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    MathArrayExtensions - More methods for MathArray
    Copyright (C) 1995, Adam Fedor
    MathArrayExtensions.m,v 1.15 1995/09/19 00:02:11 adam Exp
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#import <foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include "MathArrayPrivate.h"
#include "MathArray/MAValueData.h"

/* This is a dummy function so that we can force the methods in this
   file to be loaded by non-NeXT linkers. */
const char *
    return "MathArrayExtensions";

@implementation MathArray (ArrayOperators)
/* MathArray is a general class for performing mathematical operations on array (1-D vectors, 2-D matrices, etc) of values.  See MathArray for a better description of the class.  This document describes some convienent extensions to the 'spartan' class definition.  Most of these methods are implemented in terms of other methods.

/* Replaces the receiver by (receiver)^exp. */
 - maExponent:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_exponent with:value];

/* Multiplies the receiver by factor. */
- maMultiply:factor
    return [self maOperate:ma_multiply with:factor];

/* Divides the receiver by divisor */
- maDivide:divisor
    return [self maOperate:ma_divide with:divisor];

/* Adds value to the receiver. */
- maAdd:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_add with:value];

/* Subtracts value from the receiver. */
- maSubtract:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_subtract with:value];

/* Replaces each element of the receiver with the mathematical 
   MOD of the receiver and value.*/
- maMod:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_mod with:value];

/* Replaces each element of the receiver by the minimum of either the 
   receiver or value. */
- maMinimum:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_minimum with:value];

/* Replaces each element of the receiver by the maximum of either the 
   receiver or value. */
- maMaximum:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_maximum with:value];

/* Performs a logical NOT on  the receiver. */
- maNot
    return [self maOperate:ma_not with:nil];

/* Logically tests for the receiver and value being equal */
- maEqual:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_add with:value];

/* Logically test for the receiver and value being not equal. */
- maNotEqual:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_not_equal with:value];

/* Logically test for the receiver being less than or equal to value. */
- maLessOrEqual:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_less_or_equal with:value];

/* Logically test for the receiver being less than value. */
- maLess:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_less with:value];

/* Logically test for the receiver being greater than or equal to value */
- maGreaterOrEqual:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_greater_or_equal with:value];

/* Logically test for the receiver being greater than value. */
- maGreater:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_greater with:value];

/* Takes the logical AND of value and the receiver. */
- maAnd:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_and with:value];

/* Takes the logical OR of value and the receiver. */
- maOr:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_or with:value];

/* Takes the logical XOR of value and the receiver. */
- maXor:value
    return [self maOperate:ma_xor with:value];

/* Performs matrix or vector multiplication between the receiver and
   otherArray. Raises an MAArrayMismatchException if the dimension or 
   sizes of the arrays are not compatible. */
- maMatrixMultiply:(MathArray *)otherArray
    const unsigned *a_size;
    const unsigned *b_size;

    if (dimension > 2 || [otherArray dimension] > 2) {
    	[NSException raise:MAArrayMismatchException
		format:@"Unable to multiply arrays of dimension > 2"];
    if (dimension == 0 || [otherArray dimension] == 0) {
    	[NSException raise:MAArrayMismatchException
		format:@"Request to matrix multiply scalar value."];
    a_size = [self sizes];
    b_size = [otherArray sizes];
    if ((dimension == 2 && a_size[1] != b_size[0])
    	    || (dimension ==1 && b_size[0] != 1)) {
    	[NSException raise:MAArrayMismatchException
		format:@"Matrix multiply with incompatible arrays."];
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    /* Subclasses should implement the actualy multiplication */
    return self;

@implementation MathArray (ArrayFunctions)

/* Takes the absolute value of the receiver. */
- maAbs
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)fabs];

/* Takes the inverse or 'arc' cosine of the receiver. */
- maArcCos
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)acos];

/* Takes the inverse or 'arc' sine of the receiver. */
- maArcSin
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)asin];

