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MathArray (Extensions)

Inherits From:	NSObject

Declared In:	MathArray/MathArrayExtensions.h, MathArray/MANumber.h

Catagory Description

MathArray is a general class for performing mathematical operations on array (1-D vectors, 2-D matrices, etc) of values.  See MathArray for a better description of the class.  This document describes some convienent extensions to the 'spartan' class definition.  Most of these methods are implemented in terms of other methods.

Method Types

Operating on/with arrays	- maAdd:
	- maAnd:
	- maDivide:
	- maEqual:
	- maExponent:
	- maGreater:
	- maGreaterOrEqual:
	- maLess:
	- maLessOrEqual:
	- maMatrixMultiply:
	- maMaximum:
	- maMaximumValue
	- maMinimum:
	- maMinimumValue
	- maMod:
	- maMultiply:
	- maNot
	- maNotEqual:
	- maOr:
	- maSubtract:
	- maXor:

Performing functions on arrays	- maAbs
	- maArcCos
	- maArcSin
	- maArcTan
	- maCos
	- maExp
	- maFFt:
	- maInvert
	- maLogBase10
	- maNaturalLog
	- maRandomUniformMin:toMax:
	- maRandomNormalMean:deviation:
	- maSin
	- maSqrt
	- maTan

Other functions	- maShift:
	- maTotal
	- maTranspose
	- maWhere
	+ setRandomSeed:

Instance Methods

-  maAbs

Takes the absolute value of the receiver..

See also:  

-  maAdd:value

Adds value to the receiver. 

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maAnd:value

Takes the logical AND of value and the receiver.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maArcCos

Takes the inverse or 'arc' cosine of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maArcSin

Takes the inverse or 'arc' sine of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maArcTan

Takes the inverse or 'arc' tangent of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maCos

Takes the cosine of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maDivide:divisor

Divides the receiver by value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maEqual:value

Logically test for the equality of the receiver and value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maExp

Replaces the receiver by  exp(receiver).

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maExponent:exp

Replaces the receiver by (receiver)^exp.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maFFt:(int)direction

Performs a Fast-Fourier Transform on the receiver in the specified direction: -1 for a forward transform, +1 for an inverse transform. The receiver is automatically converted to a complex type. NOTE: Currently the FFt can only be performed on arrays that have sizes that are integer powers of two.

See also:  

-  maGreater:value

Logically tests for the receiver being greater than value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maGreaterOrEqual:value

Logically tests for the receiver being greater than or equal to value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maInvert

Inverts the array.

See also:  

-  maLess:value

Logically tests for the receiver being less than value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maLessOrEqual:value

Logically tests for the receiver being less than or equal to value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maLogBase10

Take the logarithm (base 10) of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maMatrixMultiply:(MathArray *)otherArray

Performs matrix or vector multiplication between the receiver and otherArray. Raises an MAArrayMismatchException  if the dimension or sizes of the arrays are not compatible..

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maMaximum:value

Replaces each element of the receiver by the maximum of either the receiver or value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMaximumValue

Returns  a new MANumber which contains the maximum value of the array.

See also:  

-  maMinimum:value

Replaces each element of the receiver by the minimum of either the receiver or value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMinimumValue

Returns  a new MANumber which contains the minimum value of the array.

See also:  

-  maMod:value

Replaces each element of the receiver with the mathematical MOD of the receiver and value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maMultiply:factor

Multiplies the receiver by factor.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maNaturalLog

Takes the natural logarithm of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maNot

Performs a logical NOT on  the receiver.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maNotEqual:value

Logically test for the receiver and value being not equal.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maOr:value

Performs a logical OR between the receiver and value.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maRandomUniformMin:(double)min toMax: (double)max

Replaces the receiver with an array of uniformly distributed numbers n such that min <= n < max. Uses the math library function drand48() if available, otherwise uses random().

See also: -  maRandomNormalMean:devaition:, -  setRandomSeed:

-  maRandomNormalMean:(double)mean deviation: (double)deviation

Replaces the receiver with an array of normally distributed numbers with the given mean and standard deviation. Uses the Box-Miller method of generating noramlly distributed numbers. Uses the math library function drand48() if available, otherwise uses random() as a base for calculating the numbers.

See also: -  maRandomUniformMin:toMax:, -  setRandomSeed:

-  maShift:(int *)positions

Shift each value of the array by an amount specified in the array positions. If, for instance, the receiver is a two-dimensional array and positions = {4,-7}, then each value in the receiver is shifted 4 rows down (forward) and 7 columns back. Values wrap around in the array.

See also: 

-  maSin

Takes the sine of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maSqrt

Takes the square root of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  maSubtract:value

Subtracts value from the receiver.

See also:  ± maOperate:with:

-  maTan

Takes the tangent of the receiver.

See also:  ± maPerform:

-  (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maTotal

Returns the sum of every element in the array as an MANumber.

See also:  

-  maTranspose

Transposes the array.

See also:  

-  maWhere

Replaces the receiver by an array which contains the orderedIndex values of where the receiver was nonzero. You can use this in more complex expressions to, for instance, return the location of where the receiver is greater than 2:

	number2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:2.0];
	c = [[[MA_TEMPORARY(b) maGreater:number2] maWhere]

See also:  ± arrayValues:

-  maXor:value

Performs the logical XOR of the reciever with value.

See also:  

-  setRandomSeed:(int)seed 

Sets the seed used by the random number generator.  If left unset, or set to 0, the seed is replaced by the computer time as given by the function time() at the first suceeding call to one of the random number methods.

See also: -  maRandomUniformMin:toMax:, -  maRandomNormalMean:deviation:

MathArray (ComplexExtensions)

Inherits From:	NSObject

Declared In:	MathArray/MathArrayExtensions.h

Catagory Description

These are extension methods for use with complex numbers.

Method Types

Making complex arrays	+ maComplexArrayWithReal:imaginary:

Operating on arrays	- isComplex
	- maConjugate
	- maImaginary
	- maMagnitude
	- maPhase
	- maReal

Class Methods

+  (MathArray *)maComplexArrayWithReal:(MathArray *)realArray
imaginary:(MathArray *)imagArray

Returns a new array of complex type made from the combination of the non-complex arrays realArray and imagArray.

See also: 

Instance Methods

-  (BOOL)isComplex

Returns YES if the receiver is complex type.

See also:  

-  maConjugate

Replaces the receiver by its complex conjugate. If the array is not complex, it is automatically promoted to a complex type. 

See also:  

-  maImaginary

Replaces the receiver by its imaginary part. The array is set to 0 if it is not complex.

See also:  ± maReal

-  maMagnitude

Replaces the receiver by its magnitude, i.e. SQRT({Re}^2 + {Im}^2).

See also:  ± maPhase

-  maPhase

Replaces the receiver by its phase, i.e. tan-1(Im/Re). The array is set to 0 if it is not complex.

See also:  ± maMagnitude

-  maReal

Replaces the receiver by its real part.

See also:  ± maImaginary

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