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Sort a Vector


sort(x, partial=NULL, na.last=NA)


If partial is NULL, sort returns the values in x sorted into ascending order.

If partial is non NULL, it is taken to contain indexes of elements of x which are to be placed in their correct positions by partial sorting. After the sort, the values specified in partial are in their correct position in the sorted array. Any values smaller than these values are guaranteed to have a smaller index in the sorted array and any values which are greater are guaranteed to have a bigger index in the sorted array.

If na.last is NA, sort removes missing values. If na.last is TRUE, missing values are put last, if FALSE, missing values are put first.

See Also

order, rank.


data(swiss); x <- 100 * swiss $ Education[1:25] x; sort(x); sort(x, partial = c(10,15)) median # shows you another example for 'partial'