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	        COSY_PAK package chap1.m		


If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ],
     Off[ General::spell ];
     Off[ General::spell1 ] ]
(*  B E G I N     P A C K A G E  *)

ChekAnal::usage = 
"ChekAnal[Transf, s, r, w,showder]:  Checks the analyticity of the transfer function Transf(s) at the point s=r+jw using Cauchy-Reimann conditions.  If `showder=1' (optional) then the derivatives in the computation are shown. ";

PoleZeros::usage = 
"PoleZeros[Transf, s]: Computes finite  poles and zeros of the transfer function Transf . Returns {list of poles, list of zeros}.


(* Function to check the analyticity of the transfer function *)

ChekAnal[Transf_,s_, r_,w_]:= ChekAnal[Transf,s, r,w,n] ;

ChekAnal[Transf_,s_, r_,w_,showdrv_]:=
	r/:Im[r]=0; w/:Im[w]=0; 
	g = ExpandAll[Transf/.s->(r + w I)];
	greal = Simplify[Re[g]]; gimag = Simplify[Im[g]];
	Print[" G(r + w I) = ", greal + I gimag ];
	dGrealr = D[greal,r];	(* derive real part of G(r + w I) *) 
	dGrealw = D[greal,w];	
	dGimagr = D[gimag,r];	(* derive imaginary part of G(r + w I) *)
	dGimagw = D[gimag,w];
	(* Show the derivatives *)
	If[ showdrv==1,
	   Print["The derivatives:"]; 
	   Print["d Re[G(r + w I)] /dr = ",Together[dGrealr] ];	
	   Print["d Re[G(r + w I)] /dw = ",Together[dGrealw] ];
	   Print["d Im[G(r + w I)] /dr = ",Together[dGimagr] ];
	   Print["d Im[G(r + w I)] /dw = ",Together[dGimagw] ] 
	(* dGx/dsigma - dGy/domega *)
	If[ (Simplify[dGrealr-dGimagw] ==0) &&
	    (Simplify[dGrealw+dGimagr] ==0),

	  poles = Solve[ Denominator[Simplify[Transf]] ==0, s];  
	  Print["    "];  
	  Print["The Transfer function G(s)= ", Transf," IS an analytical",
	     " function except at the singulality points: ", s/.poles],
	  Print["The Transfer function G(s)= ", Transf," IS NOT an analytical",
	     " function."]
(* Function list the zeros and poles of the transfer function *)
	gg = Simplify[Transf];
	gden = Denominator[gg] ;
	gnum = Numerator[gg];
	poles = N[Solve[gden ==0, s]]; 
	zeros = N[Solve[gnum ==0, s]];
	Print["The transfer function G(s)= ", Transf];     
	Print["    " ];
	Print["The Poles of G(s) is:",s/.poles];
	Print["    " ];
	Print["The Zeros of G(s) is:",s/.zeros];

(*  E N D     P A C K A G E  *)

If [ TrueQ[ $VersionNumber >= 2.0 ],
     On[ General::spell ];
     On[ General::spell1 ] ]

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