
This is stddefs.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

    /* prehaps 100 steps is one year */
    /* Mean number of steps an infected person will live */
    #define LIFEEXPECTANCYI	500
    /* Mean number of steps a normal person will live */
    #define LIFEEXPECTANCYN	7000
    /* initial Percentage of opotunities on which will attempt of indulge */ 
    #define SEXLEVEL		50
    /* Level by which confidence changes following an encounter */
    #define EGOBOOST		5
    /* Level by which confidence changes at each step */
    #define EGOMULT		0.99
    /* Percent of times that infection is spread */
    #define CONTAGEOUSNESS	90
    /* Percent of times that offspring will result from interaction */
    #define FERTILITY		10
    /* Number of steps in gestation period */
    #define GESTATION		90

 #define WANDER	{if(x>20) WEST;\
    			if(x<-20) EAST;\
    			if(y>20) SOUTH;\
    			if(y<-20) NORTH;\
			    case 0: NORTH;\
			    case 1: EAST;\
			    case 2: WEST;\
			    case 3: SOUTH;\
			    case 4: CENTER;\

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