
This is Plot.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <appkit/nextstd.h>	/* gets stdio */
#import <appkit/Form.h>		/* for NXCoord, etc. */
#import <appkit/color.h>
#import "ScrollWindow.h"        // added 10-7-91 by pdhowell

typedef struct _datahunk {
    char  *filename;
    float *x;
    float *ex;			/* for error bars */
    float **y;
    float **ey;			/* for error bars */
    int   npoints;
    int   ncurves;
    NXPoint datamin;
    NXPoint datamax;
    BOOL    xaxislin;
    BOOL    yaxislin;
    BOOL    has_exbars;		/* for error bars */
    BOOL    has_eybars;		/* for error bars */
} datahunk;

@interface Plot:Object
    id  datahunkArray;		/* array of datahunk structs (a Storage object) */
    id	yMax;			/* the yMax object */
    id	xMax;			/* the xMax object */
    id	canvas;			/* the PlotView object */
    id	yMin;			/* the yMin object */
    id	xMin;			/* the xMin object */
    id	yInc;			/* the yInc object */
    id	xInc;			/* the xInc object */
    id  lineText;		/* the lineText object */
    id  symbolText;		/* the symbolText object */
    id  lineMatrix;		/* the lineMatrix object */
    id  symbolMatrix;		/* the symbolMatrix object */
    id  plotButton;		/* the plot Button object */
    id  xLinLog;		/* the x-axis linear/logarithmic button */
    id  yLinLog;		/* the y-axis linear/logarithmic button */
    id  legendForm;		/* for the curve titles on the legend */
    id  changeLegendFont;	/* the change legend font on/off button */
    id  changeLegendTitleFont;	/* the change leg. title font on/off button */
    id  changeXTitleFont;	/* the change x title font on/off button */
    id  changeYTitleFont;	/* the change y title font on/off button */
    id  changeMainTitleFont;	/* the change main title font on/off button */
    id  changeTicLabelFont;	/* the change tic label font on/off button */
    id  curveNumber;		/* the TextField on the color panel */
    id  curveColorWell;		/* color well for the curves */
    id  backgroundColorWell;	/* color well for background */
    id  textColorWell;		/* color well for text */
    id  columnPanel;		/* the Column Selection panel */
    id  columnSelectionHandler;	/* manages the Column Selection panel */
    id  accPrintColorButton;	/* print color button on accessories panel */
    id  accPrintLineStyleButton;/* line style button on accessories panel */
    id  printPreview;		/* are we previewing before printing? */
    id  binaryOpenAccessory;	/* accessory view for binary open */
    id  binaryOpenForm;		/* how many curves in the binary file */
    id  binaryXdatathere;	/* is there X data in the binary file? */
    id  writeDataAccButton;	/* should we write ascii or binary? */
    id  errorBars;		/* the error bars pop-up list*/
    id  errorBarPanel;		/* the panel with information about error bars */
    id  errorBarHandler;	/* manages the error bar panel */
    id  fileRemovalPanel;	/* for selective file removal */
    id  fileRemovalMatrix;     	/* filenames in file removal window */
    id  fileRemovalButtons;	/* buttons for clicking on filenames */

    int ncurvestotal;		/* total number of curves  */
    int nfilestotal;		/* total no. of files "open" */

    NXPoint globaldatamin;	/* xmin and ymin from the data */
    NXPoint globaldatamax;	/* xmax and ymax from the data */

    NXPoint oldMin;		/* for use by "previous view" */
    NXPoint oldMax;		/* ditto */
    NXPoint oldInc;		/* ditto */
    NXPoint currentMin;		/* ditto */
    NXPoint currentMax;		/* ditto */
    NXPoint currentInc;		/* ditto */

    int beepError;

    NXColor backgroundcolor, textcolor;
    NXColor *curvecolors;
    BOOL colorOption;

// these lines added by pdhowell
    id  lineMatrixWindow;         /* the lineMatrix object's Window */
    id  symbolMatrixWindow;       /* the symbolMatrix object's Window */
    id  legendFormWindow;         /* the legendForm object's Window */

