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Random Number Generation


.Random.seed <- c(n1,n2,n3)


.Random.seed is an integer vector of length 3, containing the ``seed'' for all random number generation in R. The Wichmann-Hill generator is used which has a cycle length of 6.9536e12 (= prod(p-1)/4 where p is the length 3 vector of primes, below), see p.123 of Applied Statistics (1984) vol.33 which corrects the original article.


.Random.seed == r[1:3], where r[i] is in 1:p[i], and p = (30269, 30307, 30323).


B.A. Wichmann and I. D. Hill (1982). Algorithm AS 183: An Efficient and Portable Pseudo-random Number Generator, Applied Statistics, 31, 188-190; Remarks: 34,p.198 and 35, p.89.

A. De Matteis and S. Pagnutti (1993). Long-range Correlation Analysis of the Wichmann-Hill Random Number Generator, Statist. Comput., 3, 67-70.


Initially, there is no seed; a new one is created, using "Randomize". Hence, student exercises will each have different simulation results, by default.

See Also

runif, rnorm, ....


runif(1); .Random.seed; runif(1); .Random.seed # If there is no seed, a ``random'' new one is created: rm(.Random.seed); runif(1); .Random.seed p.WH <- c(30269, 30307, 30323) a.WH <- c( 171, 172, 170) R.seed <- function(i.seed = .Random.seed) (a.WH * i.seed) %% p.WH my.runif1 <- function(i.seed = .Random.seed) { ns <- R.seed(i.seed); sum(ns / p.WH) %% 1 } ##- This shows how 'runif(.)' works, just using R - functions : rs <- .Random.seed R.seed(rs); u <- runif(1); .Random.seed; c(u, my.runif1(rs))