


*A  README                      ANU SQ                      Alice C. Niemeyer
*Y  Copyright 1994,  Department of Mathematics,   ANU,   ACT 0200,  Australia
** (last modified 9. May 1994)

                   The ANU Soluble Quotient Program

0) Contents

      1) Finite Soluble Quotients
      2) About this Version
      3) How to install the ANU SQ
      4) How to use the ANU SQ
      5) The input format for presentations
      6) The output of the ANU SQ
      7) Example 
      8) Contact addresses

1) Finite Soluble Quotients

The task and the details of the Australian National University Soluble
Quotient  Program (ANU  SQ) are  described in  the  files sq1.dvi  and
sq2.dvi.   These  files contain preprints  of  the  papers  "Computing
finite  soluble  quotients"  to  appear  in  the  proceedings  of  the
conference on Computational Algebra and Number Theory, 1992, in Sydney
and "A finite soluble  quotient algorithm" submitted to the Journal of
Symbolic Computation.

2) About this Version

This directory contains Version  1.0 (May  1994) of the  ANU SQ.  This
is  an  implementation of the algorithm described in "Computing finite
soluble quotients" in C.  This implementation  has been developed in a
Unix  environment and Unix  is currently  the  only  operating  system
supported.   It runs  on a  number of  different Unix  versions,  e.g.
SunOS 4.x, SunOS 5.3 and Ultrix.

This directory contains the following directories and files:
The file `README' is  this  file.  The directory `examples' contains a
collection  of example input  files for  the soluble quotient program.
The directory `gap' contains the  GAP interface  to  the  ANU SQ.  The
program system GAP is developed by Martin Schoenert et al. at the RWTH
Aachen, Germany.  The directory `src' contains the source code for the
ANU SQ and the file `testSq' can be run to test if the installation of
the ANU SQ is working properly (see  next section). It uses the groups
in the directory `examples'.  The  directory doc contains  the dvi and
ps files for sq1.dvi and sq2.dvi.

3) How to install the ANU SQ

 The ANU SQ  requires  a program  called  vector enumerator written by
S.A.  Linton, see S.A.  Linton (1993)  "On Vector Enumeration", Linear
Algebra  and  Applications,  192:235--248  or  S.A.    Linton,  (1991)
``Constructing Matrix Representations  of Finitely Presented Groups'',
J.\ Symbolic Comput.,  12 (4 \&  5)427--438.  A  version of the vector
enumerator can  be obtained from the same place as this version of the
ANU SQ was obtained.  It is necessary to install the vector enumerator
first.   See  the  README  file in  the  distribution  of  the  vector
enumerator for instructions on its installation.  Note that the ANU SQ
only requires  the installation of the program 'me' out of the  vector
enumeration  package  and not the programs 'qme' and 'zme' (thus it is
not necessary to install the GNU  multi-precision integer software GMP
in order to use the vector enumerator for the ANU SQ).

Once the vector enumerator is installed change into the directory 'src'
and edit the file 'Makefile'. The following options can be defined for
the C-compiler.  

                SYS_BSD SYS_USG SYS_ALPHA

The  option SYS_BSD  is  for BSD-like systems  (SunOS 4.x), the option
SYS_USG  is  for  System  V-like  systems  (SunOS 5.3) and  the option
SYS_ALPHA is for DEC/Alpha OSF1.  For other Unix systems do not define
any option.

The variable VEPATH  in the Makefile has to be set to the path to the
executable of the vector enumerator.

The value of CHAT determines the  amount of information printed during
the  execution of  the program.   Its value  can be  overwritten by an
option. See  Section 4) for information on CHAT.

The  option TAILS determines how a covering  presentation is computed.
In case TAILS is defined, the program uses some savings in the numbers
of new generators to be defined,  in  case the  group is extended by a
$p$-group more than once. The savings are those that can be applied to
prime  quotient algorithms. See "An algorithm for computing quotients
of prime-power order for finitely presented groups and its implementation
in GAP" by Celler, Newman, Nickel, Niemeyer (1993), Mathematics Research
Report 027-93, Australian National University, for details.

If the  option  COLLECT is  defined  the  words  passed to the  vector
enumerator are normal, otherwise they might not be normal.

