freqresp = Expand[Transf/. s->I w] ; mag = Abs[freqresp]; phase = Arg[freqresp]; (* Plot the (-1,0) point *) gp = Graphics[{PointSize[0.02],Point[{-1,0}]}]; (* Plot the polar plot for w from -0 -> -inifinity and 0 ->+inifinity *) g = ParametricPlot[{mag Cos[phase], mag Sin[phase]}, {w, wmin, wmax}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts]; glist={gp,g}; Show[glist, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic},Frame->True, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, Automatic,Automatic, Automatic}, FrameLabel->{"Re(G(jw))","Im(G(jw))","Polar Plot"," "}, GridLines->{Automatic,Automatic}, PlotRange -> All,opts ] ]/; wmin < wmax End[]; EndPackage[]; (* E N D P A C K A G E *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], On[ General::spell ]; On[ General::spell1 ] ]
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