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PROBDIST(1)                        |STAT                    August 21, 1989

     probdist - probability distribution functions, random number generation

     probdist [-qv] [-s seed] [ function distribution [parameters] value ]

     _p_r_o_b_d_i_s_t is a family of probability distribution functions.  _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s
          probability of obtained statistic (prob);
          critical statistic for specific probability level (crit or quantile);
          random samples of distribution values (rand).
     _d_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n_s include the uniform, normal-z, binomial, chi-square F,
     and t.  Applicable distribution parameters, such as degrees of
     freedom, should follow the name of the distribution.  For example, you
     can request the probability of an F-ratio:
          probdist  prob  F  2  12  3.46
     or a random sample of normal-z values:
          probdist  rand  n  100

     A single request can be supplied on the command line:
          probdist  rand  z  20
     or several can be supplied to the standard input.  Blank input lines
     are ignored.
          > probdist
          prob binomial 20 3/4 18
          critical t 8 .05

     Functions and distributions can be abbreviated with single letters;
     only the first letter is used, and case does not matter.  The normal-z
     distribution can be requested with z or n.  The chi-square
     distribution can be requested with c or x.

     Probabilities are between 0 and 1, usually not including those values.
     When supplying probabilities to the program, they can be input in
     decimal form (e.g., .05), or as a ratio of two integers (e.g., 1/20).
     The ratio form must be used to specify the probability of a success in
     the binomial distribution.

     -q   Quick version.  If a faster but slightly less robust/accurate
          version of a function exists, use that instead.

     -s seed
          Supply the integer random seed for random number generation.
          This value should be from 1 to the maximum integer for a system.
          Otherwise, the first random seed is taken from the system clock
          and process number.  This option allows the replication of random
          samples; the same requests with the same seed always produce the
          same result.

     -v   Verbose output.  By default, only the requested values are
          printed (e.g., you ask for the probability of a t statistic and
          that probability is printed, or you ask for a uniform random
          sample of 10 numbers and ten numbers are printed).  With the
          verbose option, the output from the program contains lines with
          the distribution name, parameters, value, and probability, in

     _d_m is useful for converting the output from _p_r_o_b_d_i_s_t.
     Normal sample with mean 20 and standard deviation 10:
          probdist  random  z  100  |  dm  x1*10+20
     Uniform random integers between 20 and 29 (inclusive):
          probdist  random  u  100  |  dm  floor(x1*10+20)

     e = epsilon (a very small number), oo = infinity, p = a/b, *one-tailed test
                 params      mean        min         max         prob
     Uniform                 0.5         0+e         1-e         x..1
     Binomial    N  p        Np          0           N           x..N*
     Normal Z                0           -oo         +oo         -oo..x*
     t           df          see F       0           +oo         x..oo
     Chi-Square  df          df          0           +oo         x..oo
     F           df1  df2    df2/(df2-2) 0           +oo         x..oo

     The critical value functions use an inversion of the probability
     functions that refine their approximations until the computed
     distribution value produces a probability within .000001 of the
     requested value.  The random samples are based on uniform random
     numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 (but not including those extreme values);
     the uniform random numbers are used as input to the critical statistic

     Uniform: u
     The uniform probability and critical value calculations both return 1
     minus the value.

     Binomial: b N p
     The binomial distribution returns the cumulative probability from a
     given value r (number of successes) up to N (the number of trials).
     The value of p, the probability of a success must be specified as a
     ratio of integers (e.g., 1/2, not .5).  To compute the lower tail of
     the binomial distribution, that is, the probability of getting r or
     less successes, the following rule can be used:
               prob ( B(N,p) <= r )  =  prob ( B(N,1-p) >= N-r )
     For a specified significance level, such as the .05 level, there may
     be no critical statistic with exactly the desired probability.  In
     most cases, the probability of the statistic will be less than that
     requested.  In some cases, there may be no critical statistic with
     less than the requested probability (e.g., the probability of 5
     successes in 5 binomial trials with p=1/2 is 0.03125), so the computed
     value would be one greater than the maximum possible (e.g., for the
     B(5,1/2) example: 6).  To compute random binomial numbers, N uniform
     random numbers are generated and the count of those less than p is the
     random statistic; with this algorithm, under the verbose option, the
     probability reported with the random statistic is not meaningful.
     Probability calculations are based on a logarithmic approximation of
     sums of products of powers of primes, thought to be accurate to over
     ten decimal places for N up to 1000.

     Normal-Z: n
     The normal-z probability function computes values for the one-tailed
     cumulative probability from -oo up to the given value.  The function
     is accurate to six decimal places (z values with absolute values up to
     6).  Probability of Normal Z value computed with CACM Algorithm 209.
     The quick version of the random number generation adds twelve uniform
     random numbers and subtracts 6.0.

     Student's t: t df
     The probability of Student's t-value computed from the relation:
     t(n)*t(n) = F(1,n) so, the probability reported for a t statistic is
     the two-tailed probability of |t| exceeding the obtained value.

     F: f df1 df2
     Probability of F-ratio computed with CACM Algorithm 322.

     Chi-Square: c df
     Probability of Chi-square computed with CACM Algorithm 299.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.