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Chi-Square Test


chisquare.test(x, y=NULL, correct=T,


This function performs a chisquare test on the contingency table in the object x and returns the results of the test. If x is a vector or a matrix with one row or column and y has no argument then the table is assumed to be one-dimensional, and the chisquare test for a specific set of population probabilities is performed. These are in the vector p, or, if p is missing, are assumed to be equal. If x is a matrix with two or more rows and two or more columns or x and y are vectors or factors specifying a two-way contingency table with two or more rows and two or more columns then a chisquare test for independence or equal group probabilities is performed. If correct=TRUE then Yates' continuity correction is applied to 2 by 2 tables.


The function prints out the result of the test and returns a list containing the following elements:
chi the matrix containing the components of chi-square. E the matrix containing the expected values.