
This is HistogramView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// HistogramView
// Copyright (C) 1992 Contemporary Design Studios.

#import "HistogramView.h"
#import "Random.h"
#import "ElkinsEngine.h"
#import <appkit/Button.h>
#import <dpsclient/wraps.h>	/* for PSxxx functions */
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <math.h>

#define	RANGEFROM	0.0
#define RANGETO		1.0	
#define NUMBINS		800
#define SCALE		1
#define SCALEBY		2

@implementation HistogramView

// initFrame:

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
    return [self initFrame:frameRect scale:SCALE numBins:NUMBINS];

// initFrame:scale:numBins:

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect scale:(int)aScale numBins:(int)aNumBins
    [super initFrame:frameRect];
    randGen = [[Random alloc] initEngineInstance:[[ElkinsEngine alloc] init]];
    scaleInval = YES;
    scale = aScale;
    numBins = aNumBins;
    binFlags = NULL;
    bins = NULL;
    binRects = NULL;
    [self allocBins];
    return self;

// free

- free
    return [super free];

// allocBins

- allocBins
    int		i;
    if(binFlags != NULL) free(binFlags);
    if(bins != NULL) free(bins);
    if(binRects != NULL) free(binRects);
    binFlags = (BOOL *)malloc(numBins * sizeof(BOOL));
    bins = (int *)malloc(numBins * sizeof(int));
    binRects = (NXRect *)malloc(numBins * sizeof(NXRect));
    binsLeft = 0.0;
    binsBottom = 0.0;
    binWidth = bounds.size.width / numBins;
    binHeightIncrement = bounds.size.height / scale;
    for(i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
        binFlags[i] = NO;
	bins[i] = 0;
	binRects[i].origin.x = binsLeft + i * binWidth;
	binRects[i].origin.y = binsBottom;
	binRects[i].size.width = binWidth;
	binRects[i].size.height = 0.0;
    return self;

// start:

- start:sender
    [startButton setEnabled:NO];
    [stopButton setEnabled:YES];
    // Set up modal session:
    [NXApp beginModalSession:&mySession for:[self window]];
    // Run modal session:
    while([NXApp runModalSession:&mySession] != NX_RUNSTOPPED) {
        [self addPoint:[randGen percent]];
    return self;

// stop:

- stop:sender
    [stopButton setEnabled:NO];
    [startButton setEnabled:YES];
    [NXApp stopModal];
    return self;

// clear:

- clear:sender
    scaleInval = YES;
    scale = SCALE;
    numBins = NUMBINS;
    [self allocBins];
    [self display];
    return self;

// rescaleTo:

- rescaleTo:(int)newScale
    int		i;
    if((newScale < 1) || (newScale >= MAXINT)) {
        [self clear:self];
	return self;
    scale = newScale;
    binHeightIncrement = bounds.size.height / scale;
    for(i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
        binRects[i].size.height = binHeightIncrement * bins[i];
    scaleInval = YES;
    return self;

// addPoint:

- addPoint:(double)x
    int		binNum;
    if((x < 0.0) || (x >= 1.0))
	return self;
    binNum = floor(numBins * x);
    binFlags[binNum] = YES;
    if(bins[binNum] > scale)
    	[self rescaleTo:(scale * SCALEBY)];
    	binRects[binNum].size.height += binHeightIncrement;
    [self display];
    return self;

// add:points:

- add:(int)num points:(double *)array
    return self;

// takeScaleFrom:

- takeScaleFrom:aControl
    return self;

// takeNumBarsFrom:

- takeNumBarsFrom:aControl
    return self;

// drawSelf::

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
    int		i;
    // Redraw the scale, if necessary:
    if(scaleInval) {
	// Draw the scale:
    // Redraw the bins, as necessary:
    for(i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
    	if(binFlags[i] || scaleInval) {
	    binFlags[i] = NO;
    // Cleanup and return:
    scaleInval = NO;
    return self;


// End of file.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.