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COLEX(1)                           |STAT                 September 23, 1990

     colex - column/field extraction/formatting

     colex [-cfiqtv] [-F format] column numbers

     _c_o_l_e_x extracts the named columns (fixed columns or space-separated
     fields) from the standard input and prints each, optionally followed
     by tabs.  Column numbers begin with 1.  Ranges of column numbers can
     be abbreviated with arguments of the form #-# (e.g., 12-24).  Column
     ranges can be in reverse order (e.g., 5-1 to reverse the first five

     Optionally, _c_o_l_e_x will format output columns as integers, numbers with
     decimal points, or as numbers in exponential (scientific) notation,
     instead of the default of printing the columns as alphabetic fields.
     A format specification precedes the column range and is indicated by a
     single letter: a (alphabetic), e (exponential), i (integer), and n
     (numeric).  Each format can be preceded by an optional width and/or a
     precision.  The width tells how wide the field should be.  The
     precision tells how many digits after the decimal point should be
     printed for real numbers, or the maximum width for alphabetic fields.
     The general form is:
          [[width][.precision]format][column range]
     See the examples for simple cases.  C programmers will recognize the
     format as that used by the standard formatted printing functions.

     -c   Character column mode, to allow extracting fixed format data.  By
          default, _c_o_l_e_x extracts white-space-separated columns, but with
          this option, input lines are treated as a series of characters.
          No type checking is supported with this option, and extracted
          columns can not be quoted.  This option should usually be used
          with the option to inhibit tabs between columns.

     -f   Force filling of missing columns with the string NA.

     -F format
          By default, columns without type specifiers are printed as
          alphabetic strings.  This option changes the default for all
          columns for which the format is not explicitly specified.

     -i   Ignore missing columns.  Otherwise, a missing column, not filled
          by the -f option, is an error.

     -q   Place quotes around the printed strings.

     -t   By default, there is a tab printed after every column.  This
          option turns off the tab printing.

     -v   Validate data types in numerical columns.  If a numerical output
          format is requested, validation will print warnings when a non-
          integer or non-number is being printed as a number (usually as
          0).  By default, no checking is done.

     colex 1 2 3 4       # columns 1 through 4
     colex 1-4           # an abbreviation of the above
     colex 4-1           # columns 4-1 in reverse order
     colex -i 100-1      # reverse the columns ignoring missing columns
     colex 10.2n1-5      # columns 1-5, 10-wide, with 2 digits after decimal place
     colex -F 10.2n 5-2  # columns 5-2 in 10.2n format
     colex 4i1 5.2n2-3 10a4# column 1 as a 4-wide integer,
                         # columns 2-3 as 5-wide numbers with 2 decimal digits,
                         # and column 4 as a 10-wide alphabetic string
     colex -tc 12-14     # extract characters 12-14 (3 characters wide)

     Use the -L option to determine the program limits.

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