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The Hypergeometric Distribution


dhyper(x, N1, N2, n)
phyper(x, N1, N2, n)
qhyper(p, N1, N2, n)
rhyper(nobs, N1, N2, n)


N1 the number of white balls in the population.
N2 the number of black balls in the population.
n the number of balls drawn from the urn.
p probability, it must be between 0 and 1.
nobs the number of observations to be generated.


These functions provide information about the hypergeometric distribution with parameters N1, N2 and n. dhyper gives the density, phyper gives the distribution function qhyper gives the quantile function and rhyper generates random deviates.

The hypergeometric distribution has density

p(x) = Choose(N1,x) Choose(N2,n-x) / Choose(N1+N2,n)

((Equations will(?) come with HTML 3.x ))
for x = 0, ..., n.