/* Takes the inverse or 'arc' tangent of the receiver. */
- maArcTan
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)atan];

/* Takes the cosine of the receiver. */
- maCos
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)cos];

/* Replaces the receiver by  exp(receiver). */
- maExp
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)exp];

/* Take the logarithm (base 10) of the receiver. */
- maLogBase10
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)log10];

/* Take the natural logarithm (base e) of the receiver. */
- maNaturalLog
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)log];

/* Take the tangent of the receiver. */
- maTan
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)tan];

/* Take the sin of the receiver. */
- maSin
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)sin];

/* Take the square root of the receiver. */
- maSqrt
    return [self maPerform: (double_func_t)sqrt];

/* Invert the array */
- maInvert
    [self maSubclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return self;

/* Transpose the array. */
- (void)_doTranspose
    MAMutableValueData *tMatrix;
    MAMutableValueData *tSize;
    NSRange *range;
    const void *data;
    void *t_data;
    const unsigned *sizes;
    unsigned *t_sizes;
    unsigned *t_index;
    unsigned max_elements;
    int bpe;
    int i;

    /* FIXME: There must be a way to do this "in place" */
    tMatrix = [arrayData mutableCopy];
    tSize = [size mutableCopy];
    t_sizes = (unsigned *)[tSize mutableBytes];
    t_index = [[MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:dimension
		objCType:@encode(unsigned)] mutableBytes];
    range = [[MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:dimension
		objCType:@encode(NSRange)] mutableBytes];
    sizes  = [self sizes];
    for (i=0; i < dimension; i++) {
    	t_sizes[i] = sizes[dimension - i - 1];
	range[i] = NSMakeRange(0, sizes[i]);
    data = [arrayData bytes];
    t_data = [tMatrix mutableBytes];
    bpe = array_aligned_sizeof_elements([arrayData objCType]);
    max_elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]);
    start_index_from_range(dimension, range, t_index);
    for (i=0; i < max_elements; i++) {
    	memcpy((t_data+inverted_ordered_index(dimension, tSize, t_index)*bpe), 
		(data+i*bpe), bpe);
	increment_index_in_range(dimension, range, t_index, 1);

    [arrayData release];
    [size release];
    arrayData = tMatrix;
    size = tSize;

- maTranspose
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    /* No real need for this - Should we enforce it anyway?
    if (dimension > 2) {
    	[NSException raise:MAArrayMismatchException
		format:@"Unable to transpose arrays of dimension > 2"];
    if (dimension == 0)
    	return self;
    if (dimension == 1) {
	unsigned new_sizes[2];
	new_sizes[1] = 1;
	new_sizes[2] = [(NSNumber *)[size valueAtIndex:0] unsignedIntValue];
    	return [self reformArrayToDimension:2 size: new_sizes];
    if (dimension == 2 
    	    && [(NSNumber *)[size valueAtIndex:0] unsignedIntValue] == 1) {
    	return [self reformArrayToDimension:0 size: NULL];
    [self _doTranspose];
    return self;

/* Performs a Fast-Fourier Transform on the receiver in the specified 
   direction: -1 for a forward transform, +1 for an inverse transform. */
- maFFt:(int)direction
    if (![self isComplex]  && math_flags.promote == 1) {
    	if ([[self class] willPromoteToDouble])
    	    [self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_double)];
    	    [self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_float)];
	return [self maFFt:direction];
    [NSException raise:MAPerformException
	format:@"Unable to perform FFt on non-complex arrays."];
    return self;

