
This is hippo.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * hippo.h - histogramming package in C. 
 * originally by jonas karlsson, at SLAC, August 1990
 * much modified since by Gravina, Kunz, Pavel, Rensing
 * Copyright (C)  1991  The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
 * Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * $Id: hippo.h,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:55:11 rensing Exp $

#ifndef _HIPPO_H_		/* only include once */
#define _HIPPO_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus		/* do not leave open across includes */
extern "C" {			/* for C++ V2.0 */

#ifdef THINK_C
#define const
#define malloc(A) malloc((size_t)(A))
#define realloc(A,B) realloc((A),(size_t)(B))

/* for IBM AIX workstations */
#if defined(_IBMR2)
#ifndef _BSD
#define __NO__BSD__
#define _BSD 1
#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
#define __NO__ALL__SOURCE__
#define _ALL_SOURCE
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef __NO__BSD__
#undef _BSD
#ifdef __NO__ALL__SOURCE__
#undef _ALL_SOURCE

#include <stdarg.h>		/* needed for variable arguments */
#include <stdio.h>		/* needed for FILE definition */

 * pick up the RPC header
#ifdef sgi
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifdef VM			
#include <rpc.h>
#if defined(_IBMR2) || defined(VAXC)
#define malloc old_malloc
#ifdef THINK_C
#include "rpctypes.h"
#include "rpcxdr.h"
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#if defined(_IBMR2) || defined(VAXC)
#undef malloc

#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(sgi)
#define const 

 * for VMS, add noshare to externals so hippo can be sharable library
#ifdef VMS
#define GLOB_QUAL noshare
#define GLOB_QUAL

#define HIPPO_H_RCSID "$Id: hippo.h,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:55:11 rensing Exp $"

 * enum types for options

 * graphtype - type of plot
 * SCATTERPLOT 	   - 2D scatter plot
 * LEGOPLOT        - 2D binned Lego plot
 * COLORPLOT       - 2D binned grayscale/colorscale plot
 *                   If drawtype COLOR bit is set, tries to use color scale
 * XYPLOT          - Plot of y versus x
 * STRIPCHART      - Like XYPLOT, but ntuple is considered as circular buffer, 
 *                     start is tuple with smallest x value.
 * HISTOGRAM       - 1D binned histogram
 * THREEDSCATTER   - 3D scatter plot

 * drawtype - drawing options
 * BOX      - for HISTOGRAM, draw the histogram box-type line
 * POINT    - draw points
 * LINE     - connect points with straight lines
 * ERRBAR   - plot error bars when appropriate
 * COLOR    - for COLORPLOT, try to use full color spectrum
typedef enum {
     NONE = 0, BOX = 1, POINT = 2, LINE = 4, ERRBAR = 8, COLOR = 16
} drawtype_t;

 * plot drivers
 * NEXT     - NeXT Display PostScript and NeXT library calls
 * UNIXPLOT - device-independent UNIXPlot calls
 * LPR      - line printer; same as calling h_print
 * XIVPLOT  - Interviews X-windows calls
 * MAC      - Macintosh QuickDraw
 * X11PLOT  - basic X-windows (R4) driver
 * PSPLOT   - PostScript to file
 * EPSPLOT  - EPS to file (same as PSPLOT for now)
		    PSPLOT, EPSPLOT } plotdrvr_t;

typedef enum { SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH, LS_INVISIBLE } linestyle_t;
typedef enum { SQUARE, SOLIDSQUARE, PLUS, TIMES } plotsymbol_t;
typedef enum { XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS, WEIGHT, XERROR, YERROR } binding_t;

 * plot locations - used for axis labels and ticks.
typedef enum { PLOTLEFT=1, PLOTRIGHT=2, LEFTRIGHT=3,
		    PLOTTOP=4, PLOTBOTTOM=8, TOPBOTTOM=12 } plotloc_t;

 * structure definitions.
#ifdef VM
#include "hshrtnm.h"
#include "hstruct.h"


