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The Exponential Distribution


dexp(x, rate=1)
pexp(q, rate=1)
qexp(p, rate=1)
rexp(n, rate=1)


x,q vector of quantiles.
p vector of probabilities.
n number of observations to generate.
rate vector of rates.


These functions provide information about the exponential distribution with rate rate (i.e. mean 1/rate). dexp gives the density, pexp gives the distribution function qexp gives the quantile function and rexp generates random deviates.

The exponential distribution with rate λ has density

f(x) = lambda e^-( lambda x)

((Equations will(?) come with HTML 3.x ))
for x >= 0.

See Also



dexp(1) - exp(-1) #-> 0 r <- rexp(100) all(abs(1 - dexp(1, r) / (r*exp(-r))) < 1e-14)