
This is hdata.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * hippodata.c - Process data in ntuple into the data which will
 *                 be plotted.
 * Copyright (C)  1992  The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
 * Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
 * $Id: hdata.c,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:54:32 rensing Exp $
 * by Paul Rensing, June 4, 1992

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "hippo.h"
#include "hutil.h"
#include "hdata.h"

GLOB_QUAL const char hippodata_c_rcsid[] = 
     "$Id: hdata.c,v 5.0 1993/08/17 21:54:32 rensing Exp $";

 * private functions
static void bin1D(display disp, int strtpt);
static void bin2D(display disp, int strtpt);
/* binning for weighted plots */
static void bin1D_w(display disp, int strtpt);	
static void bin2D_w(display disp, int strtpt);

int h_cum(display disp, double x, double w, ... )
     int twoD = 0;
     double y = 0.0;
     va_list argPtr;
     int xbin, ybin;
     float *xpt, *last_xpt;
     bins_t *bins;

     if (disp == NULL) return -1;
     if (disp->tuple)
	  h_error("h_cum : This display has an ntuple bound to it.");
	  return -1;
     twoD = disp->graphtype == COLORPLOT || disp->graphtype == LEGOPLOT;
     if (!twoD && disp->graphtype != HISTOGRAM) return -1;
     if (!disp->bins.flags.fixed) disp->bins.flags.fixed = 1;

     bins = &disp->bins;
     if (twoD)
	  y = w;
	  va_start(argPtr, w);
     	  w = va_arg(argPtr, double);
     xbin = (x - disp->xAxis.low) * ((float) bins->xAxis.nBins) 
	  / (disp->xAxis.high - disp->xAxis.low);
     if (!twoD)
	  if (xbin > bins->xAxis.nBins) 
	       bins->totals[2][0] += w;
	  else if (xbin < 0) 
	       bins->totals[0][0] += w;
	       bins->data[xbin] += w;
	       bins->variance[xbin] += w * w;
	       bins->totals[1][0] += w;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[0] += w;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[1] += w * x;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[2] += w * x * x;
	  ybin = (y - disp->yAxis.low) * ((float) bins->yAxis.nBins) 
	       / (disp->yAxis.high - disp->yAxis.low);
	  if (xbin > bins->xAxis.nBins)
	       if (ybin > bins->yAxis.nBins)
		    bins->totals[2][2] += w;
	       else if (ybin < 0)
		    bins->totals[2][0] += w;
		    bins->totals[2][1] += w;
	  else if (xbin < 0)
	       if (ybin > bins->yAxis.nBins)
		    bins->totals[0][2] += w;
	       else if (ybin < 0)
		    bins->totals[0][0] += w;
		    bins->totals[0][1] += w;
	       if (ybin > bins->yAxis.nBins)
		    bins->totals[1][2] += w;
	       else if (ybin < 0)
		    bins->totals[1][0] += w;
		    bins->data[xbin * bins->yAxis.nBins + ybin] += w; 
		    bins->variance[xbin * bins->yAxis.nBins + ybin] += w * w;
		    bins->totals[1][1] += w;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[0] += w;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[1] += w * x;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[2] += w * x * x;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[0] += w;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[1] += w * y;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[2] += w * y * y;
     bins->binMin = FLT_MAX;
     bins->binMax = -FLT_MAX;
     if (twoD)
	  last_xpt = &bins->data[bins->yAxis.nBins * bins->xAxis.nBins];
	  last_xpt = &bins->data[bins->xAxis.nBins];
     for (xpt = bins->data; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++)
	  if (*xpt < bins->binMin) bins->binMin = *xpt;
	  if (*xpt > bins->binMax) bins->binMax = *xpt;
     return 0;