/* class methods */
+ initialize;

/* instance methods */
- init;
- makeSomeScrollWindows;     // added by pdhowell

- (NXCoord *)xdata:(int)n;
- (NXCoord *)exdata:(int)n;
- (NXCoord **)ydata:(int)n;
- (NXCoord **)eydata:(int)n;
- (BOOL)has_exbars:(int)n;
- (BOOL)has_eybars:(int)n;

- (int) nPoints:(int)n;
- (int) nCurves:(int)n;
- (char *) filename:(unsigned)n;
- (int) nCurvesTotal;
- (int) nFiles;

- makeLineStyle:(int)aCurve :(int)lineStyle;
- makeSymbolType:(int)aCurve :(int)symType;

- (BOOL) xaxisLog;
- (BOOL) yaxisLog;
- forceXaxisLinear;
- forceYaxisLinear;
- forceXaxisLog;
- forceYaxisLog;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeLegendFont;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeLegendTitleFont;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeXTitleFont;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeYTitleFont;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeMainTitleFont;
- (BOOL) shouldChangeTicLabelFont;

- (int)providelinestyle: (int)aCurve;
				/* 0=solid, 1=dash, 2=dot, 3=chain dash */
				/* 4=chain dot, 5=none : see defs.h */
- (int)providesymbolstyle: (int)aCurve;
				/* 0=none, 1=circle, 2=x, 3=up triangle */
				/* 4=down triangle, 5=diamond, 6=square  */
				/* 7=plus : see defs.h */

- (double)provideXmin;
- (double)provideXmax;
- (double)provideXinc;
- (double)provideYmin;
- (double)provideYmax;
- (double)provideYinc;

- (float)provideGlobalXmin;
- (float)provideGlobalYmin;

- resetXmin:(double)x;
- resetXmax:(double)x;
- resetXinc:(double)x;
- resetYmin:(double)x;
- resetYmax:(double)x;
- resetYinc:(double)x;

- resetMinMax:sender;

- drawPlotButton:(int)state;

- drawPlot:sender;

- (int) readData:(NXStream *)aDataStream  :(char *)fname;

- checkLinLog:(datahunk *)pdh;
- checkGlobalLinLog;

- findMinMax:(datahunk *)pdh;
- findGlobalMinMax;
- niceMinMaxInc;

- adjustLineStyleMatrix:(int)column :(int)row;
- adjustSymbolTypeMatrix:(int)column :(int)row;
- redisplayLineStyleMatrix;
- redisplaySymbolTypeMatrix;
- adjustPanels:(int)oldn :(int)newn;
- adjustScrollWindows;

- open:sender;

- openFile:(char *)dataFile :(char *)realName;

- plotPrepAndDraw;

- removeAllFiles:sender;

- fixFileRemovalPanel:sender;

- removeSomeFiles:sender;

- removeAndOpen:sender;

- sanityCheck;

- writeDataFiles:sender;

- (NXColor) provideBackgroundColor;
- (NXColor) provideTextColor;
- (NXColor) provideCurveColor:(int)aCurve;

- setBackgroundColor:sender;
- setTextColor:sender;
- setCurveColor:sender;
- forceBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor;
- forceTextColor:(NXColor)aColor;
- forceCurveColor:(int)curvenum :(NXColor)aColor;

- colorOn:(BOOL)onOff;

- fixMatrixColumn:sender;

- swapColumns:(int)prev_col :(int)col forFileNumber:(int)i;

- stackOldMinMax:(float)xmin :(float)xmax :(float)ymin :(float)ymax;

- openBinary:sender;

- openBinaryFile:(char *)dataFile;

- (int) readBinaryData:(NXStream *)aDataStream :(char *)fname :(int)numcurves
                      :(int)numpoints :(BOOL)xdatathere;

- preludeToReading:(char *)fname :(datahunk **)pdh;

- postludeToReading:(char *)fname :(int)oldncurves :(datahunk *)pdh;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.