
This is chaosView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <appkit/View.h>
#import "Colormap.h"			//won't be needed when init is fixed
#import "chaosControl.h"
#import <math.h>

#define LISTSIZE 1024

void mulCoords(double *Real1, double *Imagine1, double *Real2, double *Imagine2);
// Returns coord1*coord2 in coord1 (for imaginary coords)
// Aux function proves useful!!

@interface chaosView : View
	double myWidth, myHeight;	//Width and height of the Chaos coords
	double myCenterX, myCenterY;	//Center of the Chaos coords
	int Depth, chaosColors;		//Depth and number of colors
	double xFactor, yFactor, twofactor, xsize, ysize, xstep, ystep;
			//xFactor == yFactor (for mandelbrot) == myWidth/bounds.size.width
			//twofactor tracks current resolution
			//xsize, etc are either == twofactor or twofactor/2
	float currentRow, currentCol;	//currentRow and col being plotted (in view coords)
	id CVchaosControl;		//id of controller for passing stuff
	id CVcolorMap;			//id of map for passing stuff shouldn't be needed.
					//when selection init is fixed won't be.
	NXColor *mycolorMap;		//List of colors generated by colorMap for use by

- gohome: (float *) newX: (float *) newY: (float *) newDX: (float *) newDY: (int *) newDepth;	//Returns the x, y, x width, y width, and depth.

- (int) colorindex: (double) Real: (double) Imaginary;
			//Returns the INDEX of the color to plot at the coords.
			//EVERYTHING calls this when it wants to plot a point.

- drawline;
//This is the timed call.  It draws one line at the current resolution
//Calls colorindex.  This is what to modify for non-cartesian plots
//(Lorenz attractors comming soon...)

- examinSelected:(float) realCenter: (float) imagineCenter: (float) realScale: (float) imagineScale: (int) newDepth;
//This will show the given area (x, y, width, height, at depth) at the highest resolution.
//Calls colorindex

- scrollup;	//These methods all scroll the view.
- scrollright;	//They shouldn't need to be changed, I think.
- scrolldown;	//They could all have been 1 method with a case, but I'm lazy, and
- scrollleft;	//Someone might think of a good reason for them to be separate.
		//The corners just call 2 of the scroll methods (yeah, lazy).
		//They call fillbox.

-startM:(float) XCenter: (float) YCenter: (float) XScale: (float) YScale: (int) ThisDepth;
//This is called at the beginning of each plot to tell the view where we're gonna look.
// x, y, width, height.  The height will actually be changed to match the width for scale.

- fillbox: (NXRect) myRect;	//fills myRect at the current resolution.  Calls colorindex.

- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;	//Obsolete, will be trashed.

- setColors: (NXColor *) colorMap: (int) colors: (NXColor) setColor;
//Is used to get the new color map from the colormap object.  Is called by the colormap.
//Ought to be called from the controller.  Would fix a bunch of uglies... Later.

- getController: sender: map;
//Called by the controller when the view is loaded.  Passes the instantiations of the
//controller and map so they can be spoken to by the chaosView.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.