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PAIR(1)                            |STAT                   January 20, 1987

     pair - paired data points analysis and plots

     pair [-fps] [-h height] [-w width] [-c char] [-x xname] [-y yname]
          [-t top] [-b bottom] [-l left] [-r right]

     _p_a_i_r analyzes paired data by providing summary statistics and
     scattergrams.  _p_a_i_r reads pairs of points (two points per line) from
     the standard input and, without options, provides statistics on the
     first variable (X), the second (Y), and their difference.  If only one
     datum is on each line, then _p_a_i_r will supply the datum number (1 to N)
     as the first variable and use the datum as the second.

     -b bottom
          minimum Y value at the bottom of the plot (default: from data).

     -c char
          plotting character (default: frequency counts).

     -f   do not print frame around plot (default: print frame).

     -h height
          set height of the plot to _h_e_i_g_h_t lines.

     -l left
          minimum X value at the left of the plot (default: from data).

     -p   print bivariate plot.

     -r right
          maximum X value at the right of the plot (default: from data).

     -s   requests summary statistics.

     -t top
          maximum Y value at the top of the plot (default: from data).

     -w width
          set width of the plot to _w_i_d_t_h characters.

     -x name
          name of the first variable (default: "Column 1").

     -y name
          name of the second variable (default: "Column 2").

     pair -p -h 10 -w 20        # 10 high, 20 wide plot
     abut a b | pair -x a -y b  # compare two single column files

     Use the -L option to determine the program limits.

     Cases with missing data values (NA) are counted but not included in
     the analysis.

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