int h_bin(display disp)
     int memNeeded = 1, clear=0, spt;
     if (disp == NULL) return -1;
     if (disp->tuple == NULL) return 0;
     if (disp->bins.flags.fixed) return 0;
     if (disp->tuple->ndata == 0) 
	  disp->bins.ndata = 0;
	  disp->nt_rev = disp->tuple->rev;
	  return 0;
     /* do autoscaling, if necessary */
     h_autoScale( disp );
     /* scatterplots don't have bins */
     if (disp->graphtype == SCATTERPLOT
	 || disp->graphtype == XYPLOT
	 || disp->graphtype == STRIPCHART
	 || disp->graphtype == THREEDSCATTER)
	  return 0;
     /* check if re-binning is actually needed. */
     if (!disp->bins.flags.dirty 
	 && (disp->bins.ndata == disp->tuple->ndata)
	 && (disp->nt_rev == disp->tuple->rev) 
	 && (disp->bins.data != NULL) )
	  return 0;
      * if display parameters have been changed, must reset bins.
     if (disp->bins.flags.dirty) clear = 1;
      * if revision number has changed, clear bins.
     if ( (disp->nt_rev == disp->tuple->rev) ||
	 (disp->bins.ndata > disp->tuple->ndata) )
	  clear = 1;
      * check how many bins are needed and reallocate if necessary
     switch (disp->dim)
     case 2:
	  memNeeded *= disp->bins.yAxis.nBins;
     case 1:
	  memNeeded *= disp->bins.xAxis.nBins;
     if (memNeeded <= 0) return -1;
     if (disp->bins.binAlloc < memNeeded) 
	  if (disp->bins.data == NULL || disp->bins.binAlloc == 0)
	       disp->bins.data =
		    (float *) malloc( memNeeded * sizeof(float));
	       disp->bins.variance =
		    (float *) malloc( memNeeded * sizeof(float));
	       disp->bins.data =
		    (float *) realloc(disp->bins.data,
				      memNeeded * sizeof(float));
	       disp->bins.variance =
		    (float *) realloc(disp->bins.variance,
				      memNeeded * sizeof(float));
	  if ( (disp->bins.data == NULL) || (disp->bins.variance == NULL) )
	       disp->bins.data = disp->bins.variance = NULL;
	       disp->bins.binAlloc = 0;
	       return -1;
	  disp->bins.binAlloc = memNeeded;
	  clear = 1;
      * clear the bins (if necessary).
     if (clear) 
	  spt = 0;
	  /* use memset for speed */
	  memset((char *)disp->bins.data, (char)0, 
		 memNeeded*sizeof(float) );
	  memset((char *)disp->bins.variance, (char)0,
		 memNeeded*sizeof(float) );
	  disp->bins.binMin = FLT_MAX;
	  disp->bins.binMax = -FLT_MAX;
	  memset((char *)disp->bins.totals, (char)0, 
		 sizeof(disp->bins.totals) );
	  memset((char *)disp->bins.xAxis.moments, (char)0,
		 sizeof(disp->bins.xAxis.moments) );
	  memset((char *)disp->bins.yAxis.moments, (char)0,
		 sizeof(disp->bins.yAxis.moments) );
	  spt = disp->bins.ndata;
     switch (disp->dim) 
     case 1:
	  if (disp->binding.weight < 0) bin1D(disp, spt);
	  else bin1D_w(disp, spt);
     case 2:
	  if (disp->binding.weight < 0) bin2D(disp, spt);
	  else bin2D_w(disp, spt);
     disp->bins.ndata = disp->tuple->ndata;
     disp->bins.flags.dirty = 0;  
     disp->nt_rev = disp->tuple->rev;
     return 0;

static void bin1D(display disp, int strtpt)
     float xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
     float xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     float bwin = ((float) disp->bins.xAxis.nBins) / (xhigh - xlow);
     float *ept;
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;
     bins_t *bins = &disp->bins;
      * set xpt to point to first nt point to accumulate.
      * set last_data to point to last point in nt data array.
     float *last_xpt = 
     register float *xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][strtpt];
     register int i_nt = strtpt;
     register int bin;
     for ( ; xpt < last_xpt; xpt++, i_nt++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  if (*xpt >= xhigh)
	       bins->totals[2][0] += 1.0;
	  else if (*xpt < xlow)
	       bins->totals[0][0] += 1.0;
	       bin = (*xpt - xlow) * bwin;
	       bins->totals[1][0] += 1.0;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[0] += 1.0;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[1] += *xpt;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[2] += *xpt * *xpt;
      * Look for min and max AFTER accumulating bins.
      * Minimum can only be found after all points accumulated, since
      *  first accumulation gives min. eg. all bins start at 0; first point
      *  make a bin = 1; this would be the min.
      * Also, generally faster. Usually # data points << number of bins,
      *  so much fewer compares.
     last_xpt = &bins->data[disp->bins.xAxis.nBins];
     bins->binMin = FLT_MAX;
     bins->binMax = -FLT_MAX;
     for (xpt = bins->data, ept = bins->variance;
	  xpt++, ept++)
	  if (*xpt < bins->binMin) bins->binMin = *xpt;
	  if (*xpt > bins->binMax) bins->binMax = *xpt;
	  *ept = *xpt;

 * binning for 1D hist. with weight. (keep separate for speed)
static void bin1D_w(display disp, int strtpt)
     float xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
     float xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     float bwin = ((float) disp->bins.xAxis.nBins) / (xhigh - xlow);
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;
     bins_t *bins = &disp->bins;

