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Annotated Example from Chapter 2 of the |STAT Handbook
Copyright 1986 Gary Perlman

A concrete example with several |STAT programs is worked in detail.
The example shows the style of analysis in |STAT.  New Users of
|STAT should not try to understand all the details in the examples.
Details about all the programs can be found in the online manual entries
and more examples of program use appear in other chapters of the Handbook.

The example is based on a familiar problem: grades in a course based on
two midterm exams and a final exam.  Scores on exams are broken down by
student gender and by the lab section taught by one of two teaching
assistants: John or Jane.  The data are in the file exam.dat.  Each line
in exam.dat contains a student ID number, the student's teaching assistant,
the student's gender, and scores (out of 100) on the midterms and final.

We will compute final grades based on the exam scores, compare male and
female students, and compare the two teaching assistants.  The annotations
in Chapter 2 of the Handbook will provide more details.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.