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Write data to a file


write(x, file="data",
        ncolumns=if(is.character(x)) 1 else 5,


x the data to be written out.
file the name of the file (quoted) to write to.
ncolumns the number of columns to write the data in.
append if TRUE the data x is appended to file file.


The data (usually a matrix) x are written to file file. If x is a two dimensional matrix you need to transpose it to get the columns in file the same as those in the internal representation.


# create a 2 by 5 matrix x <- matrix(1:10,ncol=5) # the file data contains x, two rows, five cols # 1 3 5 6 9 will form the first row write(t(x)) # the file data now contains the data in x, # two rows, five cols but the first row is 1 2 3 4 5 write(x)