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/* MathDecimalArray - MathArray subclass of NSDecimal numbers Copyright (C) 1997, Adam Fedor */ #import <Foundation/NSString.h> #import <Foundation/NSDecimalNumber.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include "MathArrayPrivate.h" #include "MathArray/MAValue.h" #include "MathArray/MAValueData.h" #include "MathArray/array_encoding.h" #ifdef HAVE_DRAND48_DEF #include <stdlib.h> #define GEN_RANDOM drand48() #else #if (sun && __svr4__) || defined(__hpux) || defined(_SEQUENT_) || defined(mips) extern double drand48(); extern void srand48(); #define GEN_RANDOM drand48() #else extern long random(); extern void srandom(); #define srand48 srandom #define RANDOM_MAX (2147483647) /* (2**31)-1 */ #define GEN_RANDOM (double)(random() & 0xffffffffl)/RANDOM_MAX #endif #endif /* not HAVE_DRAND48_DEF */ static precision_t precision = 0x320108; /* A minor non-thread safe variable */ static int rounding; inline static NSDecimal find_min(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b); inline static NSDecimal find_max(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b); inline static NSDecimal find_sum(NSDecimal sum, NSDecimal num); typedef NSDecimal (*caster_f_t)(void *, unsigned long); typedef NSDecimal (*operate_f_t)(NSDecimal, NSDecimal); static caster_f_t cast_function(const char *); static operate_f_t operate_function(ma_operator_t); static NSDecimal NSSetDecimal(double num) { NSDecimal result; //FIXME: find a better way of setting result = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble: num] decimalValue]; return result; } static ma_trap_t trap_error_from_decimal(NSCalculationError err) { ma_trap_t trap; trap = 0; switch(err) { case NSCalculationLossOfPrecision: trap = FLT_INEXACT; break; case NSCalculationUnderflow: trap = FLT_UNDERFLOW; break; case NSCalculationOverflow: trap = FLT_OVERFLOW; break; case NSCalculationDivideByZero: trap = FLT_DIV0; break; default: trap = 0; } return trap; } @interface MAMutableValueData(MutableData) - (void) setLength: (unsigned)length; @end @interface MathDecimalArray : MathArray { } @end @implementation MathDecimalArray : MathArray + (precision_t)precision { return precision; } + (const char *)objCType { return @encode(NSDecimal); } - convertFromObjCType:(const char *)oldType { ordered_index_t i, max_elements; const char* newType; NSDecimal *data; NSDecimal (*caster)(void *, unsigned long) = cast_function(oldType); newType = [self objCType]; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); if (array_aligned_sizeof_elements(oldType) < array_aligned_sizeof_elements(newType)) { [arrayData setLength: max_elements * math_aligned_size(newType)]; data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) data[max_elements-i-1] = caster(data, max_elements-i-1); } else { data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) data[i] = caster(data, i); [arrayData setLength: max_elements * math_aligned_size(newType)]; } [arrayData setObjCType: newType]; return self; } - maMatrixMultiply:(MathArray *)otherArray { unsigned i, j, k; unsigned a_size[2]; unsigned b_size[2]; void *b_data; MAMutableValueData *cMatrix; NSDecimal *a_data; NSDecimal *c_data; NSDecimal (*caster)(void *, unsigned long) = cast_function([otherArray objCType]); [super maMatrixMultiply:otherArray]; a_size[0] = [self sizes][0]; if (dimension == 2) a_size[1] = [self sizes][1]; else a_size[1] = 1; b_size[0] = [otherArray sizes][0]; if ([otherArray dimension] == 2) b_size[1] = [otherArray sizes][1]; else b_size[1] = 1; cMatrix = [MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:a_size[0]*b_size[1] objCType:[self objCType]]; a_data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; b_data = [[otherArray mathData] mutableBytes]; c_data = [cMatrix mutableBytes]; [MathArray _startMath]; for (i=0; i < a_size[0]; i++) { for (j=0; j < b_size[1]; j++) { unsigned loc = i*b_size[1]+j; c_data[loc] = NSSetDecimal(0); for (k=0; k < a_size[1]; k++) { NSCalculationError calc_error; NSDecimal result, temp; temp = caster(b_data, k*b_size[1]+j); calc_error = NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &a_data[i*a_size[1]+k], &temp, math_flags.round); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); calc_error = NSDecimalAdd(&c_data[loc], &c_data[loc], &result, math_flags.round); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); } } } [arrayData release]; arrayData = [cMatrix retain]; a_size[1] = b_size[1]; if (a_size[1] == 1) dimension = 1; [size release]; size = [[MAValueData dataWithValues:a_size count:dimension objCType:@encode(unsigned)] retain]; [MathArray _finishMath]; return self; } - _maOperate:(ma_operator_t)operator with:(MathArray *)value { unsigned long i, j, max_elements; unsigned long increment; void *otherData; NSDecimal *data; NSDecimal (*operate)(NSDecimal, NSDecimal) = operate_function(operator); NSDecimal (*caster)(void *, unsigned long) = cast_function([value objCType]); if (operate == 0) { MA_RAISE_ILLEGAL; /* NOT REACHED */ } if (operator == ma_matrix_multiply) { return [self maMatrixMultiply:value]; } data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; increment = 1; otherData = [[value mathData] mutableBytes]; if ([value dimension] == 0) increment = 0; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); j = 0; for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) { rounding = math_flags.round; data[i] = operate(data[i], caster(otherData, j)); j += increment; } return self; } - _maPerform: (double_func_t)mathFunction { unsigned long i, max_elements; NSDecimal *data; /* Can't do functions on NSDecimal numbers */ MA_RAISE_PERFORM max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) { NSDecimalNumber* number; number = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal: