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Invoke a Text Editor


edit(name=NULL, file="", editor = "vi")
vi(name=NULL, file="")
emacs(name=NULL, file="")
xemacs(name=NULL, file="")
xedit(name=NULL, file="")


name a named object that you want to edit. If name is missing then the file specified by file is opened for editing.
file a string naming the file to write the edited version to.
editor a string naming the text editor you want to use.


edit invokes the text editor specified by editor with the object name to be edited. data.entry can be used to edit data. It is important to realize that edit does not change the object called name. Instead, a copy of name is made and it is that copy which is changed. Should you want the changes to apply to the object name you must assign the result of edit to name.

In the form edit(name), edit deparses name into a temporary file and invokes the editor editor on this file. Quiting from the editor causes file to be parsed and that value returned. Should an error occur in parsing, possibly due to incorrect syntax, no value is returned. Calling edit(), with no arguments, will result in the temporary file being reopened for further editing.

See Also

data.entry, fix.


# use xedit on the function mean and assign the changes mean <- edit(mean, editor="xedit") # use vi on mean and write the result to file mean.out vi(mean, file="mean.out")