/* Shift each value of the array by an amount specified in the array
   positions. Values wrap around in the array. */
- maShift:(int *)positions
    int i;
    int array_size;
    void      *data;
    unsigned  *index = [[[size mutableCopy] autorelease] mutableBytes];
    const unsigned  *sizes = [size bytes];
    NSRange   *range;
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    range = [[MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:dimension 
		objCType:@encode(NSRange)] mutableBytes];
    for (i=0; i < dimension; i++) {
        range[i].location = 0;
	range[i].length = sizes[i];
    array_size = array_num_elements(dimension, sizes);
    data = [arrayData mutableBytes];
    for (i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
    	array_size /= sizes[i];
    	if (positions[i] != 0) {
	    int shift;
	    MAMutableValueData *temp;
	    shift = (positions[i] % sizes[i]);
	    if (shift < 0) shift = sizes[i] - shift;
	    temp = [MAMutableValueData dataWithCount:array_size*shift
	    		objCType:[self objCType]];
	    index = start_index_from_range(dimension, range, index);
	    do {
	    	NSRange trange;
		/* Copy end of array into temp array */
		index[i] = sizes[i] - shift;
		trange = NSMakeRange(ordered_index(dimension, size, index),
	    	[arrayData getValues:[temp mutableBytes] range:trange];
		/* Shift rest of array over */
		/* Here we assume the replace operation correctly handles
		   the case where the replacing buffer overlaps the replaced
		   buffer */
		index[i] = shift;
		trange = NSMakeRange(ordered_index(dimension, size, index),
		index[i] = 0;
		[arrayData replaceValuesInRange:trange
			withValues: ((char *) data
			    *array_aligned_sizeof_elements([self objCType]))];
    		/* Now copy back temp array to beggining or the array */
		trange = NSMakeRange(ordered_index(dimension, size, index),
		[arrayData replaceValuesInRange:trange
			withValues:[temp bytes]];
    	    } while (!(increment_index_in_range(dimension, 
	    		range, index, array_size*sizes[i])));
	} /* if */
    } /* for dimension */
    return self;

/* Returns  a new number which contains the minimum value of the array. */
- (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMinimumValue
    /* If we're not a subclass, we must be un-initialized */
    return [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];

/* Returns  a new number which contains the maximum value of the array. */
- (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maMaximumValue
    /* If we're not a subclass, we must be un-initialized */
    return [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];

/* Returns  a new number which contains the sum of all the elements in
   the array. */
- (id <NSNumber,ComplexNumber>)maTotal
    /* If we're not a subclass, we must be un-initialized */
    return [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];

/* Replaces the receiver by an array which contains the orderedIndex values 
   of where the receiver was nonzero. You can use this in more complex 
   expressions to, for instance, return the location of where the receiver 
   is greater than 2:

	number2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:2.0];
	c = [[[MA_TEMPORARY(b) maGreater:number2] maWhere]
- maWhere
    [self maSubclassResponsibility:_cmd];
    return self;


@implementation MathArray (ComplexExtensions)

/* Sneaky method to take a real array and cast it to a complex array that
   is unmeshed (imaginary numbers comes after all real numbers). After
   that, the values are meshed together. Used by
   maComplexArrayWithReal:imaginary: */
- _reformToComplexMeshed
    unsigned i, elements;
    unsigned bpe;
    unsigned *new_sizes;
    char *data;
    const char *saved;
    MAMutableValueData* tempData;
    /* Set arrayData to nil to avoid having the cast function recast 
       the values in the array - since they are already the correct type. */
    tempData = arrayData;
    arrayData = nil;
    if (strcmp([tempData objCType], @encode(float)) == 0) {
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_float)];
    } else {
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_double)];
    arrayData = tempData;
    if (strcmp([tempData objCType], @encode(float)) == 0) {
    	[arrayData setObjCType:@encode(complex_float)];
    } else {
    	[arrayData setObjCType:@encode(complex_double)];
    new_sizes = [[[size mutableCopy] autorelease] mutableBytes];
    new_sizes[0] = new_sizes[0]/2;
    [size release];
    size = [[MAValueData dataWithValues:new_sizes
		objCType:@encode(unsigned)] retain];
    /* Now mesh it - 
       This method uses a lot of space.  There is another method which
       only invloves swaping values, but this takes time because it's
       basically a weird permutation problem.  Which is better? */
    bpe = array_aligned_sizeof_elements([arrayData objCType]) / 2;
    elements = array_num_elements(dimension, [size bytes]);
    saved = [[[arrayData copy] autorelease] bytes];
    data  = [arrayData mutableBytes];
    for (i=0; i < elements; i++) {
    	memcpy(data+2*(i+1)*bpe, saved+(i+1)*bpe, bpe);
    	memcpy(data+(2*i+1)*bpe, saved+(elements+i)*bpe, bpe);
    return self;