After changing Makefile to  your liking start the compilation of  the
ANU SQ by typing
A compiled version of the program named  `Sq'  is then placed into the
directory `src'.    If  there are  any warnings   or  even fatal error
messages during  the compilation process,  please send a copy  to  the
address at the  end of  this document together  with information about
your operating system, the compiler you used and any changes you might
have made to the source code. I will have a look  at your problems and
try to fix them.
After  the compilation  has  completed you can check if the  ANU SQ is
running properly on your system.  Go  back to the parent directory and
The file testSq runs some  computations and compares their output with
the output files in  the directory `examples'.  If testSq reports  any
errors, please follow the instruction that testSq prints out. 
WARNING :      testSq expects the SQ to be compiled withouth the TAILS
flag set. If the TAILS is defined the output presentations will differ
from the  presentations listed in  the example  directory and the test 
will not succeed. 

4) How to use the ANU SQ

The ANU SQ is started by typing


        Sq -p <n>
where n is a number between 0 and 7.
The program then expects a presentation as input. The input format for
presentations is described below. After the presentation is given, the
program  expects a  list  of  integers specifying  an  L-series.   The
definition of  an  L-series  is  given  in "Computing  finite  soluble
quotients" and "A  finite  soluble quotient  algorithm".  If L is  the
series [ (p_1, n_1), (p_2, n_2), ..., (p_k,  n_k) ]  then the L-series
is specified in the input after the presentation as
p_1 n_1
p_2 n_2 
p_k n_k

The option  -p determines the  level  of  information  printed  during
execution  of the program. It overwrites any preset values of CHAT. If
-p is followed by one of the numbers given below  it has the following
effect :

     0    no chatting during program execution 
     1    the program will indicate which prime is currently used
          and the dimension of the computed module
     2    1 and the program will mark the begin of the execution
          of the following basic steps in the algorithm
             - Call to AddDefinitions() which adds new generators
             - Call to Consistency(), the consistency check function
             - Call to LiftEpimorphism(), to lift the epimorphism
             - Call to the vector enumerator
             - Call to UpdatePresentation, the function which updates
                     the presentation according to ve-output
     3    1, 2 and the presentation at the end of a completion 
          of pStep() is printed
     4    1, 2 and the relations computed in Consistency() and 
          LiftEpimorphism() are printed
     5    1, 2, 3 and 4
     6    5 and prints presentation at the beginning of each pStep
     7    everything

Everything which is printed and is not in GAP input format is preceded
by '#I', and thus is a GAP comment.

5) The input format for presentations
The input format for presentations used in the ANU SQ has been defined
by Werner Nickel. The  ANU  SQ uses a  scanner that he has written for
his  ANU NQ program (available by anonymous fpt from pell.anu.edu.au).
The  following is an extract from his description  of the input format
for presentation in his description of the ANU NQ.
The input format  for  finite presentations  resembles  the  way  many
people  write down a presentation on paper.  Here are some examples of
presentations that the ANU NQ (and ANU SQ) accepts:

    < a, b | >                       # free group of rank 2
    < a, b, c | [a,b,c],             # a left normed commutator
                [b,c,c,c]^6,         # another one raised to a power
                a^2 = c^-3*a^2*c^3,  # a relation
                a^(b*c) = a,         # a conjugate relation
               (a*[b,(a*c)])^6       # something that looks complicated
A presentation starts  with   '<' followed be  a  list   of generators
separated by  commas.  Generator  names are strings  that contain only
upper and lower case letters, digits, dots and underscores and that do
not start with a digit.  The list of generator names is separated from
the   list of relators/relations   by  the symbol  '|'.  Relators  and
relations  are separated  by  commas and  can   be  mixed arbitrarily.
Parentheses can be  used  in order  to  group subexpressions together.
Square brackets can be used in order  to form left normed commutators.
The symbols  '*'  and '^' can be  used  to   form products and powers,
respectively. The  presentation   finishes  with  the  symbol '>'.   A
comment  starts with the symbol  '#' and  finishes at  the  end of the
line.  The file src/presentation.c contains a complete grammar for the
presentations accepted by the ANU NQ (and ANU SQ).

6) The output of the ANU SQ

The ANU SQ  prints a consistent power conjugate  presentation  for the
specified  finite  soluble quotient of the  given  finitely  presented
group onto  standard output. The presentation is in GAP format and can
be read into GAP.