 * Function Prototypes

 * ----------- ntuple functions  -----------------

 * h_new - returns a new ntuple, with ndim dimensions.
 *    returns NULL on error.
ntuple h_new(int ndim);

 * h_freeNt - frees all memory associated with the n-tuple.
 *    returns 0.
int h_freeNt( ntuple nt );

 * h_clrNt - Clear all data points from the n-tuple, 
 *  and reallocs memory for data to default size.
 *    returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
int h_clrNt( ntuple nt );

 * h_fill - add one entry to the end of the ntuple data list.
 *          There must be ndim float parameters after the first parameter,
 *          where ndim is the ntuple's dimension.
 * h_arrayFill - add an n-tuple, getting data from an array
 *    return -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_fill(ntuple nt,  ...);
int h_arrayFill(ntuple nt, float *data );

 * h_setNtTitle - set title of ntuple data set.
 * h_setNtLabel - set label on ntuple dimension dim.
 * h_setAllNtLabels - set labels on all ntuple dimensions.
 *                There must be ndim strings in the call.
 *   return 0 if successful, -1 if failed.
int h_setNtTitle( ntuple nt, const char *title );
int h_setNtLabel( ntuple nt, int dim, const char *label );
int h_setAllNtLabels( ntuple nt, ... );

 * h_getNtDim - return the dimension of the n-tuple.
#define h_getNtDim(nt) ((const int) (nt)->ndim)

 * h_getNtTitle - return the title of the ntuple.
 * h_getNtLabel - return the label associated with dimension dim of 
 *                the ntuple. Returns NULL on error.
#define h_getNtTitle(nt) ((const char *)(nt)->title)
const char *h_getNtLabel( ntuple nt, int dim );

 * h_getNtNdata - return number of ntuples in nt.
 *  returns -1 on error.
#define h_getNtNdata(nt) ((const int) (nt)->ndata)

 * h_getNtAllData - return pointer to all the data in specified ntuple. 
 *          Tuples are stored consecutively in the array, first all
 *          columns for the first row, then subsequent rows.
 *          Do NOT attempt to modify the data.
#define h_getNtAllData(nt) ((const float **) (nt)->data)

 * h_getNtData - returns a particular row in the data.
 *          The first row is numbered 0. 
 *          i_nt is the row of the ntuple wanted. f is the array in which
 *           to place the data, and fSize is the length of f. If f is
 *           NULL or too small, h_getNtData will malloc/realloc f to be
 *           the correct size. The current pointer to the data array
 *           is returned by the function (ie. if f is moved, its new 
 *           location is returned).
 *          This data is a copy of the data in the ntuple and it is 
 *          therefore the user's responsibility to free the memory
 *          when done.
 *          Returns NULL on error.
float *h_getNtData( ntuple nt, int i_nt, float *f, int *fSize );

 * h_getNtColumn - get array data for a particular variable in ntuple.
 *          Use h_getNtNdata as number of points returned.
 *          Do NOT attempt to modify this data.
 *          Returns NULL on error.
#define h_getNtColumn(nt,i) ((float *) (nt)->data[i])

 * h_getNtLow - returns array of lower limits of each column of the ntuple.
 *              ie. f = h_getNtLow( nt); then
 *               f[1] is the lowest value of the 2nd variable of the ntuple.
 * h_getNtHigh - returns array of upper limits.
 *        Do NOT attempt to modify the data.
#define h_getNtHigh(nt) ((const float *) (nt)->nhigh)
#define h_getNtLow(nt) ((const float *) (nt)->nlow)

 * h_replData - replace the specified row in the ntuple.
 *    i_nt, which is the index of the row to replace (starting from 0),
 *    must be within the existing range of data.
 *    There must be ndim floats after i_nt, where ndim is the dimension
 *    of the ntuple. After calling this routine, the low/high limits of
 *    the ntuple dimensions may be wrong. The flag extremeBad will be set.
 * h_arrayReplData - replace specified tuple from a float array.
 *    Array must contain ndim floats.
 * Return -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_arrayReplData( ntuple nt, int i_nt, float *data );
int h_replData( ntuple nt, int i_nt, ... );

