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(* ********************************************************** COSY_PAK package chap2.m ********************************************************** *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], Off[ General::spell ]; Off[ General::spell1 ] ] (* B E G I N P A C K A G E *) BeginPackage["COSYPAK`chap2`"]; SS2Transf::usage = "SS2Transf[A,B,C,s]"; Ode2SS::usage = "Ode2SS[lhscoeff, rhscoeff]: Convers linear ODE to State Space Eqn. The ODE is in the format: y(n) + a1 y(n-1) + ... + an-1 y(1) + an y = b0 u(n) + b1 u(n-1) + ... bn-1 u(1) + bn u where lhscoeff = [1, a1,...,an], rhscoeff = [b0,b1,...,bn]. The output are the Matrix A and Vector B in the state equation: dX/dt = A x + B u."; Linearize::usage = "Linearize[f, {x1,...,xn}, {x10,...,xn0}]: gives the linearization of vector function f[x1,...,xn] = {f1[x1,...,xn],...,fn[x1,...,xn]} at the point {x10,...,xn0}. The length of the function variables {x1,...,xn} must be equal to the length of the operating point {x10,...,xn0}."; Begin["`Private`"]; (* Function for transferring State Space Eqn to a transfer function *) SS2Transf[A_,B_,C_,s_] := Block[{transf,II,na1,na2,nb,nc}, na1 = Dimensions[A][[1]]; na2 = Dimensions[A][[2]]; nb = Dimensions[B][[1]]; nc = Dimensions[C][[1]]; If[na1 != na2 ||nb != na1 || nc != na2, Print["Dim[A]= ", na1,"x",na2]; Print["Dim[B]= ", nb,"x","1"]; Print["Dim[C]= ", "1","x",nc]; Return["Warring!! Dimensions Dismatch !!"] ]; II=IdentityMatrix[na1]; transf=Together[C.Inverse[s II -A].B]; Print["The transfer function is:",transf]; Return[transf] ]; (* Function for transferring ODE to State Space Eqn *) Ode2SS[num_,den_] := Block[{i,j,A,B,nn=(Length[num]-1),n=(Length[den]-1), bata,num1,den1,b0,temp}, A = Table[0,{i,n},{j,n}]; B = Table[0,{i,n}]; If[nn<n,num1=Join[Table[0,{i,1,n-nn}],num],num1=num]; (* Devide all parameter by a0 to make the first coefficient to be zero *) num1 = num1/den[[1]]; den1 = den/den[[1]]; b0 = num1[[1]]; (* Take off the first element of numerator and denominator *) num1 = Drop[num1,1]; den1 = Drop[den1,1]; (* The A Matrix *) Do[A[[i,i+1]]=1,{i,1,n-1}]; Do[A[[n,i]]=-den1[[n+1-i]],{i,1,n}]; (* The B Vector *) B[[1]] = num1[[1]] - den1[[1]]*b0; Do[temp = Sum[den1[[j]]*B[[i-j]],{j,1,i-1}]; B[[i]] = Simplify[num1[[i]] - temp - den1[[i]]*b0], {i,2,n} ]; (* Print out the result *) Print["The A Matrix is: "];Print[" "];Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[A]]; Print[" "];Print[" "]; Print["The B Vector is: "];Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[B]]; Return[{A,B}] ]; (* Linearize the nonlinear system *) Linearize[f_,xvars_,xpoint_,uvars_,upoint_] := Block[{d1,i,j,nfunc,nx,nxvars,nu,nuvars,xrule,urule, A,B,a,b}, nfunc = Length[f]; nxvars = Length[xvars]; nx = Length[xpoint]; nuvars = Length[uvars]; nu = Length[upoint]; (* Check the lengths of vars and points *) If [nx != nxvars, Print[StringForm[ "Linearize::Incompatible no. of xvars (``) and base xpoints (``).", nxvars,nx]]; Return[{}]]; If[nu != nuvars, Print[StringForm[ "Linearize::Incompatible no. of uvars (``) and base upoints (``).", nuvars,nu]]; Return[{}]]; (* Substitution Rule *) xrule = Table[xvars[[j]] -> xpoint[[j]], {j,1,nx}]; If[nu != 0, urule = Table[uvars[[j]] -> upoint[[j]], {j,1,nu}]; rule = Join[xrule,urule], rule = xrule ]; (* Produce the A Matrix *) A = Array[a,{nfunc,nx}]; Do[a[i,j] = D[f[[i]],xvars[[j]]]/.rule , {i,1,nfunc},{j,1,nx}]; (* Produce the B Matrix *) If[nu != 0, B = Array[b,{nfunc,nu}]; Do[b[i,j] = D[f[[i]],uvars[[j]]]/.rule , {i,1,nfunc},{j,1,nu}] ]; (* Print out the result *) Print["The A Matrix is: "];Print[" "];Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[A]]; If[nu != 0, Print[" "];Print[" "]; Print["The B Vector is: "];Print[" "]; Print[" ",TableForm[B]]; ]; Return[{A,B}] ]; End[]; EndPackage[]; (* E N D P A C K A G E *) If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ], On[ General::spell ]; On[ General::spell1 ] ]
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