This file contains the mails sent to the GAP forum in January-March 1995. Name Email address Mails Lines Martin Schoenert Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 6 351 Frank Celler Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 5 231 Alexander Hulpke Alexander.Hulpke@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 4 165 Jacob Hirbawi 4 120 Thomas Breuer Thomas.Breuer@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 4 109 Steve Linton 3 141 Derek Holt 3 101 Leonard Soicher 2 171 TANG KO CHEUNG 2 130 L. McCarthy 2 74 Joachim Neubueser Joachim.Neubueser@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 2 64 SUNSHINE 2 28 Tim Boykett 1 256 Jan de Wit 1 74 Volkmar Felsch Volkmar.Felsch@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 1 53 Jaroslav Gurican 1 42 Walter Carlip 1 39 Chris Wensley 1 37 Charles Wright 1 34 Heiko Theissen Heiko.Theissen@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 1 33 Meinolf Geck Meinolf.Geck@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE 1 26 Sarah Rees 1 23 Andrew Mathas 1 20 Robert S Clancy 1 20 Bruce Kaskel 1 19 David Sibley 1 17 Johannes Mueller 1 15 Gene Cooperman 1 12 Jose S. Gomez 1 10 Tim Sturge 1 10 This file is in Berkeley mail drop format, which means you can read this file with 'mail -f ' or 'mailx -f '. It is also possible however to read this file with any text editor. From Sat Jan 7 21:10:00 1995 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 95 21:10:00 -0800 From: "Jacob Hirbawi" Subject: strange problem with string concatenation I ran into this strange behavior of string concatenation : f:=x->Concatenation(List(x,String)); a:=UnorderedTuples([1..3],2); b:=List(a,f); # I want b to equal ["11","12",...,"33"]; instead I get : gap> b; [ [ '1', '1' ], [ '1', '2' ], [ '1', '3' ], [ '2', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ], [ '3', '3' ] ] # but single elements look right! gap> b[1]; "11" # looking at an element seems to "fix" it : gap> b; [ "11", [ '1', '2' ], [ '1', '3' ], [ '2', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ], [ '3', '3' ] ] # so this "fixes" the fourth element gap> b[4]; "22" gap> b; [ "11", [ '1', '2' ], [ '1', '3' ], "22", [ '2', '3' ], [ '3', '3' ] ] it's easy to find a way around this; for example this works : ff:=function(lst) local str,i; str:=""; for i in lst do str:=ConcatenationString(str,String(i)); od; return str;end; gap> bb:=List(a,ff); [ "11", "12", "13", "22", "23", "33" ] but it would be nicer if the built-in function behaves predictably. Jacob Hirbawi PS. I'm running with version 3.4 From Sat Jan 7 02:55:00 1995 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 95 02:55:00 -0500 From: "Gene Cooperman" Subject: Unbind() The GAP manual says that Unbind() can be used to unbind fields of a record and array elements. I noticed that it also works in the following: x:=3; Unbind(x); x; Is this usage supported? I find it useful in removing extraneous temporary global variables after their use, to avoid accidental collisions with variables of the same name later. - Gene Cooperman From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 9 12:01:00 1995 Date: Mon, 09 Jan 95 12:01:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: strange problem with string concatenation Jacob Hirbawi wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/01/07 I ran into this strange behavior of string concatenation : f:=x->Concatenation(List(x,String)); a:=UnorderedTuples([1..3],2); b:=List(a,f); # I want b to equal ["11","12",...,"33"]; instead I get : gap> b; [ [ '1', '1' ], [ '1', '2' ], [ '1', '3' ], [ '2', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ], [ '3', '3' ] ] # but single elements look right! gap> b[1]; "11" ... but it would be nicer if the built-in function behaves predictably. Except for the printed appearance, there is no difference between the list [ '1', '1' ] and "11". Both are lists containing two characters each. "11" is just a shorthand for the more conventional representation [ '1', '1' ]. This in particular implies that the list b you get *is equal* to [ "11", "12", ..., "33" ] (in the sense of GAP's '='), even though they look different. Now because the shorthand is nicer, GAP tries to print it instead of the conventational list representation, whenever it is resonably easy to do so. But in your example, GAP doesn't bother check whether each element of the large list is in fact a string. On the other hand if you print the elements individualy, then GAP checks them, and notices that they are strings. If you want to force GAP to recognize that the elements are strings, use the following trick. gap> f := x -> Concatenation(List(x,String)); gap> a := UnorderedTuples( [1..3], 2 );; gap> b := List( a, f );; ap> ignore := List( b, IsString );; In fact you can avoid the conversion from number to string by using the list [ '1', '2', '3' ] instead of [1..3] in the first place. gap> b := UnorderedTuples( "123", 2 );; gap> ignore := List( b, IsString ); gap> b; [ "11", "12", "13", "22", "23", "33" ] Martin. PS. The above rules also imply that the empty list [] and the empty string "" are equal. This is a bit ackward in the context of 'Print', where 'Print( [] )' should print '[]', but 'Print( "" )' should print nothing (because 'Print' drops the "" around strings). -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Tue Jan 10 10:13:00 1995 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 95 10:13:00 +0000 From: "Derek Holt" Subject: lists and words I want to do a long series of manipulations on words in abstract generators. I can't decide whether to convert the words to lists of integers or not. On the one hand, I find that l:=[1,1,1,1,1]; l[3]:=2; is considerably quicker than w:=a^5; w:=SubstitutedWord(w,3,3,b); (presumably chiefly because SubstitutedWord does a copy, rather than substituting in place). On the other hand, w:=SubstitutedWord(w,3,3,b^3); or w:=SubstitutedWord(w,2,4,b); works out quicker than the corresponding operation on lists, because to do it with lists in general, you have to write an inner loop to shift the end of the word to the left or right, depending on whether the substituted string is longer or shorter. My queries are then (i) Is there a better way of doing things which I don't know about? (ii) If not, can I put in plea for the future provision of a "SubstitutedWord" function which operates on its argument in place, rather than copying and returning a new word. I realise that word operations also have to check for possible cancellation with inverses in the underlying free group, but that shouldn't make such a big difference. In any case, I hope that free monoids will eventually be supported in GAP, where inverse do not arise. Derek Holt. From Wed Jan 11 19:44:00 1995 Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 19:44:00 -0500 From: "L. McCarthy" Subject: Redefining Library Functions -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- For my current project I'm using a modified version of one of GAP's built-in library functions. Simply Read-ing a new definition of the function seems to work fine, until I hit an error somewhere and enter a break loop. Once I jump out of the break loop to the main loop, GAP seems to revert to using the library definition of the function. Is GAP re-reading the library files in this case, and if so, is there some environment variable I can set to disable this behavior within a session ? Thanks -Lewis McCarthy -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.1 iQCVAwUBLxR7QGf7YYibNzjpAQFDfgQAsUafcWSF1hR3iPOue4hOHPYWanYXM303 vajIdxE2hNEaEotf5FiCSYPkJEXj83G0oFBqz1/ZrUrroSuaWOPGo/I8u3zLH6gR CJcIZIVq1EKOjWgHN7UsWZXw9O8TVUZbT+2lyIRkrVmcUIn0XInouiL3sIqDCce9 Q0s+g5+3VW0= =NxH8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Thu Jan 12 12:58:00 1995 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 12:58:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: Unbind() Gene Cooperman wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/01/07 The GAP manual says that Unbind() can be used to unbind fields of a record and array elements. I noticed that it also works in the following: x:=3; Unbind(x); x; Is this usage supported? I find it useful in removing extraneous temporary global variables after their use, to avoid accidental collisions with variables of the same name later. There are four cases in which 'Unbind' can currently be used. 1) To unbind a component of a list. 2) To unbind a component of a record. 3) To unbind a global variable. 4) To unbind a local variable. The GAP manual mentions only the usages 1) and 2). Those are supported now, and will always be supported, since they are the whole reason for having 'Unbind' at all. Usage 3) is probably what Gene meant with ``temporary global variables''. This usage is supported now and will be supported by future GAP versions. Usage 4) is supported now, but will probably not be supported by future versions of GAP. But this is probably not important, since reusing a local variable for different purposes in a function is not a good idea. Martin. -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Thu Jan 12 13:31:00 1995 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 13:31:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: Redefining Library Functions Lewis McCarthy wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/01/11 For my current project I'm using a modified version of one of GAP's built-in library functions. Simply Read-ing a new definition of the function seems to work fine, until I hit an error somewhere and enter a break loop. Once I jump out of the break loop to the main loop, GAP seems to revert to using the library definition of the function. Is GAP re-reading the library files in this case, and if so, is there some environment variable I can set to disable this behavior within a session? Simply returning from a break loop should not result in GAP reverting to the library definition of a function. But there are situations where GAP reverts to the library definition. What probably happens is that GAP reverts to the library definition *before* you enter the break loop, but you only notice it when you return from the break loop. To understand this, you must understand the mechanism by which GAP reads the library. When you start GAP, it reads the library file 'init.g'. This file contains lines of the form AUTO( ReadLib( "list" ), List, Apply, Concatenation, Flat, Reversed, Sublist, Filtered, Number, Collected, Equivalenceclasses, ForAll, ForAny, First, PositionProperty, Cartesian2, Cartesian, Sort, SortParallel, Sortex, Permuted, PositionSorted, Product, Sum, Iterated, Maximum, Minimum, R_N, R_X, RandomList, RandomSeed ); This tells GAP that it should read the library file 'list.g', should it ever need one of the functions 'List', 'Apply', etc. Basically GAP stores in the variable 'List' the *statement* 'ReadLib("list")', and marks the variable as 'T_VARAUTO', which means that 'List' does not point to a value but to a statement. Now when GAP evaluates 'List', it sees that 'List' is 'T_VARAUTO' and evaluates the statement that 'List' points to. That is GAP reads the library file 'list.g'. This then defines the function 'List' with the statement List := function ( list, func ) ...library code... end; After this assignment 'List' has no longer type 'T_VARAUTO' but type 'T_VAR', because it no longer points to a statement, but to a value. But at the same time GAP also reads all the other function definitions in the file 'list.g'. This overwrites any previous definition those variables might have had. So assume that GAP has not yet read 