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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "hippo.h" #include "hutil.h" GLOB_QUAL const char htextio_c_rcsid[] = "$Id: htextio.c,v 1993/10/01 18:06:33 mfg Exp $"; static char *parsestr( char **token ); ntuple h_fileParse(FILE* ifile, ntuple oldnt, int verbose) { int i,j; int n_tok; int rc; int nt_dim; int titleset = 0; /* flags and placemarkers */ int labelsset = 0; int append; ntuple thisnt = oldnt; /* to return */ char *line = NULL; /* input strings */ int lineLen = 256; char *token; char **tokA; int n_tokA = 10; char *title = NULL; char **label; float *nt; int n_col = 10; if (thisnt != NULL) { nt_dim = h_getNtDim(thisnt); append = 1; } else { append = nt_dim = 0; } line = (char *) malloc( lineLen * sizeof(char) ); tokA = (char **) malloc( n_tokA * sizeof(char *) ); label = (char **) malloc( n_col * sizeof(char *) ); nt = (float *) malloc( n_col * sizeof(float) ); for (i=0; i<n_col; i++) label[i] = NULL; while (fgets(line,lineLen, ifile) != NULL) { while (line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n') { lineLen *= 2; line = (char *) realloc( line, lineLen * sizeof(char) ); if (fgets(&line[strlen(line)],lineLen/2,ifile) == NULL) break; } /* * break lines into tokens by ';' */ i = 0; tokA[i] = strtok(line,";"); while (tokA[i] != NULL) { /* first, skip white space */ while (*tokA[i] != '\0' && isspace(*tokA[i])) tokA[i]++; i++; if (i>=n_tokA) { tokA = (char **)realloc( tokA, (n_tokA+5)*sizeof(char *)); n_tokA += 5; } tokA[i] = strtok(NULL,";"); } n_tok = i; for (i=0; i<n_tok; i++) { if (sscanf(tokA[i],"%f",&nt[0]) == 1) { /* * this is string of numbers. * read in as many columns as possible. */ rc = 1; token = strtok(tokA[i]," ,\t"); j = 0; while (token != NULL && rc == 1) { if (j>=n_col) { n_col += 5; label = (char **)realloc(label, n_col*sizeof(char *)); nt = (float *)realloc(nt, n_col*sizeof(float)); } if ((rc = sscanf(token,"%f",&nt[j])) == 1) j++; token = strtok(NULL," ,\t"); } if (thisnt == NULL) { /* * create the ntuple. */ nt_dim = j; thisnt = h_new(nt_dim); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "ntuple dimension = %d\n", nt_dim); } /* * fill the ntuple. */ if (j >= nt_dim) { h_arrayFill(thisnt, nt ); if (verbose) { for (j=0;j<nt_dim;j++) fprintf(stderr,"%f ",nt[j]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } } else { /* * character string */ if (! titleset) { title = parsestr(&tokA[i]); if (title != NULL) titleset = 1; if (verbose && title != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"title = %s\n",title); } else if (! labelsset) { j = 0; while (j == 0 || label[j-1] != NULL) { if (j>=n_col) { n_col += 5; label = (char **) realloc(label, n_col*sizeof(char *)); nt = (float *) realloc(nt, n_col*sizeof(float)); } label[j] = parsestr(&tokA[i]); if (verbose && label[j] != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"label %d = %s\n", j,label[j]); j++; } if (j > 0) labelsset = 1; } } } } if (thisnt == NULL) { h_error("h_fileParse: file does not contain any tuples"); return NULL; } /* * set the title and labels (must do it late, since ntuple * may not be defined when title/labels are read in). */ if (!append) { if (title != NULL) h_setNtTitle( thisnt, title ); for (i=0; i<nt_dim && label[i]!=NULL; i++ ) h_setNtLabel( thisnt, i, label[i]); } return thisnt; } static char *parsestr( char **token ) { char *s, *string; char quote; while (**token != '\"' && **token != '\'' && **token != '\0') (*token)++; if (**token == '\0') return NULL; quote = **token; (*token)++; string = *token; while (**token != quote && **token != '\0') (*token)++; **token = '\0'; (*token)++; s = (char *) malloc( (strlen(string)+1) * sizeof(char) ); strcpy(s,string); return s; } int h_nt2text( FILE *outfile, ntuple nt ) { int i,j; if (nt == NULL || outfile == NULL) return -1; if (nt->title != NULL) fprintf(outfile,"\"%s\"\n", nt->title); else fprintf(outfile,"\"\"\n"); for (i=0; i<nt->ndim; i++) fprintf(outfile,"\"%s\" ", nt->label[i]); fprintf(outfile,"\n"); for (i=0; i<nt->ndata; i++) { for (j=0; j<nt->ndim; j++) fprintf(outfile,"%g ",nt->data[j][i] ); fprintf(outfile,"\n"); } return 0; }
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