
This is Colormap.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import "chaosView.h"

// 1 for the MandelBrot Color
#define N_COLORS		3

#define RED_TAG		1
#define GREEN_TAG	2
#define BLUE_TAG	3

#define PHASE_TAG	5
#define	CURVE_TAG	6

@interface Colormap:Object
    id		colorSelect;
    id		sliders;
    id		forms;
    id		mapView;
    id		thechaosView;
    id		myWell;
    id		isMono;
    float	redFreq, redPhase, redCurve;
    float	greenFreq, greenPhase, greenCurve;
    float	blueFreq, bluePhase, blueCurve;
    int		mapLength;
    float	*map;
    NXColor	*cMap;

- free;

- setup:sender;
 * Method called once at the beginning of time

- (int)mapLength;
- setMapLength:(int)length;
 * Get/set the number of elements in the color map array.

//- (int *)intMap;
 * Returns the current color map.

- changeColor:sender;
 * changeColor is called whenever one of the fields or sliders are changed.

- setColor:(int)color :(float)freq :(float)phase :(float)curve;
 * Modify one of the colors.

- setColors:(float)rf :(float)rp :(float)rc
	   :(float)gf :(float)gp :(float)gc
	   :(float)bf :(float)bp :(float)bc;
 * Set all the colors.

- updateFields:sender;
 * update the sliders, fields from the internal instance variables

- updateMap:sender;
 * update the color map from the internal instance variables
 - updateChaosView:sender;
 - getnewChaosView:newView;


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