'list.g'. Now redefine 'Apply' with the following statement Apply := function ( list, func ) ...your code... end; Everything works fine until you need another function from 'list.g', say 'List'. Then GAP reads 'list.g' to get the definition of 'List'. But at the same time it overwrites your new definition of 'Apply' with the library function. The solution is to make certain that after your redefinition of 'Apply', GAP will not read the library file 'list.g'. The easiest way to do this is to force GAP to read the library file 'list.g' *before* you redefine 'Apply'. This is achieved by the following code Apply; # autoread the library file where 'Apply' is defined Apply := function ( list, func ) ...your code... end; This does not work for some library file , because they are not automatically read by the mechanism described above, but read explicetely from other library file . In this case you must read the file (with 'ReadLib();') before you redefine a function defined in . aggroup.g agprops.g agsubgrp.g aghomomo.g agcoset.g agnorm.g aghall.g aginters.g agcomple.g agclass.g agctbl.g onecohom.g saggroup.g sagsbgrp.g fpgrp.g fptietze.g fpsgpres.g group.g grphomom.g operatio.g grpcoset.g grpprods.g grpctbl.g grplatt.g monomial.g matrix.g matgrp.g matring.g permutat.g permgrp.g permstbc.g permoper.g permbckt.g permnorm.g permcose.g permhomo.g permcset.g permag.g permctbl.g ratclass.g permprod.g sq.g sqstuff.g If you have such a problem, it is always a good idea to start your session with the statements (or put them into your '.gaprc' file) InfoRead1 := Print; InfoRead2 := Print; Then every time it reads a file, GAP will tell you about it. Hope this helps, Martin. -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Thu Jan 12 13:23:00 1995 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 13:23:00 -0500 From: "Steve Linton" Subject: Re: Unbind() Martin wrote - > There are four cases in which 'Unbind' can currently be used. > > 1) To unbind a component of a list. > 2) To unbind a component of a record. > 3) To unbind a global variable. > 4) To unbind a local variable. > > The GAP manual mentions only the usages 1) and 2). Those are supported > now, and will always be supported, since they are the whole reason for > having 'Unbind' at all. > > Usage 3) is probably what Gene meant with ``temporary global variables''. > This usage is supported now and will be supported by future GAP versions. > > Usage 4) is supported now, but will probably not be supported by future > versions of GAP. But this is probably not important, since reusing a > local variable for different purposes in a function is not a good idea. > While it isn't vital, can I express a mild preference for retaining 4 for the following reason. Suppose I have a loop that goes for ..... do x := ; # I am finished with x now od; then I would use Unbind(x) at the point where the comment is to free up the workspace for the "other large stuff". I could do it with x := 1; (say), but it is less clear what I am doing. As I said a mild preference, but when one deals with individual large objects it is important to be able to release the storage as soon as possible. Steve From Fri Jan 13 17:30:00 1995 Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 17:30:00 +0100 From: "Tim Boykett" Subject: Re: lists and words You mentioned free monoids in GaP: One of the students here has implemented a semigroup package for Gap, doing some decent stuff: It was his thesis project here, it should be okay. It includes Knuth Bendix stuff, It should be in the GaP incoming directory, on samson. If not, get in touch. There should be a semigroup.doc and a semigroup.g Cheers Tim here is the DOC file ******************************************************************************* *** SEMIGROUP FUNCTIONS FOR GAP *** V 1.30 12.12.1994 (c) Widi Marcel Oliver ******************************************************************************* >Semigroup( l1, l2 ); defines a semigroup; SYNTAX 1 arguments : l1 ... set of abstract generators l2 ... set of defining relations (list of lists) SYNTAX 2 arguments : l1 ... the semigroup table l2 ... the elements of the semigroup Example for SYNTAX 1 : z2m :=Semigroup([a,b],[[a*b,b*a],[a*b,a],[b^2,b],[a^2,a]]); -l1-- ------------- l2 ------------------- generators defining relations Example for SYNTAX 2 : z4m := Semigroup([[a,a,a,a],[a,b,c,d],[a,c,a,c],[a,d,c,b]],[a,b,c,d]); --------------- l1 -------------------- -- l2 --- operation table elements >IsSemigroup( g ); checks if g is defined as a semigroup >DefSgCommutative( g ); define a semigroup presentation as commutative >DefAsNeutral( g, x ); define the abstract generator x to be the neutral element of g >SgTable( g {,"V"} {,order} ); computes the table of the semigroup g using some improved Knuth-Bendix algorithm "v" (optional) ... display progress of computation order (optional) ... length-lexicographic order : 1 lexicographic order : 2 power-lexicographic order : 3 >MinGens( g {,order} {,"V"}); *IMPROVED* try al permutations of ordering generators to find a minimal subset of generators for the semigroup optional parameters : see SgTable >RedGens( g {,order} {,"V"}); *NEW* 'Greedy Algorithm' for finding a minimal set of generators for a semigroup in very short time optional parameters : see SgTable >Size( g ); computes the number of elements of g >Elements( g ); computes the elements of g >SgP( g, x, y ); computes the product of x and y in the semigroup g >IsSgMonoid( g ); checks if the semigroup g is a monoid >IsSgGroup( g ); checks if the semigroup g is a group >SgNeutral( g ); computes neutral element if g is a monoid; returns false otherwise >IsSgCommutative( g ); checks if the semigroup g is commutative >SgIdempotents( g ); computes the idempotent elements of g >IsGroupInvertible( g, x ); checks, if the element x of g is (group-)invertible >SgGroupKernel( g ); computes the group kernel of a semigroup >SgCentralizer( g, s ); computes centralizer of the subset s of the semigroup g >SgCenter( g ); computes the center of the semigroup g >IsSgIdempotent( g ); checks if the semigroup g is idempotent >SgRegulars( g ); computes the regular elements of g >IsSgRegular( g ); checks if the semigroup g is regular >SgCompletelyRegulars( g ); computes the completely regular elements of g >IsSgCompletelyRegular( g ); checks if the semigroup g is completely regular >IsSgInverse( g ); checks if the semigroup g is inverse >IsCliffordSg( g ); checks if the semigroup g is a Clifford semigroup >SubSemigroup( g, s ); computes the subsemigroup of g generated by the subset s of g >IsSubSemigroup( g, s ); checks if s is a subsemigroup of g >SubSemigroups( g ); computes all subsemigroups of g >SgOrder( g, a ); computes the order of the element a in the semigroup g >SgDistance( g1, g2 ); computes the distance between semigroups g1 and g2 where there must be standard-epimorphism between g1 and g2 >SgD( g1, g2 ); computes the distance between semigroups g1 and g2 where g1 and g2 only must have same set of generators >SgGCD( g1, g2 ); computes the greatest common divisor of semigroups g1,g2 >SgLeftIdeal( g, s ); computes left ideal generated by s in semigroup g >SgRightIdeal( g, s ); computes right ideal generated by s in semigroup g >SgIdeal( g, s ); computes ideal generated by s in semigroup g >IsSgLeftIdeal( g, s ); checks if s is a left ideal in g >SgRightIdeal( g, s ); checks if s is a right ideal in g >IsSgIdeal( g, s ); checks if s is an ideal in g >SgEpi( g, h ); computes all epimorphisms from g in h >SgMono( g, h ); computes all monomorphisms from g in h >SgIso( g, h ); computes all isomorphisms from g in h >SgHomo( g, h ); computes all homomorphisms from g in h >SgEndo( g ); computes all endomorphism on g >SgAuto( g ); computes all automorphisms on g >IsSgEmbeddable( g1, g2 ); checks, if the semigroup g1 is embeddable in the semigroup g2 >Ver(); tells you which version of the semigroup functions you are using ****************************************************************************** watch this board for news ! NEW since V 1.27 : * The function RedGens() has been added * The function MinGens() has been modified : Interrupting after the first step will most likely yield the correct result * the warning messages on some machines should not occur any more ****************************************************************************** From Fri Jan 13 16:30:00 1995 Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 16:30:00 +0000 From: "Chris Wensley" Subject: MappedWord etc. I am trying to use WORD functions on the elements of a finitely presented group - but perhaps this is not allowed? The following log file illustrates the problem: gap> F:=FreeGroup(4,"F");; gap> rels := [ F.1^2, F.2^3, (F.1*F.2)^2, F.3, F.4 ];; gap> S3 := F/rels;; gap> el := Elements(S3); [ IdWord, F.1, F.2, F.1*F.2, F.2*F.1, F.2^2 ] gap> w := el[4]; F.1*F.2 gap> IsWord(w); true gap> MappedWord( w, [F.1,F.2], [F.3,F.4] ); F.1*F.2 !! the answer I wanted was: F.3*F.4 gap> gens := F.generators;; gap> IsWord(gens[1]); true gap> IsWord(el[2]); true gap> gens[1]; F.1 gap> el[2]; F.1 gap> Position(gens,F.1); 1 gap> Position(gens,el[2]); false !! and here I expected: 1 Chris Wensley University of Wales at Bangor From Sun Jan 15 21:41:00 1995 Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 21:41:00 -0800 From: "Jacob Hirbawi" Subject: characters of exceptional Weyl groups Is there a way to get the character tables of the exceptional Weyl groups F4,E6,E7,E8 in GAP? I used the package CHEVIE for this last year, but for some reason that doesn't work anymore;(it could be that I have an old version of the package which is incompatible with 3.4). Anyway, these groups are well known enough that I thought they might be in GAP itself. Jacob Hirbawi From Sun Jan 15 21:42:00 1995 Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 21:42:00 -0800 From: "Jacob Hirbawi" Subject: multi-variable polynomial status I'd like to know the status of multi-variable polynomials in GAP. Before the release of 3.4 there was some discussion about having an efficient implementation of these in a future release. How far off is this? Jacob Hirbawi From Meinolf.Geck@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 16 10:36:00 1995 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 10:36:00 +0100 From: "Meinolf Geck" Subject: Re: characters of exceptional Weyl groups Dear GAP forum, I am answering to the following about exceptional Weyl groups in GAP: > > Is there a way to get the character tables of the exceptional Weyl > groups F4,E6,E7,E8 in GAP? ... The tabels of E6 and E8 are contained in the GAP library ("U4(2).2" and "2.O8+(2).2"), while that of E7 is the direct product of the table of the cyclic group of order 2 and the simple group "S6(2)". The table of F4 is returned by 'CharTable("w(f4)")'. One should note, however, that these tables do not contain the additional information about canonical labellings of classes and characters which are in the corresponding CHEVIE tables. > ...I used the package CHEVIE for this last year, > but for some reason that doesn't work anymore;(it could be that I have an > old version of the package which is incompatible with 3.4). ... Yes, there was a new release of CHEVIE to make it compatible with some changes in GAP and, more seriously, some changes in MAPLE. It is available, as before, from the ftp server on samson under /oub/chevie. Best regards, Meinolf Geck From Thomas.Breuer@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 16 10:50:00 1995 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 10:50:00 WET From: "Thomas Breuer" Subject: Re: character tables