      * set xpt to point to first nt point to accumulate.
      * set last_data to point to last point in nt data array.
     float *last_xpt = 
     register float *xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][strtpt];
     register int i_nt = strtpt;
     register float *wpt =
     register int bin;
     for ( ; xpt < last_xpt; xpt++, wpt++, i_nt++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  if (*xpt >= xhigh) bins->totals[2][0] += *wpt;
	  else if (*xpt < xlow) bins->totals[0][0] += *wpt;
	       bin = (*xpt - xlow) * bwin;
	       bins->data[bin] += *wpt;
	       bins->variance[bin] += (*wpt) * (*wpt);
	       bins->totals[1][0] += *wpt;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[0] += *wpt;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[1] += *wpt * *xpt;
	       bins->xAxis.moments[2] += *wpt * *xpt * *xpt;
     bins->binMin = FLT_MAX;
     bins->binMax = -FLT_MAX;
     last_xpt = &bins->data[disp->bins.xAxis.nBins];
     for (xpt = bins->data; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++)
	  if (*xpt < bins->binMin) bins->binMin = *xpt;
	  if (*xpt > bins->binMax) bins->binMax = *xpt;

static void bin2D(display disp, int strtpt)
     int xbin, ybin;
     int nYBins = disp->bins.yAxis.nBins;
     float xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
     float xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     float xbwin = ((float) disp->bins.xAxis.nBins) / (xhigh - xlow);
     float ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
     float yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
     float ybwin = ((float) nYBins) / (yhigh - ylow);
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;
     bins_t *bins = &disp->bins;
      * set xpt to point to first nt point to accumulate.
      * set last_data to point beyond last point in nt data array.
     float *last_xpt = 
     register float *xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][strtpt];
     register float *ypt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.y][strtpt];
     register int i_nt = strtpt;
     for ( ; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++, ypt++, i_nt++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  if (*xpt >= xhigh)
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[2][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[2][0] += 1.0;
		    bins->totals[2][1] += 1.0;
	  else if (*xpt < xlow)
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[0][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[0][0] += 1.0;
		    bins->totals[0][1] += 1.0;
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[1][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[1][0] += 1.0;
		    xbin = (*xpt - xlow) * xbwin;
		    ybin = (*ypt - ylow) * ybwin;
		    bins->data[xbin * nYBins + ybin]++; 
		    bins->totals[1][1] += 1.0;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[0] += 1.0;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[1] += *xpt;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[2] += *xpt * *xpt;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[0] += 1.0;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[1] += *ypt;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[2] += *ypt * *ypt;
     bins->binMin = FLT_MAX;
     bins->binMax = -FLT_MAX;
     last_xpt = &bins->data[nYBins * disp->bins.xAxis.nBins];
     for (xpt = bins->data, ypt=bins->variance; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++, ypt++)
	  if (*xpt < bins->binMin) bins->binMin = *xpt;
	  if (*xpt > bins->binMax) bins->binMax = *xpt;
	  *ypt = *xpt;

static void bin2D_w(display disp, int strtpt)
     int xbin, ybin;
     int nYBins = disp->bins.yAxis.nBins;
     float xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
     float xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     float xbwin = ((float) disp->bins.xAxis.nBins) / (xhigh - xlow);
     float ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
     float yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
     float ybwin = ((float) nYBins) / (yhigh - ylow);
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;
     bins_t *bins = &disp->bins;
      * set xpt to point to first nt point to accumulate.
      * set last_data to point to last point in nt data array.
     float *last_xpt = 
     register float *xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][strtpt];
     register float *ypt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.y][strtpt];
     register float *wpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.weight][strtpt];
     register int i_nt = strtpt;
     for ( ; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++, ypt++, wpt++, i_nt++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  if (*xpt >= xhigh)
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[2][2] += *wpt;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[2][0] += *wpt;
		    bins->totals[2][1] += *wpt;
	  else if (*xpt < xlow)
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[0][2] += *wpt;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[0][0] += *wpt;
		    bins->totals[0][1] += *wpt;
	       if (*ypt >= yhigh)
		    bins->totals[1][2] += *wpt;
	       else if (*ypt < ylow)
		    bins->totals[1][0] += *wpt;
		    xbin = (*xpt - xlow) * xbwin;
		    ybin = (*ypt - ylow) * ybwin;
		    bins->data[xbin * nYBins + ybin] += *wpt; 
		    bins->variance[xbin * nYBins + ybin] += (*wpt)*(*wpt);
		    bins->totals[1][1] += *wpt;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[0] += *wpt;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[1] += *wpt * *xpt;
		    bins->xAxis.moments[2] += *wpt * *xpt * *xpt;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[0] += *wpt;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[1] += *wpt * *ypt;
		    bins->yAxis.moments[2] += *wpt * *ypt * *ypt;
     bins->binMin = FLT_MAX;
     bins->binMax = -FLT_MAX;
     last_xpt = &bins->data[nYBins * disp->bins.xAxis.nBins];
     for (xpt = bins->data; xpt<last_xpt; xpt++)
	  if (*xpt < bins->binMin) bins->binMin = *xpt;
	  if (*xpt > bins->binMax) bins->binMax = *xpt;