 * h_getExtremeBad - get flag extremeBad from ntuple.
 *     extremeBad is set if the upper/lower limits may be wrong.
#define h_getExtremeBad(nt) ((nt)->extremeBad)

 * h_findExtreme - find the minimum and maximum of each column of 
 *    the ntuple. Clears the flag extremeBad.
int h_findExtreme( ntuple nt );

 * h_addColumn - add a column to the ntuple.
 *    This routine creates a new column on the end of the ntuple. On
 *    successful completion, it returns the index of the new column;
 *    otherwise, it returns -1.
 *    It is the user's responsibility to fill the new column and give
 *    it a sensible label (there is a default label).
 *    The flag extremeBad is set to indicate the limits may be wrong.
int h_addColumn( ntuple nt );

 * h_ntSize - the number of bytes needed to write out a given ntuple.
 *      Some slop is included.
int h_ntSize( ntuple nt );

 * ---------- Display routines -------------------------------------

 * h_newDisp - creates a new display of the type specified.
 *      Sets most fields of the display to reasonable defaults.
 *    Returns NULL on error.
display h_newDisp(graphtype_t type);

 * h_copyDisp - create a new display and copy the old one into it.
 *  Returns NULL on error.
display h_copyDisp(display olddisp);

 * h_freeDisp - free all memory accosiated with display.
 *    Returns 0.
int h_freeDisp( display disp );

 * h_dispSize - calculate the number of bytes needed to 
 *        write out a given display. Some slop is included.
int h_dispSize( display disp );

 * h_setDispType - sets the plot type.
 *       Returns -1 on error.
 * h_getDispType - fetch the current plot type.
int h_setDispType( display disp, graphtype_t type);
#define h_getDispType(d) ((d)->graphtype)

 * h_setDrawType - set the what should be drawn for the data;
 *                 eg. histogram bars, points...
 * h_orDrawType - do a logical OR of draw bits; means the 
 *                given options will be added to list of things
 *                to plot.
 *  Return -1 on error.
 * h_getDrawType - fetch the current draw type.
int h_setDrawType(display disp, drawtype_t type);
int h_orDrawType(display disp, drawtype_t type);
#define h_getDrawType(d) ((d)->drawtype)

 * h_bindNtuple - binds a ntuple to a display
 *    Returns -1 on error.
 * h_getNtuple - fetch the currently bound ntuple.
int h_bindNtuple(display disp, ntuple nt);
#define h_getNtuple(d) ((d)->tuple)

 * h_setNtByRef - set/clear flag to indicate ntuple is access 
 *      "by reference". This means that when written out, a display with
 *      an ntuple "by reference" will NOT cause that ntuple to be
 *      written out as well. When read back in, it is the application's
 *      responsibility to re-establish the connection between the
 *      display and its ntuple.
 *    The third argument is a string which should indicate where the 
 *      ntuple comes from, ie. which file. This is intended to help
 *      with portability.
 * h_getNtByRef - fetch the "by reference" flag.
 * h_getNtFile - get the filename for the ntuple if by reference
int h_setNtByRef(display disp, int flag, const char *filename);
#define h_getNtByRef(d) ((d)->flags.ntByReference)
#define h_getNtFile(d) ((d)->ntFile)

 * h_bind - binds the ntuple column dataDim to the display quantity.
 *    The ntuple columns are numbered starting from 0.
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getBinding - fetch the current binding in the display.
int h_bind(display disp, binding_t q, int dataDim);
int h_getBinding( display disp, binding_t q );

 * h_bindMany - binds specified number (n) of plot variables to 
 *      n-tuple variables. Variable arguments must come in pairs
 *      of  binding_t q, int dataDim. 
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_bindMany(display disp, int n, ...);