of exceptional Weyl groups Dear Mrs. and Mr. Forum, Jacob Hirbawi wrote > Is there a way to get the character tables of the exceptional Weyl > groups F4,E6,E7,E8 in GAP? The table of the Weyl group of F4 is 'CharTable( "W(F4)" )' in GAP. Unfortunately it is more complicated to get the others. For E6 and E8 one can use 'CharTable( "U4(2).2" )' and 'CharTable( "2.O8+(2).2" )', respectively. Since the Weyl group of E7 is a direct product of S_6(2) and a cyclic group of order 2 one can construct (not simply fetch from the library) its table by 'CharTable( "Cyclic", 2 ) * CharTable( "S6(2)" )'. The names "W(E6)", "W(E7)", "W(E8)" will be admissible after the next patch of GAP-3.4. Kind regards Thomas Breuer From Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 16 12:23:00 1995 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 12:23:00 -0700 From: "Frank Celler" Subject: words in GAP 3.4 Dear Gap-Forum, Derek Holt asked in his email message: I want to do a long series of manipulations on words in abstract generators. I can't decide whether to convert the words to lists of integers or not. First of all let me answer Derek's easier questions. My queries are then (i) Is there a better way of doing things which I don't know about? No, there is no secret way (or better way) to deal with words at the moment. The current implementation is not very satisfactory, i.e., the printing is quite confusing and the representation as strings of handles instead of integers makes functions such as 'MappedWord' rather slow. big difference. In any case, I hope that free monoids will eventually be supported in GAP, where inverse do not arise. Yes, GAP 4.1 will, among other free/finitely presented structures, support free/fp monoids as native data types and address the problems mentioned above. Derek continues with a much harder question. (ii) If not, can I put in plea for the future provision of a "SubstitutedWord" function which operates on its argument in place, rather than copying and returning a new word. GAP 4.1 will have a different garbage collector which will deal more efficiently with garbage created in processes repeatedly modifying an object because the storage manager keeps track of recently created objects (i.e., it is generational). However, both storage managers need to copy objects even when trying to operate in place but changing their size in most cases, because there might not be enough room to enlarge an object and so it has to be copied to a new location. This can even be necessary when trying to *shrink* an object, this is due to the way the storage manager keeps track of free space. Another reason against modifying objects in place is that one has to copy each object when calling a library function outside the algorithm because other library functions might store their arguments as part of their computation (e.g. a Schreier-Sims will store its arguments as part of the strong generating set). Modifying objects after calling a library function might corrupt data structures/results in subtle ways. On the other hand GAP 4.1 will make it easier to write functions which will modify words in place, so if one is working in a very closed environment and one is able to control the problems mentioned above, it will be easier in GAP 4.1 to work in place. But these are major changes which will not be available before GAP 4.1, which we don't expect much before the end of this year, so my suggestion is to use list instead. In GAP 4.1 there will be some more functions for list manipulations (e.g. SubstituteList, PositionSublist). It is much easier to integrate these functions into GAP 3.4 and the list interface will survive the transition to GAP 4.1, while there will be some changes to the user interface for words because of the problems and confusions created by the GAP 3.x word interface, e.g. the function 'AbstractGenerator' will finally be replaced by the function 'FreeGroup' which is already used in GAP 3.4. best wishes Frank From Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 16 12:25:00 1995 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 12:25:00 -0700 From: "Frank Celler" Subject: polynomials Dear Chris, you wrote: I am trying to use WORD functions on the elements of a finitely presented group - but perhaps this is not allowed? This is allowed, but the printing of words is confusing (to say the least). We will try to change this in the next GAP release. Back to the problem: gap> el := Elements(S3); [ IdWord, F.1, F.2, F.1*F.2, F.2*F.1, F.2^2 ] gap> w := el[4]; F.1*F.2 gap> MappedWord( w, [F.1,F.2], [F.3,F.4] ); F.1*F.2 is an element of and not of *although* the printing suggests otherwise. The string used to print an abstract word has no meaning for GAP. In order to replace .1 (which is printed as "F.1"!) by .3 one has to use gap> w; F.1*F.2 gap> MappedWord( w, [S3.1], [S3.3] ); F.3*F.2 The same is true for gap> Position(gens,F.1); 1 gap> Position(gens,el[2]); false !! and here I expected: 1 [2] is *not* equal .1 although it is printed in the same way. best wishes Frank From Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Jan 16 12:25:00 1995 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 12:25:00 -0700 From: "Frank Celler" Subject: multi-variable polynomials Dear Forum, Jacob Hirbawi asked in his email message: I'd like to know the status of multi-variable polynomials in GAP. Before the release of 3.4 there was some discussion about having an efficient implementation of these in a future release. How far off is this? The next release of GAP, which will be 4.1, will contain a multi-variable polynomial arithmetic. However, it will most certainly not contain any special multi-variable polynomial algorithms (e.g. Groebner bases), but it should contain enough support to use external packages, for example, to compute a Groebner basis and then work with this basis inside GAP. best wishes Frank From Thu Jan 19 17:56:00 1995 Date: Thu, 19 Jan 95 17:56:00 +0000 From: "Leonard Soicher" Subject: An application of GAP and GRAPE % A LaTeX file for a 3 page document \documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \font\twlrm=cmr12 \font\twlbf=cmbx12 \def \im {\cong} \def \cl {\centerline} \def \ss {\smallskip} \def \ms {\medskip} \def \bs {\bigskip} \def \ds {\displaystyle} \def \split {\colon} \def \bec {\colon=} \def \ns {{}^{\ds .}} \def \intersect {\cap} \def \union {\cup} \def \la {\langle} \def \ra {\rangle} \def \x {\times} \def \a {\alpha} \def \b {\beta} \def \G {\Gamma} \def \D {\Delta} \def \S {\Sigma} \def \s {\sigma} \def \t {\tau} \def \w {\omega} \def \O {\Omega} \def \Aut {{\rm Aut}} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{prop}{Proposition} \newtheorem{cor}{Corollary} \newtheorem{predefn}{Definition} \newenvironment{defn}{\begin{predefn}\rm}{\end{predefn}} \title{Yet another distance-regular graph related to a Golay code} \author{ Leonard H. Soicher\\ School of Mathematical Sciences\\ Queen Mary and Westfield College\\ Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, U.K.\\ email:} \date{ } \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We describe a new distance-regular, but not distance-transitive, graph. This graph has intersection array $\{110,81,12;1,18,90\}$, and automorphism group $M_{22}\split2$. \end{abstract} In \cite{BCN}, Brouwer, Cohen and Neumaier discuss many distance-regular graphs related to the famous Golay codes. In this note, we describe yet another such graph. Ivanov, Linton, Lux, Saxl and the author \cite{ILLSS} have classified all primitive distance-transitive representations of the sporadic simple groups and their automorphism groups. As part of this work, all multiplicity-free primitive representations of such groups have also been classified. One such representation is $M_{22}\split2$ on the cosets of $L_2(11)\split2$. This representation has rank 6, with subdegrees 1, 55, 55, 66, 165, 330. Let $\G$ be the graph obtained by the edge-union of the orbital graphs corresponding to the two suborbits of length 55. By examining the sum $$\left(\begin{array}{rrrrrr} 0 & 55 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 8 & 4 & 0 & 18 & 24 \\ 0 & 4 & 12 & 0 & 3 & 36 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 10 & 10 & 35 \\ 0 & 6 & 1 & 4 & 20 & 24 \\ 0 & 4 & 6 & 7 & 12 & 26 \\ \end{array}\right) \quad +\quad \left(\begin{array}{rrrrrr} 0 & 0 & 55 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 4 & 12 & 0 & 3 & 36 \\ 1 & 12 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 12 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 10 & 20 & 25 \\ 0 & 1 & 10 & 8 & 4 & 32 \\ 0 & 6 & 2 & 5 & 16 & 26 \\ \end{array}\right)$$ of the intersection matrices corresponding to these two orbital graphs, we see that $\G$ is distance-regular, with intersection array $$\{110,81,12;1,18,90\}.$$ According to \cite[p.430]{BCN}, this graph was previously unknown. We now give a description of $\G$ in terms of a punctured binary Golay code. This description was obtained using the {\sf GRAPE} share library package \cite{GRAPE} of the {\sf GAP} system \cite{GAP} (available from {\tt}). Let ${\cal C}_{22}$ be the code obtained by puncturing in one co-ordinate the (non-extended) binary Golay code. Then ${\cal C}_{22}$ is a $[22,12,6]$--code, with automorphism group $M_{22}\split2$. Let $M$ be the set of the 77 minimum weight non-zero words of ${\cal C}_{22}$, and $V$ be the set of the 672 unordered pairs of words of weight 11 which have disjoint support. For $v=\{v_1,v_2\}\in V$ define $$M(v)\bec\{m\in M\mid \hbox{weight$(v_1+m)$ $=$ weight$(v_2+m)$}\}.$$ We remark that $M(v)$ has size 55. Now define $\G$ to have vertex set $V$, with vertices $v,w$ joined by an edge if and only if $$|M(v)\cap M(w)|=43.$$ We use {\sf GRAPE} to check that $\G$ is indeed distance-regular, with intersection array $\{110,81,12;1,18,90\}$. Using {\em nauty} \cite{nauty} within {\sf GRAPE}, we determine that $\Aut(\G)\im M_{22}\split2$, and so $\G$ is not distance-transitive. Further computations reveal the following intriguing fact. Let $v,w\in V$, $v\not=w$. Then in $\G$, we have $$d(v,w)=i$$ if and only if $$|M(v)\cap M(w)|=47-4i.$$ As noted in \cite[p.430]{BCN}, the distance-2 graph $\G_2$ is strongly regular, and it has parameters $$(v,k,\lambda,\mu)=(672,495,366,360).$$ Indeed, $\G_2$ is a rank 3 graph for $U_6(2)$ (illustrating $M_{22}\le U_6(2)$). The full automorphism group of $\G_2$ is $U_6(2)\split S_3$. It would be interesting to have a natural computer-free proof of the results in this note, and to see if these results generalize to other codes. \medskip \noindent {\bf Remark} A.A.~Ivanov has since informed me that about ten years ago he and his colleagues in Moscow discovered the four class association scheme associated with the graph $\G$ (see \cite{FKM,IKF}), but they did not check this scheme to determine if it came from a distance-regular graph. \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{BCN} A.E.~Brouwer, A.M.~Cohen and A.~Neumaier, {\it Distance-Regular Graphs}, Springer, Berlin and New York, 1989. \bibitem{FKM} I.A.~Faradzev, M.H.~Klin and M.E.~Muzichuk, Cellular rings and groups of automorphisms of graphs, in {\it Investigations in Algebraic Theory of Combinatorial Objects} (I.A.~Faradzev, A.A.~Ivanov, M.H.~Klin and A.J.~Woldar, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp.~1--153. \bibitem{IKF} A.A.~Ivanov, M.H.~Klin and I.A.~Faradzev, Primitive representations of nonabelian simple groups of order less than $10^6$, Part 2, Preprint, VNIISI, Moscow, 1984. \bibitem{ILLSS} A.A.~Ivanov, S.A.~Linton, K.~Lux, J.~Saxl and L.H.