int getXYData( display disp, float **xy, float **xerr, 
		     float **yerr, int **over, struct maxs *m, int *xmin_pt)
     int i_nt,i_pdata;
     float *xp,*yp;
     float *last_xpt;
     float xlow, xhigh;
     float ylow, yhigh;
     float *xerrorp = NULL, *yerrorp = NULL;
     float *xerrp, *yerrp;
     float *xyp;
     int *overp, isover;
     int ylog, xlog;
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;

     if (disp->binding.x < 0 || disp->binding.y < 0 ||
	 disp->binding.x >= disp->tuple->ndim ||
	 disp->binding.y >= disp->tuple->ndim )
	  return -1;
     m->xl = FLT_MAX;
     m->xh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->yl = FLT_MAX;
     m->yh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->zl = FLT_MAX;
     m->zh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->xsum = 0.0;
     m->x2sum = 0.0;
     m->ysum = 0.0;
     m->y2sum = 0.0;
     m->xysum = 0.0;
     ylog = disp->yAxis.flags.log;
     xlog = disp->xAxis.flags.log;
     if (disp->xAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  xlow = -FLT_MAX;
	  xhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
	  xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     if (disp->yAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  ylow = -FLT_MAX;
	  yhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
	  yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
     memset((char *)disp->bins.totals, (char)0, sizeof(disp->bins.totals) );

     if ( (*xy = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->tuple->ndata*sizeof(float)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     if ( disp->binding.xerror >=0 )
	  if ((*xerr = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->tuple->ndata*sizeof(float)))
	      == NULL )
	       h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	       return -1;
     else *xerr = NULL;
     if ( disp->binding.yerror >= 0 )
	  if ( (*yerr = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->tuple->ndata*sizeof(float)))
	      == NULL )
	       h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	       return -1;
     else *yerr = NULL;
     if ( (*over = (int *)malloc( (disp->tuple->ndata+1)*sizeof(int)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     last_xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][disp->tuple->ndata];
     xp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][0];
     yp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.y][0];
     if (disp->binding.xerror >=0 )
	  xerrorp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.xerror][0];
     if (disp->binding.yerror >=0 )
	  yerrorp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.yerror][0];
     xerrp = *xerr;
     yerrp = *yerr;
     xyp = *xy;
     overp = *over;
     for (i_pdata=i_nt=0; 
	  xp++, yp++, i_nt++, xerrorp++, yerrorp++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  isover = 0;
	  if (*xp > xhigh)
	       if (*yp > yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[2][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[2][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[2][1] += 1.0;
	  else if (*xp < xlow)
	       if (*yp > yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[0][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[0][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[0][1] += 1.0;
	       if (*yp > yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[1][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[1][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[1][1] += 1.0;
	  if (!xlog)
	       *xyp++ = *xp;
	       if (*xp > 0.0)
		    *xyp++ = log10(*xp);
		    isover = 1;
		    *xyp++ = -FLT_MAX;
	  if (*xp > xhigh || *xp < xlow) isover = 1;
	  if (!ylog)
	       *xyp++ = *yp;
	       if (*yp > 0.0)
		    *xyp++ = log10(*yp);
		    isover = 1;
		    *xyp++ = -FLT_MAX;
	  if (*yp > yhigh || *yp < ylow ) isover = 1;

	  if (! isover)
	       if (*xp > m->xh) m->xh = *xp;
	       if (*xp < m->xl) 
		    m->xl = *xp;
		    *xmin_pt = i_pdata;
	       if (*yp > m->yh) m->yh = *yp;
	       if (*yp < m->yl) m->yl = *yp;

	       m->xsum += *xp;
	       m->x2sum += (*xp) * (*xp);
	       m->ysum += *yp;
	       m->y2sum += (*yp) * (*yp);
	       m->xysum += (*xp) * (*yp);
	  if (xerrp != NULL) 
	       *xerrp = *xp + *xerrorp;
	       if (!isover && *xerrp > m->xh) m->xh = *xerrp;
	       if (xlog)
		    if (*xerrp > 0.0)
			 *xerrp = log10(*xerrp);
			 *xerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*xerrp > xhigh || *xerrp < xlow) isover = 1;
	       *xerrp = *xp - *xerrorp;
	       if (!isover && *xerrp < m->xl &&
		   (!xlog || (xlog && *xerrp>0.0)) ) m->xl = *xerrp;
	       if (xlog) 
		    if (*xerrp > 0.0)
			 *xerrp = log10(*xerrp);
			 *xerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*xerrp > xhigh || *xerrp < xlow) isover = 1;
	  if (yerrp != NULL) 
	       *yerrp = *yp + *yerrorp;
	       if (!isover && *yerrp > m->yh) m->yh = *yerrp;
	       if (ylog)
		    if (*yerrp > 0.0)
			 *yerrp = log10(*yerrp);
			 *yerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*yerrp > yhigh || *yerrp < ylow ) isover = 1;
	       *yerrp = *yp - *yerrorp;
	       if (!isover && *yerrp < m->yl &&
		   (!ylog || (ylog && *yerrp > 0.0)) )
		    m->yl = *yerrp;
	       if (ylog)
		    if (*yerrp > 0.0)
			 *yerrp = log10(*yerrp);
			 *yerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*yerrp > yhigh || *yerrp < ylow ) isover = 1;
	  if (isover)
	       *overp++ = i_pdata;
	       isover = 1;
	  i_pdata++;		/* gets incremented if row not cut */
     /* indicate last item in over */
     *overp = i_pdata;
     return i_pdata;