7) Example 

               Sq -p1 
< x1, x2 | 
2 1
3 1
2 2
3 1

The output of this run is 

#I First step : 1 dimensions

#I pStep( 3 )
#I Read Input
#I Done submodule generators
#I Starting weight 2 in define mode, 1 alive out of 3
#I Starting weight 3 in define mode, 1 alive out of 3
#I Starting weight 4 in define mode, 1 alive out of 3
#I Starting weight 5 in define mode, 1 alive out of 3
#I Closed, 3 rows defined
#I Packing 3 to 1
#I 1 live dimensions
#I   runtime       : 20 msec

#I pStep( 2 )
#I Read Input
#I Packing 31 to 3
#I Done submodule generators
#I Starting weight 2 in define mode, 2 alive out of 5
#I Starting weight 3 in define mode, 2 alive out of 5
#I Starting weight 4 in define mode, 2 alive out of 5
#I Starting weight 5 in define mode, 2 alive out of 5
#I Closed, 5 rows defined
#I Packing 5 to 2
#I 2 live dimensions
#I   runtime       : 40 msec

#I pStep( 2 )
#I Read Input
#I Packing 64 to 29
#I Packing 37 to 1
#I Done submodule generators
#I Starting weight 2 in define mode, 1 alive out of 8
#I Starting weight 3 in define mode, 1 alive out of 8
#I Starting weight 4 in define mode, 1 alive out of 8
#I Closed, 8 rows defined
#I Packing 8 to 1
#I 1 live dimensions
#I   runtime       : 90 msec

#I pStep( 3 )
#I Read Input
#I Done submodule generators
#I Starting weight 2 in define mode, 278 alive out of 519
#I Starting weight 3 in define mode, 232 alive out of 521
#I Starting weight 4 in define mode, 2 alive out of 878
#I Starting weight 5 in define mode, 2 alive out of 878
#I Starting weight 6 in define mode, 2 alive out of 878
#I Closed, 878 rows defined
#I Packing 878 to 2
#I 2 live dimensions
#I   runtime       : 640 msec
#I    A Soluble Quotient Program (Version 1.0, March 1994)
#I          Calculating a soluble quotient
#I    Program:       ./Sq
#I    Machine:       wilton
#I    Printlevel:    1
#I    Runtime of the program (in msec): 
#I    class        time      time in SQ    time in VE
#I      1            10            10
#I      2            30            10            20
#I      3            50            10            40
#I      4           140            50            90
#I      5           750           110           640
#I               ------        ------        ------
#I                  980           190           790
#I               (total)
#I    total size  of SQ  : 32768 byte

a1 := AbstractGenerator("a1");
a2 := AbstractGenerator("a2");
a3 := AbstractGenerator("a3");
a4 := AbstractGenerator("a4");
a5 := AbstractGenerator("a5");
a6 := AbstractGenerator("a6");
a7 := AbstractGenerator("a7");
SqPresentation := rec(
      generators := [ a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7],
      relators := [
a2^a1/(a2^2*a4),  a2^3/(a5),  
a3^a1/(a3),  a3^a2/(a3*a4*a5*a6),  a3^2/(a5*a7),  
a4^a1/(a3*a4*a7), a4^a2/(a3*a6^2*a7), a4^a3/(a4*a5*a7^2), a4^2/(a5*a6^2*a7^2),
a5^a1/(a5*a6*a7), a5^a2/(a5),  a5^a3/(a5*a6),  a5^a4/(a5*a7),  a5^2,  
a6^a1/(a6*a7^2), a6^a2/(a6^2), a6^a3/(a6^2*a7^2), a6^a4/(a7^2), a6^a5/(a6^2),
a7^a1/(a6^2), a7^a2/(a6^2*a7^2), a7^a3/(a6^2*a7), a7^a4/(a6), a7^a5/(a7^2),
                                                           a7^a6/(a7),  a7^3,  
# Definitions
# a3 <- a1^2
# a4 <- a2^a1
# a5 <- a2^3
# a6 <- a3^a2
# a7 <- a3^2
# Epimorphism : phi( 1 ) :=  a1 phi( 2 ) :=  a2 

8) Contact addresses
Please notify me if you have any problems. Comments and suggestions are
very welcome, my email address is 

Alice C. Niemeyer      =@\___/         Department of Mathematics 
alice@maths.uwa.edu.au   \_ (          University of Western Australia
+61-9-380 3890           .| .|         Nedlands,  WA 6009,   Australia. 

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