~Soicher, Distance-transitive representations of the sporadic groups, {\it Comm. Algebra}, to appear. \bibitem{nauty} B.D.~McKay, {\em nauty} user's guide (version 1.5), Technical report TR-CS-90-02, Computer Science Department, Australian National University, 1990. \bibitem{GAP} M.~Sch\"onert, et. al., {\sf GAP} -- Groups, Algorithms and Programming, fourth edition, Lehrstuhl D f\"ur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, 1994. \bibitem{GRAPE} L.H.~Soicher, {\sf GRAPE}: a system for computing with graphs and groups, in {\it Groups and Computation}, L.~Finkelstein and W.M.~Kantor, eds., DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science {\bf 11}, A.M.S., 1993, pp.~287--291. \end{thebibliography} \end{document} From Mon Jan 30 01:09:00 1995 Date: Mon, 30 Jan 95 01:09:00 -0600 From: "SUNSHINE" Subject: Subgroup listings... This may be an elementary question, but I am simply trying to get a listing of all of the subgroups of a given group, say, D4. I feel like I am missing an easy way to list all of the subgroups, but the following is the only way I've found so far: 1) Define the group: d4:=Group((1,2,3,4)); 2) Create a subgroup lattice for that group: latd4:=Lattice(d4); 3) Change the PrintLevel to display a representative subgroup for each conjugacy class, as well as the conjugates of those representatives: SetPrintLevel(latd4,3); 4) Print the classes: latd4.classes; I feel like there must be an easier way than this. Any help is appreciated. Sincerely, Wade Satterfield From Mon Jan 30 10:04:00 1995 Date: Mon, 30 Jan 95 10:04:00 -0500 From: "Steve Linton" Subject: Re: Subgroup listings... > Subject: Subgroup listings... > > This may be an elementary question, but I am simply trying to get a listing of > all of the subgroups of a given group, say, D4. I feel like I am missing an > easy way to list all of the subgroups, but the following is the only way I've > found so far: > > 1) Define the group: d4:=Group((1,2,3,4)); > 2) Create a subgroup lattice for that group: latd4:=Lattice(d4); > 3) Change the PrintLevel to display a representative subgroup for each > conjugacy class, as well as the conjugates of those representatives: > SetPrintLevel(latd4,3); > 4) Print the classes: latd4.classes; > > I feel like there must be an easier way than this. Any help is appreciated. > There doesn't seem to be a single function to this, but it is easy to write one, since the conjugacy classes are domains, so we can apply the function Elements: gap> Subgroups := function(g) > local l; > l := Lattice(g); > return Union(List(l.classes,Elements)); > end; function ( g ) ... end gap> and we can test it with: gap> g := CyclicGroup(4); Group( (1,2,3,4) ) gap> Subgroups(g); [ Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4) ), [ ] ), Group( (1,2,3,4) ), Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,3)(2,4) ] ) ] gap> The advantage of this method is that it returns a list of subgroups ready to manipulate further. Be warned however, that for even moderately large groups this list can become very long and very slow to compute. The elementary abelian group of order 32, for example, has 374 subgroups, and the symmetric group S6 has over 1000. In these larger cases, there is almost always a way to avoid calculating these lists in full, by using just conjugacy class representatives, or the table of marks (see TableOfMarks in the manual). Steve Linton From Thu Feb 2 12:10:00 1995 Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 12:10:00 +0100 From: "Jan de Wit" Subject: How to reduce words in FpGroups Hello, I am learning to use GAP for about a week now, and I have some questions and suggestions. I haven't had the time to read the forum9??.txts entirely yet, so there might be some 'old hat' among them. In no particular order: 1. Given an FpGroup, ie FreeGroup(2)/[a^3,b^2,a*b*a^-1*b^-1] (cyclic group of order 6). You can get the elements of this group by using Elements, and now I want to compute (a^2*b) * (a). You get a^2*b*a, which is NOT in the list of elements. It seems to me that GAP has a way of reducing this expression to one which is in the list. How do you do this ? The reason I want to do this is to make a data structure containing the *entire* multiplication table for a (hopefully small) group, no matter what the exact elements are, and start working on that. Then it would be possible ,for instance, to check isomorphism between CyclicGroup(6) - a permutation group - and the FpGroup above. (Yes, this is brute force, and I should write a program in C for it, but I want to try it using GAP). Maybe there are other ways of doing this that I'm not aware of yet... 2. It would be nice to be able to get some input from the user while executing a function. As an example, try PrintArray(RecFields(GroupOps)); Now that wasn't too easy to follow, wasn't it? To solve this problem I wrote a function which loops through the list, counts the number of lines printed, and at regular intervals calls a func- tion waitKey, defined like this: waitKey:=function() Print("Press Ctrl-D to continue\n"); ## ctrl-d works for MS-DOS Read(*stdin*); end; I don't think this is particularly elegant or easy. To make GAP programs interactive, ie. accept numbers or strings as input you would have to do something like readInt:=function() local input; while not IsBound(input) do Print("Enter 'input:=' ';' + ctrl-d"); Read(*stdin*); if not IsInt(input) then Unbind(input); fi; od; return input; end; I haven't tried this yet, but it's the only solution I can think of. 3. Is it possible to load the libraries more selectively, so that when I type G:=Group((1,2),(1,2,3)); not nearly all the libraries are loaded? I mean, I want to work with permutation groups, not with Cohomology- or SagGroups ! For most people this is not a problem, but for me it is, running GAP on an MS-DOS machine with 4M (ie 3M extended space): after the group libraries have loaded, I have about 300K free space left (and swapping to disk is SSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWW, goodbye GAPSTONES!). 4. Have the algorithms and their implementations been proved correct by some kind of formal method? If not you might just try something that's so complicated you can't verify the result by hand (Imagine someone writing a thesis using incorrect results obtained by GAP...). I guess most of the abstract algorithms have been proved correct, but I wonder about the implementation. Well, that's about it, I hope my questions aren't too stupid for you to ponder over. I want to add that GAP looks great, most features I don't even know (I'm just a third-year mathematics student at Utrecht University ). Yours sincerely, Jan de Wit From Thu Feb 2 12:36:00 1995 Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 12:36:00 +0000 From: "Derek Holt" Subject: Re: How to reduce words in FpGroups Jan de Wit writes: > > 1. Given an FpGroup, ie FreeGroup(2)/[a^3,b^2,a*b*a^-1*b^-1] (cyclic group of > order 6). You can get the elements of this group by using Elements, and now > I want to compute (a^2*b) * (a). You get a^2*b*a, which is NOT in the list > of elements. It seems to me that GAP has a way of reducing this expression > to one which is in the list. How do you do this ? > The reason I want to do this is to make a data structure containing the > *entire* multiplication table for a (hopefully small) group, no matter > what the exact elements are, and start working on that. Then it would be > possible ,for instance, to check isomorphism between CyclicGroup(6) - a > permutation group - and the FpGroup above. (Yes, this is brute force, and I > should write a program in C for it, but I want to try it using GAP). > Maybe there are other ways of doing this that I'm not aware of yet... > Even for small groups, comparing multiplication tables would be a very inefficient way of testing for isomorphism. If the groups both had order n, then (assuming you knew which element was the identity), you would have to test all (n-1)! permutations of the rows and columns of one table against the other. This would become impractical as soon as n was bigger than about 12, I should think. I don't think you should consider using group multiplication tables for any serious computation in group theory - they are really only useful for display purposes! A better approach to the problem you mention is as follows. Suppose you are given a finitely presented group G and a permutation group P, say and you know that they both have order n. Let G have generators x_1,..,x_r, and relators r_1, ..., r_s. Then try each map of the generators of G onto P (there are n^r such maps). For each such map, check to see if the images of the relators in P evaluate to the identity. If so, the map is a homomorphism. Then check to see if these images generate the whole of P. If so, it is an isomorphism. In many interesting examples, r will be two, so there will only be n^2 maps to consider, which is a lot less than (n-1)!. There are various tricks to speed things up - like, if you have a relator, such as x_1^2, then you need only consider images of x_1 which have order 2 in P. So, in your particular example, there would be one possible image for b and two for a, which cuts down the search from 6^2 to 2. Of course taking advantage of such things in general is more tricky to program, but it is perfectly possible. It is doubtful whether there is any essentially better method of testing for isomorphism than this, at least for general groups. Testing for isomorphism between two permutation groups is not easy - I think the best method there is to find a suitable presentation of one of them, and then use the method I have outlined. Derek Holt. From Sun Feb 5 15:16:00 1995 Date: Sun, 05 Feb 95 15:16:00 -0500 From: "Robert S Clancy" Subject: Memory usage Hello, My question is how to clear a record from memory. Specifically, a lattice record. This is the context: Compute the lattice of the AlternatingGroup(8). Now for subgroups of this group, compute a lattice. I don't want to do it all at once. I would be happy to just be able to replace an old subgroup lattice with a new subgroup lattice. Redefining the old subgroup lattice as the new subgroup lattice does not seem to work. In other words, after a few replacements, I still run out of memory. Is the information of the old subgroup lattice able to be cleared from memory? Thanks, Robert From Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Feb 6 09:44:00 1995 Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 09:44:00 -0700 From: "Frank Celler" Subject: Re: How to reduce words in FpGroups Dear Jan de Wit, you wrote: > permutation group - and the FpGroup above. (Yes, this is brute force, and I > should write a program in C for it, but I want to try it using GAP). > Maybe there are other ways of doing this that I'm not aware of yet... As Derek has explained the complexity of a brute force algorithm is (n-1)!, so I doubt that even using assembler or a very good C optimizer will help to speed up the computation by a factor of 15!