int getHistoData( display disp, float **xy, float **xylego,
			float **xerr, float **yerr, int **over,
			struct maxs *m)
     int i;
     float binwidth, binside;
     float *yp;
     float *last;
     float *xyp;
     int *overp;
     float xlow,xhigh;
     float ylow, yhigh;
     float *yerrorp, *xerrp, *yerrp;
     float *xylegop;
     float def_bin;
     int ylog, isover;
     if (disp->bins.data == NULL) return -1;

     ylog = disp->yAxis.flags.log;
     if (disp->xAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  xlow = -FLT_MAX;
	  xhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
	  xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     if (disp->yAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  ylow = -FLT_MAX;
	  yhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
	  yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
     m->xl = FLT_MAX;
     m->xh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->yl = FLT_MAX;
     m->yh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->zl = FLT_MAX;
     m->zh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->xsum = 0.0;
     m->x2sum = 0.0;
     m->ysum = 0.0;
     m->y2sum = 0.0;
     m->xysum = 0.0;
     if ( (*xy = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->bins.xAxis.nBins*sizeof(float)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     if ( (*xylego = (float *)malloc( 4*(disp->bins.xAxis.nBins+2)*sizeof(float)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     if ( disp->drawtype&ERRBAR )
	  if ( (*xerr = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->bins.xAxis.nBins*sizeof(float)))
	      == NULL )
	       h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	       return -1;
     else *xerr = NULL;
     if ( disp->drawtype&ERRBAR )
	  if ( (*yerr = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->bins.xAxis.nBins*sizeof(float)))
	      == NULL )
	       h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	       return -1;
     else *yerr = NULL;
     if ( (*over = (int *)malloc( (disp->bins.xAxis.nBins+1)*sizeof(int)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     last = &( disp->bins.data[disp->bins.xAxis.nBins] );
     yp = disp->bins.data;
     yerrorp = disp->bins.variance;
     i = 0;
     xerrp = *xerr;
     yerrp = *yerr;
     xyp = *xy;
     xylegop = *xylego;
     overp = *over;
     binside = disp->xAxis.low;
     binwidth = (disp->xAxis.high - disp->xAxis.low)/disp->bins.xAxis.nBins;

      * connect the bins to the walls of the plot.
      * this is only useful if we allow plot axis to be bigger 
      * than the bin limits.
     if (disp->yAxis.low > 0.0) def_bin = disp->yAxis.low;
     else def_bin = 0.0;
     if (ylog)
	  if (def_bin > 0.0)
	       def_bin = log10(def_bin);
	       def_bin = -FLT_MAX;
     *xylegop++ = disp->xAxis.low;
     *xylegop++ = def_bin;
     *xylegop++ = binside;
     *xylegop++ = def_bin;
     for ( ; yp<last; yp++, yerrorp++ )
	  isover = 0;
	  *xyp++ = binside + binwidth/2.0;
	  if (!ylog)
	       *xyp++ = *yp;
	       if (*yp > 0.0)
		    *xyp++ = log10(*yp);
		    isover = 1;
		    *xyp++ = -FLT_MAX;
	  if (*yp > yhigh || *yp < ylow) isover = 1;
	  if (!isover)
	       if (*yp > m->yh) m->yh = *yp;
	       if (*yp < m->yl && (!ylog || (ylog && *yp>0.0)) )
		    m->yl = *yp;
	  *xylegop++ = binside;
	  if (xerrp != NULL) *xerrp++ = binside;
	  *xylegop = *yp;
	  if (ylog)
	       if (*xylegop > 0.0)
		    *xylegop = log10(*xylegop);
		    *xylegop = -FLT_MAX;
	  binside += binwidth;
	  *xylegop++ = binside;
	  *xylegop = *(xylegop-2);

	  if (xerrp != NULL) *xerrp++ = binside;
	  if (yerrp != NULL) 
	       *yerrp = *yp + sqrt(*yerrorp);
	       if (!isover && *yerrp > m->yh) m->yh = *yerrp;
	       if (ylog) 
		    if (*yerrp > 0.0)
			 *yerrp = log10(*yerrp);
			 *yerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*yerrp > yhigh || *yerrp < ylow) isover = 1;