 * h_setBinWidth - sets the width of bins along the specified axis.
 *    The axis' upper limit is adjusted to be consistent with the lower
 *      limit, the given bin width, and the number of bins.
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getBinWidth - fetch the bin width for the specifed axis.
int h_setBinWidth(display disp, binding_t axis, float width);
float h_getBinWidth( display disp, binding_t axis );

 * h_setBinNum - set the number of bins along the specified axis.
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getBinNum - return number of bins along the axis.
 *    Return -1 on error.
int h_setBinNum(display disp, binding_t axis, int n);
int h_getBinNum( display disp, binding_t axis );

 * h_setLogAxis - switch logarithmic axes (base 10) on or off.
 *        Log axis does not have any meaning for a binned axis.
 * h_getLogAxis - fetch log axis flag for specified axis.
int h_setLogAxis(display disp, binding_t axis, int onOff);
int h_getLogAxis(display disp, binding_t axis);

 * h_setAutoScale - turn on or off autoscaling for an axis.
 * h_getAutoScale - fetch autoscale flag for an axis.
 * h_autoScale - force autoscaling immediately for axes with flag set.
int h_setAutoScale(display disp, binding_t axis, int onOff);
int h_getAutoScale(display disp, binding_t axis);
void h_autoScale( display );

 * h_setRange - set the lower and upper limit along an axis.
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getRange - fetch the lower and upper limits along an axis.
 *     If the axis is autoscaled, this will be the numbers used
 *     once an h_plot (or h_bin for a binned axis) has been done.
int h_setRange(display disp, binding_t axis, float low, float high);
int h_getRange(display disp, binding_t axis, float *low, float *high);

 * h_setTitle - sets the title of the display.
 *    Possible printf format-like strings which pick up quantities from
 *     the ntuple are:
 *      %t   the ntuple's title
 *      %x   the label for the ntuple column bound to the x-axis
 *      %y         "              "          "            y-axis
 *      %z         "              "          "            z-axis
 *      %w         "              "          "            weight
 *      %dx  the width of bins along the x-axis
 *      %dy        "         "           y-axis
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getTitle - fetch the display's title.
int h_setTitle(display disp, const char *title);
#define h_getTitle(d) ((const char *)(d)->title)

 * h_setAxisLabel - set the label for the specified axis.
 *    The format-like strings discussed for h_setTitle are valid.
 *   Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
 * h_getAxisLabel - return pointers to label for specified axis.
 *   Returns NULL on error.
int h_setAxisLabel( display disp, binding_t axis, const char *label );
const char *h_getAxisLabel( display disp, binding_t axis );

 * h_expandLabel - Function to expand labels which include hippo 
 *  "format" specifiers. The valid "format" symbols are: 
 *    %t   - title of the ntuple
 *    %x   - label of ntuple column bound to x-axis
 *    %y   - label of ntuple column bound to y-axis
 *    %z   - label of ntuple column bound to z-axis
 *    %w   - label of ntuple column bound to weight
 *    %ex  - label of ntuple column bound to x error
 *    %ey  - label of ntuple column bound to y error
 *    %dx  - width of bins in x-axis direction
 *    %dy  - width of bins in y-axis direction
 *  dest is destination string, src is source string, max is maximum number 
 *  of characters in dest, and disp is the relevant display.
 *  Returns pointer to dest.
char *h_expandLabel( char *dest, const char *src, int max, display disp );

 * h_setPlotSymbol - set the plot symbol used when plotting the
 *    data. Plot symbols can be one of those defined by plotsymbol_t
 * h_getPlotSymbol - fetch the current plot symbol.
#define h_setPlotSym(d,s) ((d)->plotSymbol = (s))
#define h_getPlotSym(d) ((d)->plotSymbol)

 * h_setSymSize - set the size of the plot symbol. Size is in points.
 *         (ie. 1/72 inch)
 * h_getSymSize - fetch the current plot symbol size.
#define h_setSymSize(d,s) ((d)->symbolSize = (s))
#define h_getSymSize(d) ((d)->symbolSize)

