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(* ********************************************************** COSY_PAK package chap5.m ********************************************************** *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], Off[ General::spell ]; Off[ General::spell1 ] ] (* B E G I N P A C K A G E *) BeginPackage["COSYPAK`chap5`", "Graphics`Graphics`"]; RootLocus::usage = "RootLocus[Transf, s, {k,kmin,kmax}, gopts]: Plots the root-locus plot of the transfer function Transf(s) with the Parameter k varying from k=kmin to k=kmax. "; Begin["`Private`"]; (* Plot the Root Locus of a transfer function *) RootLocus[transf_,s_,{Para_,Paramin_,Paramax_},opts___]:= Module[{CharPoly,denom,numer,k,klist,poles,npoles,zeros,start, g,glist,realline,grealline,sol,linelem,linelist,nlines}, denom = Denominator[transf]; numer = Numerator[transf]; (* Get the starting pole location *) poles=NSolve[denom==0,s]; realline = Cases[s/.poles, x_/;(Abs[Im[x]] < 0.0001) ]; poles=Map[{Re[#],Im[#]}& ,s/.poles]; poles=Table[Append[poles[[i]],"X"],{i,1,Length[poles]}]; npoles=Length[poles]; glist = Array[g,npoles+1,0]; start = poles; (* If numerator exists *) If[! FreeQ[numer,s], (* Produce the mark of zeros *) zeros=NSolve[numer==0,s]; realline = Join[realline,Cases[s/.zeros, x_/;(Abs[Im[x]]<0.0001)]]; zeros=Map[{Re[#],Im[#]}& ,s/.zeros]; zeros=Table[Append[zeros[[i]],"O"],{i,1,Length[zeros]}]; start=Join[poles,zeros] ]; (* Procedure to produce lines to push root locus to reach zero *) nlines = Ceiling[Length[realline]/2]; realline = Sort[realline,Greater]; linelist = Array[linelem, nlines ]; If[EvenQ[Length[realline]], Do[ linelem[i] = Line[ {{realline[[2 i-1]],0},{realline[[2 i]],0}}], {i,1, nlines}], Do[ linelem[i] = Line[ {{realline[[2 i-1]],0},{realline[[2 i]],0}} ], {i,1, nlines-1}]; linelem[nlines] = Line[{{realline[[2 nlines-1]],0},{realline[[2 nlines -1]] -2 ,0}}] ]; linelist = Prepend[linelist,Thickness[0.0051]]; grealline = Graphics[linelist]; CharPoly = Collect[Numerator[Together[1 + transf Para]],s]; (* Looking for positive break away or break in gain *) keqn = Para/.Solve[CharPoly == 0,Para][[1]]; sol = NSolve[Numerator[Together[D[keqn,s]]]==0,s]; (* Pick up positive real parameter at the breaking point *) klist = Cases[keqn/.sol,x_/;(Re[x]>0 && Abs[Im[x]] < 0.0001) ]; (* Producing the parameter listing for plotting *) k = Paramin; a = 0.08;b = 0.03; While[k <= Paramax ,klist = Append[klist,k]; k = k (1 + a) + b]; (* Appedn the final value of k then sort the klist *) klist = Sort[Append[klist,Paramax]]; EqnSolve[x_]:= NSolve[ (CharPoly/.Para->x) == 0 ,s]; points = Map[{Re[#],Im[#]}& , s/.Map[EqnSolve,klist] ,{2}]; (* Graph of Poles and Zeros position *) g[0] = TextListPlot[start,DisplayFunction -> Identity]; (* Graph Sections of Root Locus devided by break points *) Do[ g[j] = ListPlot[ Table[points[[i,j]],{i,1,Length[klist]}], PlotJoined->True,PlotStyle->{Thickness[0.0051]}, DisplayFunction -> Identity ], {j,1,npoles} ]; (* Show all graphics *) Show[{grealline,glist}, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction,PlotRange -> All, FrameLabel->{"Re","Im","Root Locus"," "},Frame->True, Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic}, GridLines->Automatic, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, Automatic,Automatic, Automatic},opts] ]/; Paramin < Paramax End[]; EndPackage[]; (* E N D P A C K A G E *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], On[ General::spell ]; On[ General::spell1 ] ]
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