	       *yerrp = *yp - sqrt(*yerrorp);
	       if (!isover && *yerrp < m->yl && 
		   !( ylog && *yerrp<=0.0))
		    m->yl = *yerrp;
	       if (ylog)
		    if (*yerrp > 0.0)
			 *yerrp = log10(*yerrp);
			 *yerrp = -FLT_MAX;
			 isover = 1;
	       if (*yerrp > yhigh || *yerrp < ylow) isover = 1;

	  if (isover)
	       isover = 1;
	       *overp++ = i;

     /* connect to the walls */
     *xylegop++ = binside;
     *xylegop++ = def_bin;
     *xylegop++ = disp->xAxis.high;
     *xylegop++ = def_bin;
     /* indicate last item in over. */
     *overp = i;
     return i;

int getScatData( display disp, float **xy, struct maxs *m )
     int i_nt;
     float *xp,*yp;
     float *last_xpt;
     float *xyp;
     float xlow, xhigh;
     float ylow, yhigh;
     int xlog, ylog;
     func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;

     if (disp->binding.x < 0 || disp->binding.y < 0 ||
	 disp->binding.x >= disp->tuple->ndim ||
	 disp->binding.y >= disp->tuple->ndim )
	  return -1;

     xlog = disp->xAxis.flags.log;
     ylog = disp->yAxis.flags.log;
     m->xl = FLT_MAX;
     m->xh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->yl = FLT_MAX;
     m->yh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->zl = FLT_MAX;
     m->zh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->xsum = 0.0;
     m->x2sum = 0.0;
     m->ysum = 0.0;
     m->y2sum = 0.0;
     m->xysum = 0.0;
     if (disp->xAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  xlow = -FLT_MAX;
	  xhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
	  xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
     if (disp->yAxis.flags.autoScale)
	  ylow = -FLT_MAX;
	  yhigh = FLT_MAX;
	  ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
	  yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
     if (xlog && xlow < FLT_MIN) xlow = FLT_MIN;
     if (ylog && ylow < FLT_MIN) ylow = FLT_MIN;
     if (xhigh <= xlow) xhigh = xlow + 1.0;
     if (yhigh <= ylow) yhigh = ylow + 1.0;
     if ( (*xy = (float *)malloc( 2*disp->tuple->ndata*sizeof(float)))
	 == NULL )
	  h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	  return -1;
     memset((char *)disp->bins.totals, (char)0, sizeof(disp->bins.totals) );

     last_xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][disp->tuple->ndata];
     xp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][0];
     yp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.y][0];
     i_nt = 0;
     xyp = *xy;
     for ( ; xp<last_xpt; xp++, yp++, i_nt++ )
	  if (cutlist != NULL)
	       if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	  if (*xp >= xhigh)
	       if (*yp > yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[2][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[2][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[2][1] += 1.0;
	  else if (*xp < xlow)
	       if (*yp >= yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[0][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[0][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[0][1] += 1.0;
	       if (*yp > yhigh)
		    disp->bins.totals[1][2] += 1.0;
	       else if (*yp < ylow)
		    disp->bins.totals[1][0] += 1.0;
		    disp->bins.totals[1][1] += 1.0;
		    if (!xlog)
			 *xyp++ = *xp;
			 *xyp++ = log10(*xp);
		    if (!ylog)
			 *xyp++ = *yp;
			 *xyp++ = log10(*yp);
		    if (*xp > m->xh) m->xh = *xp;
		    if (*xp < m->xl) m->xl = *xp;
		    if (*yp > m->yh) m->yh = *yp;
		    if (*yp < m->yl) m->yl = *yp;

	       	    m->xsum += *xp;
	       	    m->x2sum += (*xp) * (*xp);
	       	    m->ysum += *yp;
	       	    m->y2sum += (*yp) * (*yp);
	       	    m->xysum += (*xp) * (*yp);
     return (xyp - *xy)/2;

int getScatData3D( display disp, float **xyz, struct maxs *m )
    int i_nt;
    float *xp,*yp,*zp;
    float *last_xpt;
    float *xyzp;
    float xlow, xhigh;
    float ylow, yhigh;
    float zlow, zhigh;
    int xlog, ylog, zlog;
    func_id cutlist = disp->nt_cut;

    if (disp->binding.x < 0 || disp->binding.y < 0 || disp->binding.z < 0 ||
	disp->binding.x >= disp->tuple->ndim ||
	disp->binding.y >= disp->tuple->ndim ||
	disp->binding.z >= disp->tuple->ndim )
	return -1;