 * h_setLineStyle - set the line style used when connecting points.
 *         Line styles are defined by linestyle_t above.
 * h_getLineStyle - fetch the current line style.
#define h_setLineStyle(d,s) ((d)->lineStyle = (s))
#define h_getLineStyle(d) ((d)->lineStyle)

 *----------- Display actions ----------------------

 * h_plot - Plots the ntuple using the current plot driver.
 *    The optional parameters are used by some plot drivers:
 *     eg. XPLOT passes the painter and canvas as optional parameters.
int h_plot(display disp, ...);

 * h_setPlotDrvr - select device for plotting.
 *    Valid plot drivers are specified by the enum type plotdrvr_t.
 *    Optional parameters are used by:
 *     UNIXPLOT - optional parameter a C FILE pointer, to which
 *          output is sent (does not work at present).
int h_setPlotDrvr( plotdrvr_t drvr, ... );

 * h_endPlotDrvr - do any cleanup needed before a driver is closed
int h_endPlotDrvr( void );

 * h_endPage - end a page for a plot driver.
int h_endPage( void );

 * h_print - Prints an ASCII representation of the histogram to stdout.
 * h_fprint - h_print to given file.
void h_fprint(display disp, FILE *file);
#define h_print(x) h_fprint(x,stdout)

 * h_bin - perform binning on the display, but don't plot.
 *    Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise
int h_bin(display disp);

 * h_cum - accumulate the bins of a display directly, not through an
 *    ntuple. The display must be a binned plot, ie. HISTOGRAM, COLORPLOT,
 *    or LEGOPLOT. For HISTOGRAM, there are two arguments: the "x" value
 *    and the weight. For COLORPLOT and LEGOPLOT, there are three arguments:
 *    x, y, and weight (in that order).
 *   h_cum automatically sets the bins to be fixed, and will not work if
 *    there is an ntuple bound to the display.
int h_cum(display disp, double x, double yOrW, ... );

 * h_getBins - get a pointer to the array of bin values.
 * h_getVariance - get a pointer to the array of bin variances (ie. error^2)
 *    h_getBinNum will give number of data points.
 *  Do NOT attempt to modify this data.
#define h_getBins(d) ((const float *) (d)->bins.data)
#define h_getVariance(d) ((const float *) (d)->bins.variance)
#define h_getXMoments(d) ((const float *) (d)->bins.xAxis.moments)
#define h_getYMoments(d) ((const float *) (d)->bins.yAxis.moments)

 * h_getBinExtreme - get minimum and maximum bin value.
 *  return 0 if normal, -1 on error.
int h_getBinExtreme( display disp, float *min, float *max );

 * h_getTotal - get the (weighted) sums of events inside/outside
 *   the plot. i is for x-axis, j for y-axis. 0 means below lower limit,
 *   1 is inside plot's range, 2 is above range.
#define h_getTotal(d,i,j) ((const float) (d)->bins.totals[i][j])

 * h_setDrawTitles - set/clear flag to plot the display title and labels
 *    during h_plot.
 * h_getDrawTitles - fetch the flag indicating whether to draw titles.
#define h_setDrawTitles(d,f) ((d)->flags.drawTitles = (f))
#define h_getDrawTitles(d) ((d)->flags.drawTitles)

 * h_setDrawAxes - set/clear flag to plot the display axes during h_plot
 *                (w/ ticks and scales).
 * h_getDrawAxes - fetch the flag indicating whether to draw the axes.
#define h_setDrawAxes(d,f) ((d)->flags.drawAxes = (f))
#define h_getDrawAxes(d) ((d)->flags.drawAxes)

 * h_setFixedBins - set/clear flag to indicate bins are fixed.
 *    This means that h_bin and h_plot will not preform any rebinning
 *    and the bin contents will be written on output.
 * h_getFixedBins - fetch the flag indicating whether bins are fixed.
#define h_setFixedBins(d,f) ((d)->bins.flags.fixed = (f))
#define h_getFixedBins(d) ((d)->bins.flags.fixed)