/11! ~ 30000 to get a pratical algorithm for groups of size 16 (which is the next "interesting" size, 13 & 15 being cyclic, 14 being cyclic or dihedral) instead of 12. > what the exact elements are, and start working on that. Then it would be > possible ,for instance, to check isomorphism between CyclicGroup(6) - a > permutation group - and the FpGroup above. (Yes, this is brute force, and I If you need that isomorphism explicitly then you have to implement Derek's algorithm, if you only want to know if two groups are isomorphic you can use 'GroupId' for permutations/ag groups of size less than 101 (this function will *not* work for fp groups, so you have to convert a fp group first). gap> f := FreeGroup(2); Group( f.1, f.2 ) gap> g := f / [ f.1^4, f.2^2, f.1^f.2/f.1^-1 ]; Group( f.1, f.2 ) gap> p := OperationCosetsFpGroup( g, TrivialSubgroup(g) ); Group( (1,2,4,7)(3,6,8,5), (1,3)(2,5)(4,8)(6,7) ) gap> GroupId(p); rec( catalogue := [ 8, 4 ], names := [ "D8" ], 3primes := [ "A", 2 ], size := 8, pGroupId := 3 ) The entry 'catalogue' identifies the groups of size less than 101 and two such groups are isomorphic if and only if their 'catalogue' numbers are equal. The other entries in this record ('3primes' and 'pGroupId') refer to other classifications, please see the manual for details. > Now that wasn't too easy to follow, wasn't it? > To solve this problem I wrote a function which loops through the list, > counts the number of lines printed, and at regular intervals calls a func- > tion waitKey, defined like this: Yes, the GAP output is sometimes hard to read or too verbose. GAP 4.1 will address this problem by being brief per default and might offer a pager if asked to be verbose. > Is it possible to load the libraries more selectively, so that when I type > G:=Group((1,2),(1,2,3)); not nearly all the libraries are loaded? > I mean, I want to work with permutation groups, not with Cohomology- or > SagGroups ! Again, GAP 4.1 will solve this problem by loading only library files which are needed, but the current version of GAP indeed reads quite a lot of stuff which is not necessary to define, say, <(1,2)>. You can remove the line 'ReadLib("ratclass")' in "permgrp.g", this will avoid loading the solvable group functions. Removing this line however will break the functions 'RationalClasses', 'ConjugacyClasses' because 'RationalClasses' computes the classes by taking the Sylow subgroups, converting them into ag groups and using ag group methods there. Unfortunately, GAP is at the moment quite generous when reading in files, so if you define a permutation group, GAP reads in every file you might need. Even if you are never going to use 'RationalClasses' (or functions which rely on the classes) it will fetch the methods used to compute classes in permutation groups in advance. best wishes Frank From Mon Feb 6 10:06:00 1995 Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 10:06:00 +0100 From: "Steve Linton" Subject: Re: Memory usage > My question is how to clear a record from memory. > Specifically, a lattice record. This is the context: > Compute the lattice of the AlternatingGroup(8). Now > for subgroups of this group, compute a lattice. I > don't want to do it all at once. I would be happy to > just be able to replace an old subgroup lattice with > a new subgroup lattice. > > Redefining the old subgroup lattice as the new > subgroup lattice does not seem to work. In other words, > after a few replacements, I still run out of memory. > Is the information of the old subgroup lattice able to > be cleared from memory? > Yes, it is. The memory manager in GAP will recover the space used by any object which is no longer "reachable". That is, it is no longer stored in a variable, or a member of a record that is reachable, or an element of an array that is reachable. The problem in this case is that when you execute l := Lattice(h); the lattice is actually stored in TWO places. Firstly it is stored in the variable l, from which you successfully delete it when you change the value of l. Secondly, it is stored as h.lattice in the record for the group h, to save time should it be required again. Thus to reclaim the space, you need to do something like: for h in .... do l := Lattice(h); Unbind(h.lattice); od; then when you reassign l on each pass through the loop, the lattice computed on the last pass will un "unreachable" and the space it uses can be reclaimed. I would further remark that if you alrady have the lattice of G, then it should be possible to extract the lattice of H <= G from that of G without going to the trouble of recomputing it. Steve From Alexander.Hulpke@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Mon Feb 6 11:38:00 1995 Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 11:38:00 -0500 From: "Alexander Hulpke" Subject: Re: Isomorphism test (was: How to reduce) Dear GAP-forum, Frank Celler wrote, > If you need that isomorphism explicitly then you have to implement Derek's > algorithm, Just to save probably a few days work: I have written an implementation of this algorithm (which is to be added for future versions of GAP). If anyone is interested in it, I'll try to put it on our ftp server. Alexander Hulpke -- Alexander Hulpke , |Ce po`eme est, en effet, divis'e en Concordia University, Montreal, Canada|cinq strophes successivement et respec- |tivement compos'ees de 3-1-4-1-5 vers, | Jacques Bens: Le sonnet irrationnel From Tue Feb 7 14:43:00 1995 Date: Tue, 07 Feb 95 14:43:00 -0800 From: "Bruce Kaskel" Subject: p-adics? Is it possible to work with p-adics in GAP? Elements of any representation of Z_p (or Q_p) would of course be ``non-exact'' objects and perhaps as such are not part of the GAP philosophy. Such a representation would necessarily require a set limit of precision. So... How about rings of the form Z/p^nZ (or more generally Z/nZ)? Does GAP make these rings available in any cases other than when Z/nZ is a field? I am generally interested in linear groups over such rings. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks. --Bruce Kaskel From Thomas.Breuer@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Wed Feb 8 12:47:00 1995 Date: Wed, 08 Feb 95 12:47:00 WET From: "Thomas Breuer" Subject: Re: p-adics? Dear Mrs. and Mr. Forum, Bruce Kaskel asked > Is it possible to work with p-adics in GAP? > > Elements of any representation of Z_p (or Q_p) would of course > be ``non-exact'' objects and perhaps as such are not part of the > GAP philosophy. Such a representation would necessarily require > a set limit of precision. So... At the moment (that is, in GAP-3.4) there is no support for p-adic numbers. Since this request has come up in our team as well as from outside before we hope to provide p-adics in a future version of GAP-4 but it is too early to promise any date for this, this is simply a question of manpower. Anyhow, GAP-4 will not be released before next year. > How about rings of the form Z/p^nZ (or more generally Z/nZ)? > Does GAP make these rings available in any cases other > than when Z/nZ is a field? GAP-3.4 does not support rings Z/nZ for non-primes n, but GAP-4 definitely will do; this will include of course matrices, matrix groups etc. over these rings. At the moment, it would be at least *possible* to define elements of Z/nZ using records; it would not be very efficient, just it would be possible. An extensive description how to implement elements of the multiplicative group of Z/nZ using records is given in section "About Defining New Group Elements" of the GAP manual. This method can be used to define elements of the ring Z/nZ. If one is mainly interested in matrix rings over Z/nZ then it is possible to define the vectors/matrices as records. Such a vector/matrix could contain an integer vector/matrix and an 'operations' record that defines addition, multiplication etc. using the usual matrix multiplication followed by elementwise reduction modulo n. Kind regards Thomas Breuer From Alexander.Hulpke@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Wed Feb 8 12:00:00 1995 Date: Wed, 08 Feb 95 12:00:00 -0500 From: "Alexander Hulpke" Subject: Re: Isomorphism test (was: How to reduce) Dear GAP-Forum, I have put a version of an isomorphism test routine for GAP 3.4 on our ftp server. The files are pub/incoming/morpheus.{g,doc} Alexander Hulpke -- Alexander Hulpke, Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, , until April '95: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada From Thu Feb 9 12:39:00 1995 Date: Thu, 09 Feb 95 12:39:00 +0000 From: "Derek Holt" Subject: Trouble with FP-group Hallo - I had a GAP variable called F, which was either equal to 0, or to a finitely presented group. Naturally, I put if F<>0 then .... but I was rather surprised when this caused GAP to try and calculate the order of F (which was pretty hopeless, since F was infinite). Is this intentional behaviour? I was asking if F was equal to the integer 0, and expected to get an immediate "no" as an answer. Derek Holt. From Volkmar.Felsch@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Tue Feb 14 10:09:00 1995 Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 10:09:00 +0100 From: "Volkmar Felsch" Subject: Bug in the SpaceGroup command I would like to warn you of a bug in the SpaceGroup command in the library of crystallographic groups. The SpaceGroup command returns a space group in form of a matrix group together with a set of abstract generators and a set of defining relators. In the current version, this set of defining relators is incomplete: It does not contain the relators which describe the action of the point group generators on the generators of the normal subgroup of translations. The bug will be fixed in the next upgrade. For the time being, you may fix it in your local copy by applying the following patch to the file grp/cryst.grp. Volkmar Felsch, Aachen -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- grp/cryst.grp 1994/06/24 08:17:53 +++ grp/cryst.grp 1995/02/14 08:53:13 @@ -3414,8 +3417,8 @@ ## CR_SpaceGroup := function ( param ) - local CR, crgens, crrels, dim, G, g, g1, gens, gens1, i, j, mat, ngens, - ngens1, nrels, num, q, qcl, rels, sys, word; + local CR, crgens, crrels, dim, G, g, g1, gens, gens1, i, inv, j, k, mat, + ngens, ngens1, nrels, num, q, qcl, rels, sys, word; # Get the arguments. dim := param[1]; @@ -3445,6 +3448,17 @@ for i in [ ngens1 + 1 .. ngens - 1 ] do for j in [ i + 1 .. ngens ] do Add( rels, Comm( g[i], g[j] ) ); + od; + od; + inv := List( gens, mat -> mat^-1 ); + for i in [ 1 .. ngens1 ] do + for j in [ ngens1 + 1 .. ngens ] do + mat := inv[j] * inv[i] * gens[j] * gens[i]; + word := IdWord; + for k in [ 1 .. dim ] do + word := word * g[ngens1+k]^mat[k][dim+1]; + od; + Add( rels, g[j]^-1 * g[i]^-1 * g[j] * g[i] * word^-1 ); od; od; if ngens1 > 0 then -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Fri Feb 10 15:08:00 1995 Date: Fri, 10 Feb 95 15:08:00 -0600 From: "SUNSHINE" Subject: Cartesian product? Is there a way to create the cartesian product of a group, say of C2 x C2? "Cartesian" does not work, as groups cannot be converted to lists. Also, is there a built-in function for creating the quaternion group? Thanks in advance. Wade Satterfield From Thomas.Breuer@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Tue Feb 14 17:46:00 1995 Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 17:46:00 WET From: "Thomas Breuer" Subject: Re: Cartesian product? Dear Mrs. and Mr. Forum, Wade Satterfield asked two questions. The first is > Is there a way to create the cartesian product of a group, say of C2 x C2? The function 'DirectProduct' should do the job, for example gap> c2:= CyclicGroup( 2 ); Group( (1,2) ) gap> DirectProduct( c2, c2 ); Group( (1,2), (3,4) ) The second question is > Also, is there a built-in function for creating the quaternion group? The command 'SolvableGroup( "Q8" )' gives you the quaternion group as an AgGroup. Kind regards Thomas Breuer From Wed Feb 15 09:00:00 1995 Date: Wed, 15 Feb 95 09:00:00 +1553 From: "Charles Wright" Subject: More on Q8 A postscript on the quaternion group of order 8. It's easy to get non-AG presentations as well. For example, gap> sl := SpecialLinearGroup( 2 , 3 );; gap> q := SylowSubgroup( sl , 2 );; produces Q8 as a group of 2x2 