    xlog = disp->xAxis.flags.log;
    ylog = disp->yAxis.flags.log;
    zlog = disp->zAxis.flags.log;
     m->xl = FLT_MAX;
     m->xh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->yl = FLT_MAX;
     m->yh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->zl = FLT_MAX;
     m->zh = -FLT_MAX;
     m->xsum = 0.0;
     m->x2sum = 0.0;
     m->ysum = 0.0;
     m->y2sum = 0.0;
     m->xysum = 0.0;
    if (disp->xAxis.flags.autoScale)
	xlow = -FLT_MAX;
	xhigh = FLT_MAX;
	xlow = disp->xAxis.low;
	xhigh = disp->xAxis.high;
    if (disp->yAxis.flags.autoScale)
	ylow = -FLT_MAX;
	yhigh = FLT_MAX;
	ylow = disp->yAxis.low;
	yhigh = disp->yAxis.high;
    if (disp->zAxis.flags.autoScale)
	zlow = -FLT_MAX;
	zhigh = FLT_MAX;
	zlow = disp->zAxis.low;
	zhigh = disp->zAxis.high;
    if (xlog && xlow < FLT_MIN) xlow = FLT_MIN;
    if (ylog && ylow < FLT_MIN) ylow = FLT_MIN;
    if (zlog && zlow < FLT_MIN) zlow = FLT_MIN;
    if (xhigh <= xlow) xhigh = xlow + 1.0;
    if (yhigh <= ylow) yhigh = ylow + 1.0;
    if (zhigh <= zlow) zhigh = zlow + 1.0;
    if ( (*xyz = (float *)malloc( 3*disp->tuple->ndata*sizeof(float)))
	== NULL )
	h_error("h_plot has run out of memory.");
	return -1;
    memset((char *)disp->bins.totals, (char)0, sizeof(disp->bins.totals) );

    last_xpt = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][disp->tuple->ndata];
    xp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.x][0];
    yp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.y][0];
    zp = &disp->tuple->data[disp->binding.z][0];
    i_nt = 0;
    xyzp = *xyz;
    for ( ; xp<last_xpt; xp++, yp++, zp++, i_nt++ )
	if (cutlist != NULL)
	    if (doCuts(disp->tuple->data, i_nt, cutlist)) continue;
	if (*xp >= xhigh)
	    if (*yp > yhigh)
		disp->bins.totals[2][2] += 1.0;
	    else if (*yp < ylow)
		disp->bins.totals[2][0] += 1.0;
		disp->bins.totals[2][1] += 1.0;
	else if (*xp < xlow)
	    if (*yp >= yhigh)
		disp->bins.totals[0][2] += 1.0;
	    else if (*yp < ylow)
		disp->bins.totals[0][0] += 1.0;
		disp->bins.totals[0][1] += 1.0;
	else 				/* x in range ... */
	    if (*yp > yhigh)
		disp->bins.totals[1][2] += 1.0;
	    else if (*yp < ylow)
		disp->bins.totals[1][0] += 1.0;
	    else			/* y in range ... */
/*** Note: we should expand this to include the z totals....someday ***/
		if (*zp > zhigh) {}
		/****disp->bins.totals[...][...] += 1.0;****/
	        else if (*zp < zlow) {}
		/****disp->bins.totals[...][...] += 1.0;****/
	        else			/* z in range ... */
		    disp->bins.totals[1][1] += 1.0;
		    if (!xlog)
			*xyzp++ = *xp;
			*xyzp++ = log10(*xp);
		    if (!ylog)
			*xyzp++ = *yp;
			*xyzp++ = log10(*yp);
		    if (!zlog)
			*xyzp++ = *zp;
			*xyzp++ = log10(*zp);
		    if (*xp > m->xh) m->xh = *xp;
		    if (*xp < m->xl) m->xl = *xp;
		    if (*yp > m->yh) m->yh = *yp;
		    if (*yp < m->yl) m->yl = *yp;
		    if (*zp > m->zh) m->zh = *zp;
		    if (*zp < m->zl) m->zl = *zp;
    return (xyzp - *xyz)/3;

int h_fillWithFitData( display dsp, ntuple nt, int unbinned )
     int rc = 0;

