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Foreign Function Interface


.C(name, ..., NAOK=FALSE)
.Fortran(name, ..., NAOK=FALSE)



name a character string giving the name of a C function or Fortran subroutine.
... arguments to be passed to the foreign function.
NAOK if TRUE then any NA values in the arguments are passed on to the foreign function. If FALSE, the presence of NA values is regarded as an error.
libname a character string giving the pathname to a DLL.


The functions .C and .Fortran can be used to make calls to C and Fortran code.

dyn.load links the specified shared library to the executing R image. Calls to .C and .Fortran can then be used to execute C functions or Fortran subroutines contained in the library.

The creation of shared libraries the runtime linking of them into executing programs is very platform dependent. In recent years there has been some simplification in the process because the C subroutine call dlopen has become the standard for doing this under Unix. dyn.load uses the dlopen mechanism and should work on all platforms which support it.

The original code for loading DLLs in UNIX was provided by Heiner Schwarte.