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PERM(1)                            |STAT                           May 1986

     perm - permute line order

     perm [-a | -c | -e | -i | -n] [-r] [-l lines] [-s seed]

     _p_e_r_m reads lines from the standard input and prints them in permuted
     order.  By default, this order is random, but the order can be sorted
     numerically or alphabetically with options.

     -a   Sort lines by alphabetic ordering.  Initial blank space is not

     -c   Use a case-insensitive comparison and sort by alphabetic

     -e   Sort lines by exponential (scientific) notation ordering.
          Initial blank space is ignored.  This method does true numerical
          sorting for all numbers, but is much slower than integer or
          numerical sorting.

     -i   Sort lines by integer ordering.  Initial blank space is ignored.

     -l lines
          Set the maximum number of lines to be read.

     -n   Sort lines by special numeric ordering.  Numbers with decimal
          points are allowed, and compared by a special fast sorting
          algorithm that is almost as fast as integer sorting.

     -r   Reverse the order of comparison for sorting options.

     -s seed
          Provide an integer seed for the random number generator.
          Otherwise, the seeding is done with the process number and the
          time, or, on some systems, by prompting for a seed.

     The program duplicates some of the _s_o_r_t program's functions, but
     provides true numerical sorting for MSDOS whose _s_o_r_t only does
     alphabetic sorts.

     Use the -L option to determine the program limits.

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