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Options Settings


options(digits=, expressions=, width=, prompt=,
        continuation=, editor=)


This function allows user to set and examine a variety of global ``options'' which affect the way in which R computes and displays its results. digits controls the number of digits to print when printing numeric values. It is a suggestion only. expressions sets a limit on the number of nested expressions that will be evaluated. This is especially important on the Macintosh since stack overflow is likely if this is set too high.

width controls the number of characters on a line. You may want to change this if you resize the window that R is running in. prompt must be a quoted string. The expression inside the quotes will be used for the prompt. continuation must be a quoted string. It sets the prompt used for lines which continue over one line. editor sets the default text editor. Invoking options returns a list with the current values of the options stored in it.


# print the current options options() # set the editor options(editor="nedit")