
This is ImageOperator.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Image Operator API for ACRViewer (Version 1.2)
// Jens Breitenborn, 95/05/07
// A dynamically loaded Image Operator must be a subclass of the
// ImageOperator class specified by the interface below.
// Method description:
// - (const char*) operatorName
// 		Should be overwritten by a subclass
// - (BOOL)doesModify
// 		A modifying Image operator makes assignments to the data argument
// 		within its processImage:withWidth:height:minValue:andMaxValue:
// 		method. Modifying operators can only be applied exclusively
// 		to an image by ACRViewer. A subclass of ImageOperator
// 		must overwrite this method, if it does not modify the image.
// 		The default implementation of ImageOperator returns YES.
// - loadInterface:(const char*) filename
// 		Use this method to load your interface file (.nib). filename is
// 		relative to the bundle directory the subclass of ImageOperator 
// 		has been loaded from. 
// - processImage:(unsigned short*) data 
//	 withWidth:(int)width height:(int) height 
//	 minValue:(unsigned short) minValue andMaxValue:(unsigned short) maxValue
// 		Overwite this method to implement your modifying or non-modifying
// 		image processing algorithm.
// 		data contains an array of unsigned short typed pixels. The size of the
// 		array is data[height*width]. The pixel in the upper-left corner 
// 		of the image is stored in data[0], the pixel in the lower-left
// 		corner is stored in data[width*height-1].
// 		Minimum and maximum pixel values are given by minValue/maxValue.
// 		To change these values before displaying the image, use the
// 		setMinValue: and setMaxValue: methods of the ImageOperator class.
// - openPanel
// 		You should overwrite this method to load your interface. If the
// 		interface has more than one window or panel this method should 
// 		bring these (if necessary for input - editing parameters) on the
// 		screen. A subclass overwriting this method should 
//		return [super openPanel] 
// - closePanel
// 		If the interface has multiple panels/windows this method should be
// 		overwritten to close all panels/windows. 
// 		The mainPanel should be closed by returning [super closePanel]
// - apply:sender
// 		This action method should be connected to the apply button in the
// 		operators mainPanel
// - setMinValue:(unsigned short)minValue
// - setMaxValue:(unsigned short)maxValue	
// 		Use these methods if your implementation of the image processing
// 		algorithm changes these values.
// 	- setParameter:(const char*) parameter to:(const char*)string	
// 		This method is invoked by the DO API to set parameters in
// 		image operators. Normally you won't have to overwrite this 
// 		method. The standard implementation of the ImageOperator class
// 		scans the mainPanel for Form objects and sets the string value
// 		in every FormCell with parameter as title to string.
// 		You will only have to overwrite this method if
// 			· the interface has multiple input panels/windows
// 			· parameters are represented by interface objects other than Form.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface ImageOperator:Object
	id 				operatorController;
	BOOL 			interfaceLoaded;
	id 				mainPanel;
- (const char*) operatorName;
- (BOOL)doesModify;

- loadInterface:(const char*) filename;

- processImage:(unsigned short*) data 
	withWidth:(int)width height:(int) height 
	minValue:(unsigned short) minValue andMaxValue:(unsigned short) maxValue;

- openPanel;
- closePanel;

- apply:sender;

- setMinValue:(unsigned short)minValue;
- setMaxValue:(unsigned short)maxValue;

- setParameter:(const char*) parameter to:(const char*)string;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.