
This is hplotNxt.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * hippoplotps.c - Postscript routines for displaying hippo ntuples.
 * Copyright (C)  1991  The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
 * Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * $Header: /nfs/ebnextk/LocalSources/hippoplotamus/hplotNxt.h,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:55:47 rensing Exp $

#include <dpsclient/wraps.h>
#include "hpsWraps.h"

#define _HPLOTNXT_H_RCSID_ "$Id: hplotNxt.h,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:55:47 rensing Exp $"

 * initPlot - specify the outer and inner rectangles in device coords,
 * and the inner rectangle again in user coords. This sets global
 * values that are used by the other routines, so it should be called
 * whenever any rectangle specification is changed.
int initPlot_NeXT(rectangle *rect1, rectangle *rect2, rectangle *rect3);

 * Draw lines between coordinates
int drawLine_NeXT(float *coords, int nCoords, linestyle_t ls);

 * Draw a series of points, using the symbol specified
int drawPoints_NeXT(float *coords, int nCoords, plotsymbol_t symbol,
		    float symbolSize);

 * Draw a series of points, optimized for speed and size. The symbols
 * are only rough matches to the specified one. Hopefully, one day this
 * will be the default routine with proper symbols.
int drawPointsScat_NeXT(float *coords, int nCoords, plotsymbol_t symbol,
			float symbolSize);

 * Draw vertical error bars.  We use only the x part of the
 * coordinates, plus the y-low and y-high pairs.
int drawYError_NeXT(float *coords, float *errorYs, int nCoords);

 * Draw horizontal error bars.  We use only the y part of the
 * coordinates, plus the x-low and x-high pairs.
int drawXError_NeXT(float *coords, float *errorXs, int nCoords);

 * Place text at a given location in device coords. X alignment is
 * specified as 'L', 'R', or 'C' (or lower case), meaning that the
 * left, right, or center of the text is positioned at the xy
 * location.  Similarly Y alignment is given as 'B', 'C', or 'T', for
 * bottom, center or top.  Rotation is then performed, given in
 * degrees anti-clockwise.  The variable 'fontSize' is the size in
 * 'points'.
int drawText_NeXT(char *string, float x, float y, float fontSize, 
		  float rotation, char xAlign, char yAlign);

 * draw ticks and labels along Y axis
int drawYTicks_NeXT( float *ticks, int nticks, float tickwidth, int side );
int drawXTicks_NeXT( float *ticks, int nticks, float tickwidth, int side );

* shade portions of plot to indicate areas removed by a cut
int shade_NeXT(float xlow, float xhigh, float ylow, float yhigh );

 * plot "x10^mag" at specified location
int drawMag_NeXT( float x, float y, int mag, float fontSize );

 * greyscale/color 2D plot for the NeXT
int drawColor2D_NeXT(int nXBins, int nYBins, float binMin, float binMax, 
		     float *data, int useColor );

int drawLego2D_NeXT(display disp);

int drawScatter3D_NeXT(display disp, float *coords, int nCoords);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.