 *----------- auxiliary functions ------------------

 * h_binVal - returns the value of the bin specified by the arguments
 *    There must be as many arguments as the dimensionality of the display.
 *    (1, 2, or 3).
 *    Returns -1 on error.
float h_binVal(display disp, ...);

 * h_ptToBin - returns the bin number containing 'f' on the axis 'axis'.
 *    Returns -1 on error.
int h_ptToBin(display disp, float f, binding_t axis);

 * h_setDrawRect - set the rectangle in which the plot is drawn. 
 *      Units are points (1/72 inch).
 * h_getDrawRect - get a copy of the rectangle which defines the 
 *     location and size of the plot.
 *  Return -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_setDrawRect(display disp, rectangle *rect );
int h_getDrawRect(display disp, rectangle *rect );

 * h_setMarginRect - set the rectangle which defines the location of the
 *      axes. Units are points (1/72 inch). The margin rectangle is in
 *      the same co-ordinates as the draw rectangle.
 * h_getMarginRect - get a copy of the rectangle which defines the 
 *      location of the axes.
 *  Return -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_setMarginRect(display disp, rectangle *rect );
int h_getMarginRect(display disp, rectangle *rect );

 * h_wPtTogPt - convert a number in window co-ordinates (ie. same as
 *     draw rectangle) to graph co-ordinates (ie. same a axis scale).
 * h_gPtTowPt - convert from graph to window co-ordinates.
float h_wPtTogPt(display disp, float wPt, binding_t axis);
float h_gPtTowPt(display disp, float gPt, binding_t axis);

 * set the dirty flag in a display.
 * The bins of a display are dirty if a quantity which affects the bins
 *  has been changed.
 * Please, think 5 times before using this routine. It should not be used
 *  in hippo code (the display should know automatically if it is dirty).
 * The only valid use is when a user cut is changed.
#define h_setDirty(d) ((d)->bins.flags.dirty = 1)

 * functions dealing with axis frill location.
 * "scale" refers to the number next to the tick marks.
int h_setLabelLocation( display disp, binding_t axis, plotloc_t location );
int h_setTickLocation( display disp, binding_t axis, plotloc_t location );
int h_setScaleLocation( display disp, binding_t axis, plotloc_t location );
plotloc_t h_getLabelLocation( display disp, binding_t axis );
plotloc_t h_getTickLocation( display disp, binding_t axis );
plotloc_t h_getScaleLocation( display disp, binding_t axis );
int h_setScaleFontSize( display disp, binding_t axis, float fontSize );
float h_getScaleFontSize( display disp, binding_t axis );
int h_setTickLength( display disp, binding_t axis, float f );
float h_getTickLength( display disp, binding_t axis );

 * Set/get 3D plot angles and viewer distance. Angles are degrees.
int h_set3DTheta(display disp, float angle);
float h_get3DTheta(display disp);
int h_set3DPhi(display disp, float angle);
float h_get3DPhi(display disp);
int h_set3DDist(display disp, float dist);
float h_get3DDist(display disp);

 * Set/clear 3D plot type
int h_set3DCube(display disp, int flag);
int h_set3DWireFrame(display disp, int flag);
int h_set3DFill(display disp, int flag);
int h_set3DMesh(display disp, int flag);

 *----------- drawing functions ---------------
 * h_shade - shade a region of the plot along the x-axis. The shaded region
 *      runs from the lower to the upper limits along the y-axis and
 *      from low to high along the x-axis, but does not go past the
 *      x-axis' limits.
int h_shade(display disp, float low, float high);

 * --------------- IO functions ----------------------------------

 * h_fileParse - create an ntuple from a text file.
 *   If oldnt is NULL, will create a new ntuple; else, will append
 *   data to the ntuple specified. 
 *   If verbose is true, will print lots of messages.
 *   Returns the ntuple it created or modified.
ntuple h_fileParse(FILE* ifile, ntuple oldnt, int verbose);