data[i]]; data[i] = NSSetDecimal(mathFunction([number doubleValue])); } /* Raise an error since we are not really operating on NSDecimal numbers */ ma_fpe_errno |= FLT_OTHER; return self; } - _maPerformFunction:(perform_func_t)perform_func userInfo:(void *)info { unsigned long i, max_elements; unsigned *index = [[[size mutableCopy] autorelease] mutableBytes]; NSDecimal *data; NSRange *range; range = [[MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:dimension objCType:@encode(NSRange)] mutableBytes]; for (i=0; i < dimension; i++) { range[i].location = 0; range[i].length = ((unsigned *)[size bytes])[i]; } index = start_index_from_range(dimension, range, index); max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; // FIXME: need to set up autorelease pool to get rid of extra objects for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) { NSDecimalNumber *number; NSDecimal temp; [[arrayData valueAtIndex:i] getValue: &temp]; number = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal: temp]; // FIXME: Catch the exceptions here number = perform_func(number, index, info); data[i] = [number decimalValue]; increment_index_in_range(dimension, range, index, 1); } return self; } - maInvert { [self maNotImplemented:_cmd]; return self; } // FIXME: use NSDecimal to calculate random numbers... /* Generate a uniform random number n, such that min <= n < max */ - maRandomUniformMin: (double)min toMax: (double)max { unsigned long i, max_elements; NSDecimal *data; [self _updateLazyArray]; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; if (ma_random_seed == 0) ma_random_seed = time(NULL); srand48(ma_random_seed); for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) { data[i] = NSSetDecimal(GEN_RANDOM * (max - min) + min); } return self; } /* Generate a normal random number with the given mean and standard deviation. Uses the Box-Miller method which produces two numbers each iteration */ - maRandomNormalMean: (double)mean deviation: (double)dev { unsigned long i, max_elements; NSDecimal *data; [self _updateLazyArray]; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; if (ma_random_seed == 0) ma_random_seed = time(NULL); srand48(ma_random_seed); for (i=0; i < max_elements/2; i++) { double r, theta; r = dev * sqrt( -2.0 * log(GEN_RANDOM) ); theta = 2.0 * M_PI * GEN_RANDOM; data[i*2] = NSSetDecimal(r * cos(theta) + mean); data[i*2+1] = NSSetDecimal(r * sin(theta) + mean); } if (max_elements & 0x01) { double r, theta; r = dev * sqrt( -2.0 * log(GEN_RANDOM) ); theta = 2.0 * M_PI * GEN_RANDOM; data[max_elements - 1] = NSSetDecimal(r * cos(theta) + mean); } return self; } - (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)_loopArrayWith: (NSDecimal (*)(NSDecimal, NSDecimal))loopFunc { unsigned long i, max_elements; const NSDecimal *data; NSDecimal number; [self _updateLazyArray]; [MathArray _startMath]; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData bytes]; number = data[0]; for (i=1; i < max_elements; i++) number = loopFunc(number, data[i]); [MathArray _finishMath]; return [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal: number]; } - (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMinimumValue { return [self _loopArrayWith:find_min]; } - (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMaximumValue { return [self _loopArrayWith:find_max]; } - (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maTotal { rounding = math_flags.round; return [self _loopArrayWith:find_sum]; } - maWhere { ordered_index_t i, max_elements; unsigned j; NSDecimal *data; NSDecimal zero; j = 0; max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]); data = [arrayData mutableBytes]; zero = NSSetDecimal(0); for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) if (NSDecimalCompare(&data[i], &zero) != NSOrderedSame) data[j++] = NSSetDecimal(i); [arrayData setCount:j]; [size release]; dimension = 1; size = [[MAValueData dataWithValues:&j count:dimension objCType:@encode(unsigned)] retain]; return self; } @end inline static NSDecimal find_min(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedAscending) ? a : b; } inline static NSDecimal find_max(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedAscending) ? b : a; } inline static NSDecimal find_sum(NSDecimal sum, NSDecimal num) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalAdd(&result, &sum, &num, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } /* All the functions which know how to cast from any known type to our type */ static inline NSDecimal cast_from_uchar(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((unsigned char*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_char(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((char*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_ushort(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((unsigned short*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_short(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((short*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_uint(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((unsigned int*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_int(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((int*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_ulong(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((unsigned long*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_long(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((long*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_ulonglong(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((unsigned long long*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_longlong(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((long