
This is DieRoller.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// DieRoller
// Copyright (C) 1992 Contemporary Design Studios. All rights reserved.

#import "DieRoller.h"

@implementation DieRoller


- (int)rollDie:(int) numSides
    return [self randMax:(numSides - 1)] + 1;

// roll:die:

- (int)roll:(int) numRolls die:(int) numSides
    int temp = 0;
    int loop;
    for (loop = 1 ; loop <= numRolls ; loop++ )
	temp += [self rollDie:numSides];
    return temp;

// rollBest:of:die:

- (int) rollBest:(int)numWanted of:(int)numRolls die:(int)numSides
    int temp[numRolls];				// Array of rolls
    int loop1;					// First loop control variable
    int loop2;					// Second loop control variable
    int highest;				// Index of highest found roll
    int accumulator = 0;			// Accumulates total best roll
    for (loop1 = 1 ; loop1 <= numRolls ; loop1++)	// Fill an array with rolls
	temp[loop1] = [self rollDie:numSides];
    for (loop1 = 1 ; loop1 <= numWanted; loop1++) {
	highest = 1;				// Start off as if first is highest
	for (loop2 = 2 ; loop2 <= numRolls ; loop2++)	// Scan array for higher rolls
	    if (temp[loop2] > temp[highest])	// If temp[loop2] is higher, then
		highest = loop2;		//     remember that fact
	accumulator += temp[highest];		// Add highest roll to accumulator
	temp[highest] = 0;			// Clear highest roll so we don't find it again
    return accumulator;				// Return what we found


// End of file.

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