matrices over GF(3): Subgroup( SL(2,3), [ [ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ], [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), Z(3) ] ], [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ] ) Then gap> permq := Operation(q, Elements(q), OnRight); produces the permutation representation Group( (1,2)(3,6)(4,8)(5,7), (1,3,2,6)(4,5,8,7), (1,8,2,4)(3,5,6,7) ) with elements [ (), (1,2)(3,6)(4,8)(5,7), (1,3,2,6)(4,5,8,7), (1,4,2,8)(3,7,6,5), (1,5,2,7)(3,4,6,8), (1,6,2,3)(4,7,8,5), (1,7,2,5)(3,8,6,4), (1,8,2,4)(3,5,6,7) ] Nothing fancy here, of course. C.R.B. Wright From Frank.Celler@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Fri Feb 17 12:02:00 1995 Date: Fri, 17 Feb 95 12:02:00 -0700 From: "Frank Celler" Subject: comparison of domains/elements Dear Derek, you wrote: > if F<>0 then .... > but I was rather surprised when this caused GAP to try and calculate > the order of F (which was pretty hopeless, since F was infinite). yes, GAP behaves sometimes unpredictable, if one tries to compare elements of different universes, simply because it is nearly impossible to catch all the cases. So it is safer to first check that is of the correct type before comparing, e.g. if not IsInt(F) then instead of if F <> 0 then best wishes Frank From Sun Feb 19 21:12:00 1995 Date: Sun, 19 Feb 95 21:12:00 -0500 From: "David Sibley" Subject: GAP manual via HTTP? A GAP manual was available for a while via HTTP, at URL However, it disappeared recently. I can no longer access it. Instead, I get "Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused". Is the manual gone for good, or is this just a temporary problem? Or did the URL change? David Sibley | "Accurate reckoning. The entrance into knowledge Amateur radio NT3O | of all existing things and all obscure secrets." | -- The Rhind Papyrus Dave's Web Page From Mon Feb 20 19:37:00 1995 Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 19:37:00 +0000 From: "Johannes Mueller" Subject: Some Questions Dear Forum, First: can you tell me, what number X (given to GAPEMX.EXE with parameter -m Xm) works best (fastest) with respect to invoking Editor or computation of large objects (garbage collection etc.). My own tests (I have a 386-PC with 8Mb) brought this: Calling GAP with -m 4m results in (a little) faster Execution as -m 6m being faster as -m 7m. Second: I'm in need of a function returning the (rounded) modulus of a cyclotomic, e.g. something like AbsVal(1+E(4)) giving something about 1414/1000. Is there something I haven't found? (gap3r4p0) Thanx & Bye, Johannes From Alexander.Hulpke@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Thu Feb 23 10:02:00 1995 Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 10:02:00 -0500 From: "Alexander Hulpke" Subject: Re: Some questions Dear Gap-Forum, Johannes M"uller asked: > First: can you tell me, what number X (given to GAPEMX.EXE with parameter -m > Xm) works best (fastest) with respect to invoking Editor or computation of > large objects (garbage collection etc.). These are in fact a couple of questions. I suppose you are using GAP under DOS. Your optimization conditions contradict each other in some way. I will just give a set of basic rules, by which you might find a suitable setting. - Unless you only work with numbers, 3.5 or 4MB is a lower limit to be able to work reasonably with GAP. If you set a lower limit, it is very likely, that GAP will extend its workspace automatically. - You can use the -g command line option to see the performance of garbage collections and the total allocated memory to deduce the needed memory space. As a rule of thumb, you should have at least 100kB free after a garbage collection to get satisfactorial results. - If you allocate more memory than what fits into the main memory, GAP will have to swap. This reduces computing speed enormously. Unless you desperately need more memory, try to restrict yourself to the free RAM. As I have not much experience with DOS systems, I have no idea, how much memory remains after loading DOS and probably various TSR's. - As DOS has no provisions for multi-tasking, at least parts of GAP have to be swapped to disk whenver an editor is called. I'm not sure, whether this is always the whole memory area or only the lower 640kB. This might depend on the editor as well. Probably using some kind of TSR editor and 'Read' instead of 'Edit' might increase the turnaround times. If using an ordinary editor, probably setting the memory limit as tight as possible increases turnaround times, but computations might become slow. - Swapping speed is obviously depending on further hardware specifics. > My own tests (I have a 386-PC with 8Mb) brought this: Calling GAP with -m 4m > results in (a little) faster Execution as -m 6m being faster as -m 7m. So probably 4MB is the right amount for your work. If 'Edit'ing takes up a smaller part, then increasing the memory might be useful. It is likely, that 7MB already is beyond the RAM capacity (considering, that the OS and the GAP kernel have to fit into memory as well). > Second: I'm in need of a function returning the (rounded) modulus of a > cyclotomic, e.g. something like AbsVal(1+E(4)) giving something about > 1414/1000. Is there something I haven't found? (gap3r4p0) No. At the moment, GAP's implementation of field extensions is a purely algebraic one. There is no way to extend valuation information from the ground field to the extension. It would be possible to write a function 'AbsVal' in the GAP language, that would utilize the canonical embedding E(n)->exp(2\pi i/n) and get an approximation of the value by numerical evaluation. However this would require about 3-4 pages of code. Also the reliability (i.e. numerical stability) of this coude might me doubtful when comparing elements, which are 'close together'. Finally the resulting code would be quite slow. I must admit that I don't feel tempted to write such code. Are you sure, you'll *really* need this absolute value? For many applications one can find some way around this problem. For example, getting bounds would be much easier. > Thanx & Bye, Johannes You're welcome, Alexander -- Alexander Hulpke, Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, , until April '95: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada From Thu Feb 23 12:10:00 1995 Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 12:10:00 -0800 From: "Jacob Hirbawi" Subject: Re: Some questions Johannes M"uller writes : > Second: I'm in need of a function returning the (rounded) modulus of a > cyclotomic, e.g. something like AbsVal(1+E(4)) giving something about > 1414/1000. Is there something I haven't found? (gap3r4p0) to which Alexander Hulpke responds : > No. At the moment, GAP's implementation of field extensions is a purely > algebraic one. There is no way to extend valuation information from the > ground field to the extension. > It would be possible to write a function 'AbsVal' in the GAP language, that > would utilize the canonical embedding E(n)->exp(2\pi i/n) and get an > approximation of the value by numerical evaluation. I wrote a function that takes a (real) element in Q(E(n)) and gives an approximate rational of it. Modifying the code for nonreal elements should be striaght forward, but I didn't need it. As Alexander commented, the code is both crude and slow; but for what I was doing it worked reasonably well -- (my application involves generating postscipt graphics from objects calculated in GAP, so round off errors and the like are not at all critical). Here's what I wrote : # Taylor series approximation for cos(r) cos:=r->Sum([0..8],i->(((-1)^i)/Factorial(2*i))*r^(2*i) ); # rationalize r; basically you express r as a sum of cosines using its # expansion in the cyclotomics, and then approximate each cosine term # with above series. Rat:=function(r) local n,cofs,i,j,twopi,res; twopi:=710/113; n:=NofCyc(r); cofs:=CoeffsCyc(r,n); res:=cofs[1]; for i in [2..n] do if cofs[i]<>0 then res:=res+2*cofs[i]*cos(twopi*(i-1)/n); j:=CoeffsCyc(E(n)^(i-1)+E(n)^-(i-1),n); cofs:=cofs-cofs[i]*j; fi; od; return Int(1000*res); end; some examples : gap> a1:=1+E(4); 1+E(4) gap> a2:=a1*GaloisCyc(a1,-1); # you get the absolute value using 2 gap> b0:=Rat(ER(2)); 1414 gap> b0^2; 1999396 # close enough! gap> b0:=Rat(ER(5)); 2236 gap> b0^2; 4999696 Jacob Hirbawi From Fri Feb 24 12:00:00 1995 Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 12:00:00 +0000 From: "Andrew Mathas" Subject: possible error Dear Ms. & Mr Forum, I am getting a repeatable error with the following message: Gasman: has no handle for a bag of type [1] and size 20. What I would like to know is if any one recognises this error and knows of a probable cause. I suspect that the problem is with my own code as I am dealing with recursively nested lists at this point in the calculation, but smaller examples work fine so I am confused by the error. If anyone has any thoughts then I would be pleased to hear them. Apologies for the complete lack of information as to what causes this error. I have not isolated it to a small enough piece of code to inflict upon innocent readers without a guilty conscience. I can provide details upon request. Regards, Andrew Mathas From Tue Feb 28 15:31:00 1995 Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 15:31:00 +0100 From: "JOSE SANGRONIZ GOMEZ" Subject: ConjugacyClasses Sometimes the function ConjugacyClasses in version 3.4 gives a wrong answer when applied to permutation groups of order >1000. As it seems, only rational classes are considered: gap> G:=Group((1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3), (6,7,8,9,10), (6,7,8));; gap> Length(ConjugacyClasses(G)); 17 From Heiko.Theissen@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Wed Mar 1 15:24:00 1995 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 95 15:24:00 WET From: "Heiko Theissen" Subject: Re: ConjugacyClasses Dear Mr. Gomez, this is really a bug that you have found in the conjugacy class routines in GAP 3.4. It will be fixed in the next version, but you can apply the following patch yourself and it should work then: In file 'lib/ratclass.g', lines 2905--2911 read: class := RationalClass( G, cl.representative ^ S1.bijection, Image( S1.bijection, cl.centralizer ), cl.galoisGroup ); class.centralizer.size := Size( cl.centralizer ); class.power := RationalClass( G, cl.power.representative ^ S1.bijection, Image( S1.bijection, cl.power.centralizer ), cl.power.galoisGroup ); Replace these seven lines by the following eight lines: class := RationalClass( G, cl.representative ^ S1.bijection, Image( S1.bijection, cl.centralizer ) ); class.galoisGroup := SylowSubgroup( cl.galoisGroup, p ); class.centralizer.size := Size( cl.centralizer ); class.power := RationalClass( G, cl.power.representative ^ S1.bijection, Image( S1.bijection, cl.power.centralizer ) ); class.power.galoisGroup := SylowSubgroup( cl.power.galoisGroup, p ); Sorry for any inconvenience, Heiko Theissen From Thu Mar 2 23:15:00 1995 Date: Thu, 02 Mar 95 23:15:00 +0800 From: "TANG KO CHEUNG" Subject: Run a program of Chapter 16. Dear GAP's family, Look at these commands in the interactive mode: gap> x:=X(Rationals);"x"; x "x" gap> Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); 1 gap> TransitiveGroup(5,1); 5 = C(5) Very nice! Put it in a file say "gal-1.p", one need to type x:=X(Rationals);"x"; Print("x:=X(Rationals);'x'; \n\n"); Print("Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); \n"); Print(Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979), "\n\n"); Print("TransitiveGroup(5,1); \n"); Print(TransitiveGroup(5,1),"\n\n"); and type gap> Read("gal-1.p"); to