long*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_float(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((float*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_double(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((double*)data + loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_complexfloat(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((float*)data + 2*loc));} static inline NSDecimal cast_from_complexdouble(void *data, unsigned long loc) {return NSSetDecimal(*((double*)data + 2*loc));} static caster_f_t cast_function(const char *type) { switch(*type) { case _C_CHR: return cast_from_char; break; case _C_UCHR: return cast_from_uchar; break; case _C_SHT: return cast_from_short; break; case _C_USHT: return cast_from_ushort; break; case _C_INT: return cast_from_int; break; case _C_UINT: return cast_from_uint; break; case _C_LNG: return cast_from_long; break; case _C_ULNG: return cast_from_ulong; break; case 'q': return cast_from_longlong; break; case 'Q': return cast_from_ulonglong; break; case _C_FLT: return cast_from_float; break; case _C_DBL: return cast_from_double; break; case _C_STRUCT_B: // FIXME: need better check for complex if (math_aligned_size (type) == math_aligned_size (@encode(complex_float))) return cast_from_complexfloat; else if (math_aligned_size (type) == math_aligned_size (@encode(complex_double))) return cast_from_complexdouble; break; } MA_RAISE_CAST; /* NOT REACHED */ return 0; } /* All the functions which know how to operate on this type */ /* static inline NSDecimal op_exponent(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalPower(&result, &a, &b, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } */ static inline NSDecimal op_multiply(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &a, &b, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } static inline NSDecimal op_divide(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalDivide(&result, &a, &b, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } static inline NSDecimal op_add(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalAdd(&result, &a, &b, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } static inline NSDecimal op_subtract(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal result; NSCalculationError calc_error; calc_error = NSDecimalSubtract(&result, &a, &b, rounding); ma_fpe_errno |= trap_error_from_decimal(calc_error); return result; } /* static inline NSDecimal op_mod(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { ma_fpe_errno = FLT_OTHER; return NSSetDecimal(0); } */ static inline NSDecimal op_minimum(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedAscending) ? a : b; } static inline NSDecimal op_maximum(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedAscending) ? b : a; } static inline NSDecimal op_not(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal zero = NSSetDecimal(0); return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &zero) == NSOrderedSame) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : zero; } static inline NSDecimal op_equal(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedSame) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } static inline NSDecimal op_not_equal(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) != NSOrderedSame) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } static inline NSDecimal op_less_or_equal(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) <= NSOrderedSame) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } static inline NSDecimal op_less(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedAscending) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } static inline NSDecimal op_greater_or_equal(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) >= NSOrderedSame) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } static inline NSDecimal op_greater(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &b) == NSOrderedDescending) ? NSSetDecimal(1) : NSSetDecimal(0); } // FIXME: How do you do logical ops on floats? static inline NSDecimal op_and(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal zero = NSSetDecimal(0); return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &zero) != NSOrderedSame && NSDecimalCompare(&b, &zero) != NSOrderedSame) ? b : zero; } static inline NSDecimal op_or(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal zero = NSSetDecimal(0); return (NSDecimalCompare(&a, &zero) != NSOrderedSame || NSDecimalCompare(&b, &zero) != NSOrderedSame) ? b : zero; } static inline NSDecimal op_xor(NSDecimal a, NSDecimal b) { NSDecimal zero = NSSetDecimal(0); return ((NSDecimalCompare(&a, &zero) != NSOrderedSame || NSDecimalCompare(&b, &zero) != NSOrderedSame) && !(NSDecimalCompare(&a, &zero) != NSOrderedSame && NSDecimalCompare(&b, &zero) != NSOrderedSame)) ? b : zero; } static operate_f_t operate_function(ma_operator_t operator) { switch(operator) { case ma_exponent: MA_RAISE_PERFORM break; case ma_multiply: return op_multiply; break; case ma_matrix_multiply: NSCAssert(0, @"Invalid operator reference"); break; case ma_divide: return op_divide; break; case ma_add: return op_add; break; case ma_subtract: return op_subtract; break; case ma_mod: MA_RAISE_PERFORM break; case ma_minimum: return op_minimum; break; case ma_maximum: return op_maximum; break; case ma_not: return op_not; break; case ma_equal: return op_equal; break; case ma_not_equal: return op_not_equal; break; case ma_less_or_equal: return op_less_or_equal; break; case ma_less: return op_less; break; case ma_greater_or_equal: return op_greater_or_equal; break; case ma_greater: return op_greater; break; case ma_and: return op_and; break; case ma_or: return op_or; break; case ma_xor: return op_xor; break; } return 0; }
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