/* Returns a new complex array made from combining two non-complex
   arrays specifing the real and imaginary parts of the array */
+ (MathArray *)maComplexArrayWithReal:(MathArray *)realArray 
	imaginary:(MathArray *)imagArray
    MathArray *array;
    unsigned long length;
    const char* theType;
    precision_t r_prec, i_prec;
    if (!realArray && !imagArray) {
    theType = (realArray) ? [realArray objCType] : [imagArray objCType];
    if ([realArray isComplex] || [imagArray isComplex]) {
    if (realArray && imagArray) {
    	// FIXME: should arrays have same dimensions?
	length = array_num_elements([realArray dimension], [realArray sizes]);
	if (length 
		!= array_num_elements([imagArray dimension], 
			[imagArray sizes])) {
	    /* NOT REACHED */
	r_prec = [realArray precision];
	i_prec = [imagArray precision];
	if (r_prec > i_prec) {
	    imagArray = MA_TEMPORARY(imagArray);
	    [imagArray castToObjCType:[realArray objCType]];
	} else if (i_prec > r_prec) {
	    realArray = MA_TEMPORARY(realArray);
	    [realArray castToObjCType:[imagArray objCType]];

    if (realArray)
    	array = [realArray copy];
    	array =[[[self class] alloc] initArrayOfDimension:[imagArray dimension]
    		size:[imagArray sizes]
    if (imagArray)
        [array concatArray:imagArray];
    i_prec = [[[self class] classForObjCType:@encode(float)] precision];
    if ([array precision] < i_prec)
    	[array castToObjCType:@encode(float)];

    [array _reformToComplexMeshed];
    return [array autorelease];

/* Returns YES if the receiver is a complex array */
- (BOOL)isComplex
    if ([self objCType] == NULL)
    	return NO;

    if (strcmp([self objCType], @encode(complex_float)) == 0
    	    || strcmp([self objCType], @encode(complex_double)) == 0)
	return YES;
    return NO;

/* Replaces the receiver by the real portion of itself.  If the receiver is
   not a complex array, it remains unchanged */
- maReal
    [self _updateLazyArray];

    if (strcmp([self objCType], @encode(complex_float)) == 0)
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(float)];
    else if (strcmp([self objCType], @encode(complex_double)) == 0)
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(double)];
    return self;

/* Replaces the receiver by the imaginary portion of itself. If the 
   receiver is not a complex array, a zero-valued array is returned */
- maImaginary
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    NSAssert(!([self isComplex]), @"Invalid call to super from complex array");
    return [self maMultiply:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];

/* Replaces the receiver by the magnitude portion of itself. If the 
   receiver is not a complex array, it remains unchanged */
- maMagnitude
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    NSAssert(!([self isComplex]), @"Invalid call to super from complex array");
    return self;

/* Replaces the receiver by the phase portion of itself. If the 
   receiver is not a complex array, a zero-valued array is returned */
- maPhase
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    NSAssert(!([self isComplex]), @"Invalid call to super from complex array");
    return [self maMultiply:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];

/* Replaces the receiver by its complex conjugate. If the 
   receiver is not a complex array, it is converted into a complex array 
   with a zero-values imaginary part. */
- maConjugate
    [self _updateLazyArray];
    NSAssert(!([self isComplex]), @"Invalid call to super from complex array");
    if (!math_flags.promote)
    	return self;

    if (strcmp([self objCType], @encode(complex_double)) == 0)
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_double)];
    	[self castToObjCType:@encode(complex_float)];
    return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.