 * h_nt2text - write an ntuple as a text file (suitable for h_fileParse).
int h_nt2text( FILE *outfile, ntuple nt );

 * h_writeStream, h_readStream - write/read list of displays and
 *       ntuple to a file stream. Both lists of displays and ntuples
 *       are NULL terminated. 
 *   On read, pass in a pointer to pointer to a display or ntuple, 
 *    and routine allocates space for list.
 *      eg. FILE *myfile;
 *          display *d_list;
 *          ntuple *nt_list;
 *          h_readStream( myfile, &d_list, &nt_list );
 *   On write, either list may be a NULL, meaning you don't care.
 *    The write routine adds any ntuples used by displays in the list,
 *    but which you didn't specify, to the list you do specify.
 *      eg. h_writeStream( myfile, d_list, NULL);
 *      writes out all the displays in d_list and all the ntuples
 *      that those displays refer to.
 * Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int h_writeStream(FILE *outfile, display dlist[], ntuple ntlist[] );
int h_readStream(FILE *infile, display **dlist, ntuple **ntlist );

 * h_write, h_read  - write/read displays and ntuples from named file.
 *      See h_writeStream for more information.
int h_write(const char *filenm, display dlist[], ntuple ntlist[] );
int  h_read(const char *filenm, display **dlist, ntuple **ntlist );

 * h_writeMem, h_readMem - write/read displays and ntuples from
 *      provided memory buffer.
 *   len is length of buffer in bytes.
 *  See h_writeStream for more information.
int h_writeMem(char *buf, int len, display dlist[], ntuple ntlist[] );
int h_readMem(char *buf, int len, display **dlist, ntuple **ntlist );

 * h_writeXDR, h_readXDR -  write/read displays and ntuples from
 *            provided XDR stream. XDR stream should be opened
 *            with appropriate ENCODE/DECODE code.
 *  See h_writeStream for more information.
int h_writeXDR(XDR *xdrs, display dlist[], ntuple ntlist[] );
int h_readXDR(XDR *xdrs, display **dlist, ntuple **ntlist );

 * h_isHippoFile - test whether file is a hippo binary data file.
int h_isHippoFile( const char *filename );

 * ---------------- Cuts and Plot Functions --------------------

 * h_funcReg - register a function in the "registry".
 *   The registry keeps track of function pointers and names
 *     so that they can be reconnected after save/restore of a file.
#define h_funcReg(x) h_func_reg( #x, x )
int h_func_reg(const char *fn, void *func);

 * h_addCut -  adds a hippo-supported cut to a display.
 *  Supported cuts are:
 *     "h_cut_le", "h_cut_lt", "h_cut_ge", "h_cut_gt",
 *     "h_cut_inside", "h_cut_in_incl", "h_cut_outside",
 *     and "h_cut_out_incl".
 *  The first 4 require 1 parameter, the other 4, 2 parameters.
 *  When there are 2 parameters, the first is the lesser.
 *  Returns pointer to cut structure, or NULL on error.
func_id h_addCut( display disp, const char *cutfunc, int cut_dim, 
		 double val1, ... );

 * h_changeCut - changes the cutting parameters. Requires the func_id 
 *    returned by h_addCut. Requires the same number of parameters as
 *    h_addCut, depending on the type of cut.
 *  Returns -1 on error.
int h_changeCut( display disp, func_id cut, double val1, ... );

 * h_addUserCut - adds a user-supported cut to a display.
 *   The user passes a function name, a pointer to a parameter block *
 *   (all doubles), and the size of the parameter block (number of *
 *   doubles). It is the responsibility of the user to maintain the *
 *   parameters; if they are changed, one should call h_forceReBin
 *   (not * necessary if display is not binned) on the display. hippo
 *   maintains * a pointer to the parameter block, so it should not be
 *   moved.
 * Returns func_id or NULL on error.
func_id h_addUserCut( display disp, const char *cutfunc,
		     double *param_blk, int nParam);

