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X Window System Graphics


x11(display = "", width = 7, height = 7, ps = 12,
    printcmd = options("printcmd")$printcmd,
    paper = options("papersize")$papersize,  orientation = "flexible")


display the display on which the graphics window will appear. The default is to use the value in the user's environment item DISPLAY.
width the width of the plotting window in inches.
height the height of the plotting window in inches.
ps the default pointsize to be used.
printcmd the command used to print a hardcopy.
paper papertype for hardcopy, currently "a4" or "letter".
orientation for hardcopies: "portrait", "landscape" or "flexible".


x11 starts a graphics device driver for the X Window System (version 11). This should be done automagically at start up time and can only be done on machines that run X.

print.plot() prints the plot using the printcmd command. save.plot("fig.ps") saves an encapsulated postscript version of the plot in the file "fig.ps" (attempting to be pretty wysiwyg). Both make use of the paper and orientation arguments.

See Also

postscript, macintosh, device.