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Category: SciPlot is a scientific 2D plotting and manipulation program. Installation: Unpack the archive and double click the SciPlot.pkg and the SciPlotDemos.pkg. The SciPlot.pkg contain the programm itself and can be installed for NeXT, Intel, HP, SUN or all. The SciPlotDemos.pkg contain a collection of demo files. This package is optional and it is not necessary to install it. Required NeXTStep Release: 3.x (NeXT, Intel, HP, SUN) Author: Michael Wesemann Schillerstr. 73, 10627 Berlin, Germany (NeXTMail preferred) License: SciPlot is Shareware! Everybody can use, copy, and distribute SciPlot as often as he wants. If you like SciPlot and use it regularly you can remit DM 50 or $35 or a bottle of good red wine. Commercial distribution is strictly forbidden without the permission of the author. Warranty: There is no warranty whatsoever for SciPlot. The entire risk of using the program lies with you. Features: - free number of data points and document windows - up to 256 data buffers / document - a general multilevel undo function - ASCII import and export - EPS export - image import (EPS and TIFF) - copy, cut, paste - selective open and save - macro programming language with 150 functions and 60 builtin variables - 70 builtin functions for expressions - calculations on data buffers with expressions - interpolated calculations with buffers (+, -, *, / ) - free hand data manipulations (cut, edit, move, etc.) - spreadsheet like data editor - sorting of data - normalizing and moving - axis conversions - background subtractions (linear,shirley,tougaard, bezier) - integration and relative integration - fitting of one or more free defined functions - linear, logarithmic, and exponential regression - function generator - spline interpolation - least square smooth and FFT smooth - differentiation and integration - FFT (with data windowing) - ESCA calculations and database - absolute,relative, and free defined error bars - grids - data zoom and document zoom - plotting in many styles - separate control about each graphic attribute - automatic or manual defined axis steps - automatic legend - subviews - linear and logarithmic axes - two different axes - forward and reverse axis plotting - text and graphic - color support ... and something more For more information look up in the help files.
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