     if (dsp == NULL || nt == NULL) return -1;
     if (nt->ndim < 4 ||
	 ((dsp->graphtype == LEGOPLOT || dsp->graphtype == COLORPLOT || 
	   dsp->graphtype == THREEDSCATTER) && nt->ndim < 6))
	  return -1;
     h_clrNt( nt );
     switch (dsp->graphtype)
     case (int)HISTOGRAM:
	  if (unbinned)
	       float *xd, *wd = NULL;
	       int i;
	       int useWeight = dsp->binding.weight >= 0;
	       func_id cutlist = dsp->nt_cut;
	       float w = 1.0;
	       xd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.x];
	       if (useWeight)
		    wd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.weight];
	       for (i=0; i<dsp->tuple->ndata && rc==0; i++, xd++, wd++)
		    if (cutlist != NULL)
			 if (doCuts(dsp->tuple->data, i, cutlist)) continue;
		    if (*xd < dsp->xAxis.low 
			|| *xd > dsp->xAxis.high) continue;
		    if (useWeight) w = *wd;
		    rc = h_fill( nt, *xd, w );
	       float *yd, *yed;
	       float x, xe;
	       float *last;
	       h_bin( dsp );
	       yd = dsp->bins.data;
	       yed = dsp->bins.variance;
	       xe = (dsp->xAxis.high - dsp->xAxis.low)
		    / (2.0 * dsp->bins.xAxis.nBins);
	       x = dsp->xAxis.low + xe;
	       last = &dsp->bins.data[dsp->bins.xAxis.nBins];
	       for (; yd < last && rc == 0; yd++, yed++, x+=2.0*xe )
		    rc = h_fill( nt, x, xe, *yd, sqrt(*yed) );
     case (int)XYPLOT:
     case (int)STRIPCHART:
	  float *xd, *yd, *xed=NULL, *yed=NULL;
	  float xerr=1.0, yerr=1.0;
	  int useXerr, useYerr;
	  int i;
	  func_id cutlist = dsp->nt_cut;
	  xd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.x];
	  yd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.y];
	  useXerr = (dsp->binding.xerror >= 0);
	  useYerr = (dsp->binding.yerror >= 0);
	  if (useXerr)
	       xed = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.xerror];
	  if (useYerr)
	       yed = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.yerror];
	  for (i=0; i<dsp->tuple->ndata && rc == 0;
	       i++, xd++, yd++, xed++, yed++)
	       if (cutlist != NULL)
		    if (doCuts(dsp->tuple->data, i, cutlist)) continue;
	       if (*xd < dsp->xAxis.low || *xd > dsp->xAxis.high) continue;
	       if (useXerr) xerr = *xed;
	       if (useYerr) yerr = *yed;
	       rc = h_fill( nt, *xd, xerr, *yd, yerr );

     case COLORPLOT:
     case LEGOPLOT:
	  /* if unbinned, fall through to scatterplot */
	  if (!unbinned)
	       float *zd, *zed;
	       float x, xe;
	       float y, ye;
	       float *last, *last2;
	       h_bin( dsp );
	       zd = dsp->bins.data;
	       zed = dsp->bins.variance;
	       xe = (dsp->bins.xAxis.high - dsp->bins.xAxis.low)
		    / (2.0 * dsp->bins.xAxis.nBins);
	       ye = (dsp->bins.yAxis.high - dsp->bins.yAxis.low)
		    / (2.0 * dsp->bins.yAxis.nBins);
	       x = dsp->bins.xAxis.low + xe;
	       last = &dsp->bins.data[dsp->bins.xAxis.nBins 
				      * dsp->bins.yAxis.nBins];
	       for (; zd < last && rc == 0; x+=2.0*xe)
		    y = dsp->bins.yAxis.low + ye;
		    last2 = zd + dsp->bins.yAxis.nBins;
		    for (; zd<last2 && rc==0; zd++, zed++, y+=2.0*ye )
			 rc = h_fill( nt, x, xe, y, ye, *zd, *zed );
     case SCATTERPLOT:
	  float *xd, *yd;
	  int i;
	  func_id cutlist = dsp->nt_cut;
	  xd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.x];
	  yd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.y];
	  for (i=0; i<dsp->tuple->ndata && rc==0; i++, xd++, yd++)
	       if (cutlist != NULL)
		    if (doCuts(dsp->tuple->data, i, cutlist)) continue;
	       if (*xd < dsp->xAxis.low || *xd > dsp->xAxis.high) continue;
	       if (*yd < dsp->yAxis.low || *yd > dsp->yAxis.high) continue;
	       rc = h_fill( nt, *xd, 1.0, *yd, 1.0 );

	  float *xd, *yd, *zd;
	  int i;
	  func_id cutlist = dsp->nt_cut;
	  xd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.x];
	  yd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.y];
	  zd = dsp->tuple->data[dsp->binding.z];
	  for (i=0; i<dsp->tuple->ndata && rc==0; i++, xd++, yd++, zd++)
	       if (cutlist != NULL)
		    if (doCuts(dsp->tuple->data, i, cutlist)) continue;
	       if (*xd < dsp->xAxis.low || *xd > dsp->xAxis.high) continue;
	       if (*yd < dsp->yAxis.low || *yd > dsp->yAxis.high) continue;
	       if (*zd < dsp->zAxis.low || *zd > dsp->zAxis.high) continue;
	       rc = h_fill( nt, *xd, 1.0, *yd, 1.0, *zd, 1.0 );
     return rc;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.