run it. It needs a lot of extra typing! Being a user of IBM PC for years, I still have no idea of using I/O redirection to make "Read("")" output something to the screen without using "Print". What is in my mind is the batch file feature (with echo on/off) of MS-DOS so then I may use "LogTo" or "LogInputTo" to achieve the purpose easily. Will "Read" get some extra switches in the future? -><- The release of GAP 3.4 of July/94 brings the birth of Chapter 16 Algebraic Extensions, but there is only a few discussions up to now. -><- Thanks & Bye. From Fri Mar 3 15:00:00 1995 Date: Fri, 03 Mar 95 15:00:00 +0000 From: "Sarah Rees" Subject: left actions Hello, at the University of Newcastle (UK), we act on the left in all our courses. That means of course that permutations must act on the left and multiply as in (1,2)(1,3)=(1,3,2) At first I was appalled at such a constraint, but am gradually becoming converted to the idea, and finding textbooks appropriate to it. I believe that left actions are becoming more and more common. Of course, this means I cannot use GAP in my undergraduate teaching. But I believe that it would not be impossible to create a left action within GAP. Of course I could provide a solution local to Newcastle, but I suspect I am not the only person who could use this facility. Is there a market out there for permutations which can act on the left, and which can be built into left permutation groups, to which analogues to the current permutation group functions can be applied? Better still, are there people out there who would provide me with a left action? Sarah From Tue Mar 7 15:44:00 1995 Date: Tue, 07 Mar 95 15:44:00 +0000 From: "Tim Sturge" Subject: Design Theory package? Hello, I am using GAP to investigate the properties of some small geometric structures, and I wonder if a design theory package or library has been written for GAP. Thanks, Tim From Tue Mar 7 13:43:00 1995 Date: Tue, 07 Mar 95 13:43:00 +0000 From: "Leonard Soicher" Subject: Re: Design Theory package? Tim Sturge writes: > >I am using GAP to investigate the properties of some small geometric >structures, and I wonder if a design theory package or library has >been written for GAP. > Not to the best of my knowledge, but you should look at the GRAPE share library package for computing with graphs with (possibly trivial) group actions. Many of the algorithms in GRAPE were motivated by the desire to study graphs related to finite geometries, such as incidence graphs and collinearity graphs. You can study your design in GRAPE via its incidence graph, and can, for example determine the automorphism group of your design (using the function AutGroupGraph, which can determine the subgroup of the automorphism group of a graph preserving a given partition of the vertices). If anyone wants to write a design theory package, then I really suggest they consider making use of GRAPE, representing a design via its incidence graph, and naming the vertices appropriately. For example, a design record could contain a component "incidenceGraph", on which GRAPE functions could be applied. I have been using GRAPE recently to study partial linear spaces with parameters (s,t). These are 1-(v,s+1,t+1) designs, such that any pair of distinct blocks meet in at most 1 point. Hope you find this useful. Regards, Leonard. From Joachim.Neubueser@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Tue Mar 7 17:19:00 1995 Date: Tue, 07 Mar 95 17:19:00 +0100 From: "Joachim Neubueser" Subject: Re: left actions Dear Sarah, While, as always, we do not want to stop anybody from trying out in GAP whatever (s)he likes, after a little discussion here in Aachen we feel that we should not encourage writing a 'left action permutation package', certainly however we do not intend to do that here. We do not foresee which places would have to be modified in order to replace one permutation multiplication by the other, i.e. it seems to be necessary to look carefully at all the stuff involving actions and this would mean not only present work but also a continuous task, whenever new routines for permutation groups are added. Moreover it is of course an excellent source for bugs (I remember a published paper by a renowned colleague not so long ago where a wrong theorem was just due to mixing up the two multiplications). Finally, we have all that nice notation in GAP like i^p for the image of a point i under a permutation p, which does not match with left action at all. I understand the reason for using left action in particular with beginners, they are used to write the square root sign or other elementary functions in front of the argument. In my teaching of linear algebra I therefore start with column vectors, multiplied from the left with matrices, but I use this soon to explain that one might do it the other way round as well and by the end of the first term the students have learned that there are two ways of doing this, and that operation from the right has the advantage that mappings are applied in that sequence in which we read them in English or German (if we were e.g. Arabs, we would miss out on that nice argument). What about changing Newcasle habits rather than GAP, e.g. by disallusioning first year students to the sad fact that mathematicians are lousy individualists who have not managed in a couple of thousand years to get accepted agreement where to write the mapping, right or left ? Kind regards Joachim Neubueser From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Wed Mar 8 08:59:00 1995 Date: Wed, 08 Mar 95 08:59:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: GAP manual via HTTP? David Sibley wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/02/19 A GAP manual was available for a while via HTTP, at URL However, it disappeared recently. I can no longer access it. Instead, I get "Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused". Yes, sorry I switched to a new HTML server on a new port, and simply didn't notice when the other one died. Allow me to take this opportunity to tell you about the WWW information pages of Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik. They will be (but currently aren't) available at http://Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE/LDFM/ or alternatively (this is already working) http://Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE:8000/ Of particular interest should be the pages under http://Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE:8000/GAP/ where you will find our announcement, the manual (now better than ever ;-), and all messages from the forum. As always comments are most wellcome. Martin. -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Thu Mar 9 14:06:00 1995 Date: Thu, 09 Mar 95 14:06:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: possible error Andrew Mathas wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/02/24 I am getting a repeatable error with the following message: Gasman: has no handle for a bag of type [1] and size 20. What I would like to know is if any one recognises this error and knows of a probable cause. I suspect that the problem is with my own code as I am dealing with recursively nested lists at this point in the calculation, but smaller examples work fine so I am confused by the error. If anyone has any thoughts then I would be pleased to hear them. This error message tells you that GAP run out of memory. More precisely GAP was just trying to allocate memory for a list (type '[1]') for 5 elements ((<20 bytes> - <4 bytes for the length>) / <4 bytes per element>). This is of course also the reason why you don't see this happen when you try the smaller examples. I suggest that you start GAP with the '-g' option to see how large GAP gets before it finally gives up (GAP extends its workspace until the operating system refuses to give GAP any more memory). Martin. -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Fri Mar 10 10:42:00 1995 Date: Fri, 10 Mar 95 10:42:00 WET From: "Martin Schoenert" Subject: Re: Run a program of Chapter 16. Tang Ko Cheung wrote in his e-mail message of 1995/03/02 gap> x:=X(Rationals);"x"; x "x" gap> Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); 1 gap> TransitiveGroup(5,1); 5 = C(5) Very nice! Put it in a file say "gal-1.p", one need to type x:=X(Rationals);"x"; Print("x:=X(Rationals);'x'; \n\n"); Print("Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); \n"); Print(Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979), "\n\n"); Print("TransitiveGroup(5,1); \n"); Print(TransitiveGroup(5,1),"\n\n"); and type gap> Read("gal-1.p"); to run it. It needs a lot of extra typing! Being a user of IBM PC for years, I still have no idea of using I/O redirection to make "Read("")" output something to the screen without using "Print". What is in my mind is the batch file feature (with echo on/off) of MS-DOS so then I may use "LogTo" or "LogInputTo" to achieve the purpose easily. Will "Read" get some extra switches in the future? I am not quite sure what you want to achieve. If you want to be able to have GAP read commands from a file and to see both input and output on your screen you can do the following Putting the following commands into the file 'gap-1.p' LogInputTo("*stdout*"); x:=X(Rationals);"x"; Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); TransitiveGroup(5,1); and then starting GAP as follows ('-b' surpresses the banner) gap -b < gap-1.p produces the following output gap> gap> x:=X(Rationals);"x"; X(Rationals) "x" gap> Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); 1 gap> TransitiveGroup(5,1); 5 = C(5) gap> If you want to do that from a running GAP job, then something like this is not possible. This is because only the main interactive loop is a read-eval-print loop (actually a -read-eval-print loop). 'Read' only does a read-eval loop (i.e. no printing). It would not be too difficult to add a 'ReadWithEcho' to the GAP kernel. If this is what you want, I would be glad to show you how to do it. He continued -><- The release of GAP 3.4 of July/94 brings the birth of Chapter 16 Algebraic Extensions, but there is only a few discussions up to now. -><- I am completely at loss to interpret this. Is it a question? A call for discussions? Or an observation? Martin. -- .- .-. - .. -. .-.. --- ...- . ... .- -. -. .. -.- .