 * h_deleteCut removes a cut from a display. Requires func_id returned
 *  by h_addCut.
 * Returns -1 on error.
int h_deleteCut( display disp, func_id cut );

 * h_nextCut returns the next func_id used in a display.
 *  If thiscut equals NULL, it returns the first func_id.
 * Returns NULL if there are no more cuts.
func_id h_nextCut( display disp, func_id thiscut );

 * h_writeNtForDisp - Special function to write out the tuple which
 *   corresponds with what is being plotted by the display,
 *   ie. with the cuts applied.
 *  Returns 0 if successful, -1 if failure.
int h_writeNtForDisp(char *filename, display disp);

 * h_addPlotFunc - add a function to be plotted to the display.
 *     Function is similar to h_addUserCut.
func_id h_addPlotFunc(display disp, const char *plotfunc, double *paramBlk,
		      int nParam, linestyle_t ls );

 * h_nextPlotFunc - traverse the list of plot functions.
 *     Function is similar to h_nextCut.
func_id h_nextPlotFunc( display disp, func_id thispfunc );

 * h_deletePlotFunc - remove a plot function from the list.
 *     Function is similar to h_deleteCut.
int h_deletePlotFunc( display disp, func_id pfunc );

 * h_funcSum - compute the sum of all the functions attached to a 
 *     particular display at a given x. Useful for fitting, etc.
double h_funcSum( display dsp, double x );

 * h_setPlotFuncs, h_getPlotFuncs - set/get flag indicating desire to 
 *      plot the individual functions in the list.
#define h_setPlotFuncs(d,i) ((d)->flags.plotFuncs = i)
#define h_getPlotFuncs(d) ((d)->flags.plotFuncs)

 * h_setPlotFuncSum, h_getPlotFuncSum - set/get flag indicating desire to 
 *      plot the sum of the functions in the list.
#define h_setPlotFuncSum(d,i) ((d)->flags.plotFuncSum = i)
#define h_getPlotFuncSum(d) ((d)->flags.plotFuncSum)

 * h_setFSumLineStyle - set/get the line style used for plotting the sum 
 *     of all the functions.
 *         Line styles are defined by linestyle_t above.
#define h_setFSumLineStyle(d,s) ((d)->fSumLineStyle = (s))
#define h_getFSumLineStyle(d) ((d)->fSumLineStyle)

 * h_setPFuncLineStyle - set/get the line style used for plotting 
 *     a particular function.
 *         Line styles are defined by linestyle_t above.
#define h_setPFuncLineStyle(f,s) ((f)->lineStyle = (s))
#define h_getPFuncLineStyle(f) ((f)->lineStyle)

 * h_fillWithFitData - fill the given ntuple with data from the
 *    display which is appropriate for fitting. The cuts listed in the
 *    display are applied. For HISTOGRAMs, XYPLOTs, and STRIPCHARTs,
 *    all data with the x range is used. For SCATTERPLOTs, COLORPLOTs,
 *    and LEGOPLOTS, the x and y ranges are checked. For
 *    THREEDSCATTERs, x, y, and z ranges are checked. The data is
 *    returned in the ntuple columns in the order:
 *           x, xerror, y, yerror, [ z, zerror ]
 *    (the z data is only filled for THREEDSCATTER displays).
 *    Unbinned is a flag that, if true, means that the unbinned data
 *    is returned.
 *    The user has the responsibility of allocating a 4 column ntuple
 *    (6 columns for THREEDSCATTER) and is responsible for freeing the
 *    ntuple when it is not needed. h_fillWithFitData *will* clear the
 *    ntuple before putting data in.
int h_fillWithFitData( display dsp, ntuple nt, int unbinned );

 * function to get xy and scatter plot xy moments, also correlation
void h_getXYMoments (display disp, float *xmoments, float *ymoments, float *r);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}                                               /* for C++ V2.0 */

#endif				/* end of ifndef _HIPPO_H_ */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.