- Martin Sch"onert, Martin.Schoenert@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE, +49 241 804551 Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Templergraben 64, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, Germany From Mon Mar 13 23:48:00 1995 Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 23:48:00 +0800 From: "TANG KO CHEUNG" Subject: Better Environment? In message 10 Mar 95 10:42 WET, Martin Schoenert writes: > I am not quite sure what you want to achieve. To be able to save a session with input and ouput to a file for later inspection.To be able to save the input of a session to a file say 'gal-1.p'. To be able to amend the commands in 'gal-1.p' without exiting gap. To be able to run the program from *within* GAP in order to produce the input and/or output to the screen, and/or to a file say 'gal-1.log' (without using print and without exiting gap). This is nothing special but what I do with the notebook/worksheet interface of MS windows MATHEMATICA or MAPLE everyday. (actually, in that interface, one file is enough.) I even would not think of what I really want to achieve and they are in fact achieved every day. It is user-friendly and one can *concentrate on the experiment* rather than worrying about or wasting time with such things as above. I understand that to ask for a window-based GAP is totally impractical and I can forsee what will be the response of the GAP's architect. In the present IBM PC dos-based GAP environment, I know that LogTo, LogInputTo, Read, Print, PrintTo may be the solution (at least partially) and I have mentioned this, though not so explict, in my previous message. Martin continued > If you want to be able to have GAP read commands from a file > and to see both input and output on your screen you can do the > following > > Putting the following commands into the file 'gap-1.p' > > LogInputTo("*stdout*"); > x:=X(Rationals);"x"; > Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); > TransitiveGroup(5,1); > > and then starting GAP as follows ('-b' surpresses the banner) > > gap -b < gap-1.p > > produces the following output > > gap> gap> x:=X(Rationals);"x"; > X(Rationals) > "x" > gap> Galois(x^5-110*x^3-55*x^2+2310*x+979); > 1 > gap> TransitiveGroup(5,1); > 5 = C(5) > gap> Well! I can understand the trick now despite the fact that line 1 of the output above got a double gap>. Also, I do not know why gap.bat -b < gal-1.p does not work on my IBM PC compatible with dos 6.22 though I can make it work by changing the last line of gap.bat to %GAP_DIR%\bin\gapdjg -m %GAP_MEM% -l %GAP_DIR%/lib/; -h %GAP_DIR%\doc\ -b < gal-1.p I find that gapdjg.exe -b < gal-1.p works fine as well. As one can notice the execution time of gap> TransitiveGroup(5,1); gap> TransitiveGroup(5,2); the second command provides its output almost instantaneously, I consider the sequence enetering gap -> run only one program -> automatically exiting gap, turns out to waste the 'loading time'. Martin continued > If you want to do that from a running GAP job, then something like this > is not possible. This is because only the main interactive loop is a > It would not be too difficult to add a 'ReadWithEcho' to the GAP kernel. Well! I have the interest in running a program from *within* gap and put the input and/or output to the screen, and/or to a file (without using print and without exiting gap). I would like to know various possible solutions. I am eager to see an example of system programming too! More questions: - I find that gap> Exec("command"); 'the shell to dos command' *sometimes* takes a long time. Is there some way to shorten it? - I can make gap> Edit("gal-1.p"); works after a lot of time in browsing through the manual. I notice that it is not a 'pure' edit but is an edit-AND-read, and the turn-around time is long. How to make a faster and/or 'pure' edit? Best regards, From Joachim.Neubueser@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Wed Mar 15 12:39:00 1995 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 95 12:39:00 +0100 From: "Joachim Neubueser" Subject: Re: Better Environment? Dear Mr. Tang Ko Cheung, Since Martin Schoenert, to whose answer in the GAP Forum you reply, is at present absent from aachen and will be so for the next few days, I just want to reply briefly instead. GAP has not got notebook or worksheet faciliies like Mathematica or Maple. These are certainly nice commodities, nevertheless we have not put a similar development anywhere in our priority list. Please realize that we are a small mathematics department and our first priority is the development of the mathematical facilities of GAP. Generally speaking, perhaps also commercial systems have both a stronger natural interest as well as more free means for the development of such parts of the surface. As to the very detailed technical points in your letter, I do not think that they are of great interest to the large majority of the more than 300 participants of the GAP-forum. For answering such question we have created the address GAP-trouble, where we try as well as we can to answer such questions too without bothering the forum members. I expect that Martin Schoenert will try to answer (with copy to the small group of experts reading the GAP-trouble correspondence), also your further technical questions. May I suggest however that we stop their further discussion in the GAP-forum. With kind regards Joachim Neubueser From Tue Mar 21 02:56:00 1995 Date: Tue, 21 Mar 95 02:56:00 -0500 From: "L. McCarthy" Subject: Products of Elements of Different Fields -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- I haven't seen this phenomenon mentioned in the GAP Forum, so I'm hoping this isn't old news. While experimenting with the possibilities of creating elements of "unusual" domains in GAP, I've noticed a small bug in the code for Rationals.operations.AlgebraicExtensionElmOps.\*: (This is in GAP v3r4p1) gap> Q := Rationals; := "Q"; x := Indeterminate(Q); := "x"; Rationals "Q" X(Q) "x" gap> a := RootOf(x^3 + x + 1); RootOf(x^3 + x + 1) gap> b := RootOf(x^5 - x^2 + 1); RootOf(x^5 - x^2 + 1) gap> a * b; Segmentation fault (core dumped) I think I have figured out why this happens. In the aforementioned routine, this is what happens when the elements to be multiplied lie in different domains: elif a.domain <> b.domain then return a.operations.\*( a, b ); I'm not sure what the intent of this particular line was, but it seems bound to lead to an infinite recursion whenever it's reached. So I presume the procedure call stack is overflowing, causing the segmentation fault. Until the implementation of multiple extensions is ready, perhaps the above lines should actually read: elif a.domain <> b.domain then Error(" and lie in no common domain"); Take care -L. Futplex McCarthy -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBL26GVWf7YYibNzjpAQFzSwQAoXnY5u/uLxhQKIlnWnngMQvJ+FehlBhZ 1SK/f4ujndokTcqEiaEZ+UuottsmfFJ1+4r3EQsI8yw2c9vphU1t4lcquLfy/gcW r+vIjaWowjFGtdr5c5cQqH3ZYI2kBzkamaNJ42GV+w7g7BIhDF2Lfdpp8ptzwbzL P2+yfzJQxFQ= =e/OD -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From Tue Mar 28 14:57:00 1995 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 95 14:57:00 +0200 From: "Jaroslav Gurican" Subject: Bug in Kernel GroupHomo... Dear Forum, We have encountered the following problem: gap> a:=Group( (1,2,3,4)); Group( (1,2,3,4) ) gap> b:=Group((5,6,7,8)); Group( (5,6,7,8) ) gap> g:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(a,b,a.generators,b.generators); GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( (1,2,3,4) ), Group( (5,6,7,8) ), [ (1,2,3,4) ], [ (5,6,7,8) ] ) gap> KernelGroupHomomorphism(g); Subgroup( Group( (5,6,7,8) ), [ ] ) As you can see, gap aims, that this kernel is a subgroup of g.range instead of g.source. The problem is (we hope) only in the case if g is a bijection. Is it enough to change lines else hom.kernel := TrivialSubgroup( Parent(hom.range) ); ^^^^^ fi; fi; # not IsBound(hom.inverseMapping.orbit) or not IsBound(hom.kernel) to lines else hom.kernel := TrivialSubgroup( Parent(hom.source) ); ^^^^^^ fi; fi; # not IsBound(hom.inverseMapping.orbit) or not IsBound(hom.kernel) in premhomo.g file (this seems to be the only convenient place, but we may fail)? Thank you Jaroslav Gurican, Martin Macaj From Thomas.Breuer@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Tue Mar 28 17:03:00 1995 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 95 17:03:00 WET From: "Thomas Breuer" Subject: Re: Bug in KernelGroupHomo... Dear Forum, Jaroslav Gurican and Martin Macaj wrote to you about a bug in 'KernelGroupHomomorphism' for permutation groups, which occurs only if the kernel in question is trivial. Thanks for that. Their proposal of a fix is correct, it is sufficient to change 'range' to 'source' in the line of 'permhomo.g' mentioned in their message. This bug had been noticed already. The fix will be part of the next upgrade (which will be released soon). Kind regards Thomas Breuer From Alexander.Hulpke@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Tue Mar 28 17:39:00 1995 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 95 17:39:00 -0500 From: "Alexander Hulpke" Subject: Re: Products of Elements of Different Fields Lewis McCarthy wrote: > I haven't seen this phenomenon mentioned in the GAP Forum, so I'm hoping > this isn't old news. At least to me it's new, as I never tried simultaneously with different algebraic extensions. > elements of "unusual" domains in GAP, I've noticed a small bug in the code > for Rationals.operations.AlgebraicExtensionElmOps.\*: [multiplication of elements in different AlgebraicExtensions leads to infinite recursion, example omitted] > I think I have figured out why this happens. In the aforementioned routine, > this is what happens when the elements to be multiplied lie in different > domains: > > elif a.domain <> b.domain then > return a.operations.\*( a, b ); > > I'm not sure what the intent of this particular line was, but it seems > bound to lead to an infinite recursion whenever it's reached. So I presume > the procedure call stack is overflowing, causing the segmentation fault. Your diagnosis is completely correct. The original intention for this line was to allow possibilities for multiplication with further user-defined objects. By standard, the multiplication function of the right multiplicand is called. If it does not know how to deal with this object, the idea was to try the left multiplication function. Unfortunately doing so, I laced my own shoes as this might lead to infinite recursions as in your example. > Until the implementation of multiple extensions is ready, perhaps the above > lines should actually read: > > elif a.domain <> b.domain then > Error(" and lie in no common domain"); Actually, the function takes care beforehand of multiple extensions (though they are not yet supported). The case of very different objects with own operations did not yet arise and will be dealt with differently in future versions of GAP; therefore this fix should do no harm (unless you really want to define weird objects) and will certainly save you from this crash. Of course this is rather a cleanup and still does not give you the possibility to execute your example multiplication. For doing so, you'd need to define a new extension. Mail me directly if you want help with this. Yours, Alexander Hulpke -- Alexander Hulpke, Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, RWTH, 52056 Aachen, , until April '95: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada From Wed Mar 29 08:56:00 1995 Date: Wed, 29 Mar 95 08:56:00 -0600 From: "Walter Carlip" Subject: Memory Use I'm puzzled by Gap's use of memory. I find that "Gasman" fails to obtain "bags" for many computations I attempt. Let me give a particular example. I was investigating the cardinality of the set {g | has abelian Sylow 2-subgroup} as A ranges over the conjugacy classes of subgroups of a group G and g ranges over elements of G. I have Gap the group G = SymmetricGroup(6), which is not too large (720). While Gap had no difficulty computing the ConjugacyClassesSubgroups, or doing other computations with G, it choked on my program: Myvector := function(group,classes,prime) local A,g,i,v; v:=[]; for A in classes do i:= 0; for g in Elements(group) do if IsAbelian(SylowSubgroup(Closure(A.representative,g),prime)) then i:= i+1; fi; od; Append(v,[i]); od; return(v); end; Question: Is Gap having difficulty with this because it attempts to save every bit of information it computes, i.e., a list of each subgroup together with its sylow 2-subgroup? If this is the problem, is there a way to tell Gap to discard intermediate results (when known to be no longer needed)? Thanks! --Walter _____________________________________________________________________________ Walter C3arlip **** **** (the "3" is silent) **** **** _____________________________________________________________________________